Justice for Zimmerman

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So you admit that every argument you've made on the past three pages, at least, has been completely irrelevant?

Thanks for that, we appreciate that you recognize your own arguments are shit and boil down to your false assumptions and appeals to fallacy.
Dude, relax.
I'm saying that if Zimmerman hadn't been carrying a gun that night, it's likely nobody would have died.
Having said that, if Martin attacked first (which seems likely) he took the risk of attacking somebody who may or may not have been carrying a gun. Not Zimmerman's fault.
Zimmerman had every legal right to carry the gun. Not Zimmerman's fault.
With somebody on top of him grabbing for his gun telling him he was going to die, Zimmerman had every right to believe his life was in danger and defend himself. Again, not Zimmerman's fault.

So Zimmerman didn't necessarily do anything wrong, legallyormorally, but the fact that he was carrying a gun is ultimately what led to Martin's death. I guess maybe I should've taken this to the gun thread, but I was getting annoyed about how much everybody assumed the "head against the concrete" thing was a key factor when you could literally remove that entire part of the story and be left with exactly the same result and exactly the same legal culpability. Everybody pictures Martin's hand grabbing Zimmerman's head like a basketball, pulling it up then slamming it down with the full force of his body weight, but nobody saw this happening. It's just as likely (more likely, based on evidence) that Zimmerman had his arms crossed over his head which was already against the sidewalk and Martin's blows gave him a couple of gashes. Yes, that's enough to consider your life in danger, but you're not legally obligated to consider your life in danger, and Zimmerman's version of the story suggests he didn't.


So anyway, how do you think the trial's outcome will affect SYG and future legislation in Florida and the country as a whole?

As I see it, if Zimmerman is found guilty, there will be a hard push to repeal SYG.


Adebisi negged me too now presumably because they are Hodj's brain damaged friend. Haha! So many rustled jimmies.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Tanoo is typing words but not really saying anything.

We're discussing a trial where a kid beat up another man, and that other man shot him.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Dude, relax.
I'm saying that if Zimmerman hadn't been carrying a gun that night, it's likely nobody would have died.
Having said that, if Martin attacked first (which seems likely) he took the risk of attacking somebody who may or may not have been carrying a gun. Not Zimmerman's fault.
Zimmerman had every legal right to carry the gun. Not Zimmerman's fault.
With somebody on top of him grabbing for his gun telling him he was going to die, Zimmerman had every right to believe his life was in danger and defend himself. Again, not Zimmerman's fault.

So Zimmerman didn't necessarily do anything wrong, legallyormorally, but the fact that he was carrying a gun is ultimately what led to Martin's death. I guess maybe I should've taken this to the gun thread, but I was getting annoyed about how much everybody assumed the "head against the concrete" thing was a key factor when you could literally remove that entire part of the story and be left with exactly the same result and exactly the same legal culpability. Everybody pictures Martin's hand grabbing Zimmerman's head like a basketball, pulling it up then slamming it down with the full force of his body weight, but nobody saw this happening. It's just as likely (more likely, based on evidence) that Zimmerman had his arms crossed over his head which was already against the sidewalk and Martin's blows gave him a couple of gashes. Yes, that's enough to consider your life in danger, but you're not legally obligated to consider your life in danger, and Zimmerman's version of the story suggests he didn't.
If ifs and buts were candy and nuts we'd all be having a party.

But they aren't.

It doesn't matter what "if" Zimmerman hadn't been carrying a gun. This is a thread derail, completely off topic from the trial.

Adebisi negged me too now presumably because they are Hodj's brain damaged friend. Haha! So many rustled jimmies.
Another shit post. Cited for posterity.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
On the head injury thing, a few years ago at the Alameda county fair a couple drunks got into an argument and one punched the other one and the guy fell down, hit his head on the concrete and fucking died. The guy that threw the punch went to jail for several years. I always thought those two should get first and second prize for worst luck of the year.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
This thread is going to the shaw again, it looks like. Stick to the fucking topic, people.


Buzzfeed Editor
Numbers, shut the fuck up or it's to the rickshaw with you. Everyone else, get off Tanoomba's nuts. He's actually on topic here.


Avatar of War Slayer
On the head injury thing, a few years ago at the Alameda county fair a couple drunks got into an argument and one punched the other one and the guy fell down, hit his head on the concrete and fucking died. The guy that threw the punch went to jail for several years. I always thought those two should get first and second prize for worst luck of the year.
Random note also... getting hit in the fucking head is never a joke- watch all the Stallone movies you want where people are haymakering people in the head 50 times and whatnot- that is not reality. A normal person getting full force punched in the head/face by another normal person will be quite detrimental.


Numbers, shut the fuck up or it's to the rickshaw with you. Everyone else, get off Tanoomba's nuts. He's actually on topic here.
Oh oh. Here comes the law trying to stand up for the babies. Sure thing law man. I'll stop dancing on their nuts for a while.
If someone attacked me I would unload that fucking thing into his chest and head until he was down and fucking out(ie: no longer a threat to me)
This of course would be the #1 reason to fire more than 1 shot, however a close #2, maybe #1a:

If you are going to fire your weapon, you fire until your target is deceased, not incapacitated, not unconscious... deceased.

A dead man can't testify against you.
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