Justice for Zimmerman

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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I'm not "implying" anything, I'm telling you what the evidence shows. Zimmerman's injuries were not severe.
Wrong, in fact what you're saying now directly contradicts Vincent DiMiao's testimony in the trial. You're also making the case the Prosecution witness Dr Rao made, so don't try to lie again and say you aren't trying to round about say Zimmerman is guilty of murder here


DiMaio testified that Zimmerman, 29,had at least six injuries after his clash with Martin- including two on the back of his head that appeared to indicate impacts with concrete - one on each temple, one on his forehead and one on his nose.

Valerie Rao, a medical examiner who testified last week for the prosecution, said Zimmerman suffered "insignificant" injuries in the incident, as the state attempted to undermine Zimmerman's claim he feared for his life.

DiMaio said the injuries could be worse than they appeared. Lacerations to Zimmerman's head suggested the use of "severe force," he said, lending credence to his claim that Martin slammed Zimmerman's head into a concrete walkway after knocking him to the ground with a punch that broke his nose.
You are, in fact, implying that Zimmerman should not have used his gun to defend himself, because Martin hadn't severely injured him (According to you) and wasn't going to.

You're a dishonest hack

Of course not. He was entirely justified in the way he acted.
Wrong. If he wasn't in threat of serious bodily injury or death, his shooting wasn't justified. Hence why you're wrong, and why the court found him not guilty.

it's with people who assume the gun saved him from death/serious injury.
Right so your position is that 40 year veteran pathologist and leading medical examiner Dr Vincent DiMiao is wrong and you're right.

So time to pony up with that evidence that you have any background of mention whatsoever of relevance to this topic. We're waiting.


Vyemm Raider
So Tanoomba and hodj have been posting constantly, within minutes of each other for a week or more.

Confirmed same person.


Trakanon Raider
So...I'm confused, you say that Zimmerman's application of lethal force has no merit because his life wasn't in danger nor was in he in danger of serious bodily harm...but that he also shouldn't have been convicted?


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Again, he's been here spamming this thread for hours before I got here tonight.

I just came back and saw him completely derailing the thread and decided to do something about it. Mostly because he is trying to attack me by proxy through other people.

I might as well be here to make my arguments for myself if he's going to argue me whether I'm here or not.


You wrong me, Delita.

That hurts. You're basically my favorite video game character of all time.


Mr. Poopybutthole
*thump* I just struck my skull with my palm. *thump* Just did it again. Guess what happened? Nothing. Guess what happens the grand majority of the time someone is hit in the head? Nothing. What you described is what happens when someone is hit in the head with enough force to push the brain against the skull. That's not what happened to Zimmerman and there's no proof that that's what would have happened to Zimmerman.
Cause a self-administered open handed slap to the skull is the same as having someone else punch you in the face.

What the fuck.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Why is it that he's sitting here for hours attacking me, and somehow its my fault, or my responsibility to sit there and take it without response or rebuttal?

I'm pretty sure I ignored him all of the day, until he started rapid fire spamming this shit attacking me. Even then I let it go on for quite awhile before I said anything.


You are, in fact, implying that Zimmerman should not have used his gun to defend himself, because Martin hadn't severely injured him (According to you) and wasn't going to.

You're a dishonest hack
What's the matter with you? I'm not implying that at all. I could not be any clearer.

Wrong. If he wasn't in threat of serious bodily injury or death, his shooting wasn't justified. Hence why you're wrong, and why the court found him not guilty.
Wrong. He just had to believe he was in danger of serious bodily injury or death to be justified, which he did.

Right so your position is that 40 year veteran pathologist and leading medical examiner Dr Vincent DiMiao is wrong and you're right.

So time to pony up with that evidence that you have any background of mention whatsoever of relevance to this topic. We're waiting.
Dr. DiMeowmeow is fantastic when it comes to talking about whatcould havehappened. He's great at detailing the kind of damage the brainmighttake if ithappens to behit a certain way. I don't disagree with a single word he said. He's not a fortune-teller, though, so his testimony does nothing to prove Zimmerman would have been killed or suffered serious injury if he had not shot Martin.

I gotta go to bed. Keep your Jimmies rustled until tomorrow, though, we've made a lot of progress today. Well, notyouso much...


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
What's the matter with you? I'm not implying that at all. I could not be any clearer.
Its exactly what you're implying. You're even using the same words. Troll harder.

Wrong. He just had to believe he was in danger of serious bodily injury or death to be justified, which he did.
Right. He did...because he was.

Dr. DiMeowmeow is fantastic when it comes to talking about whatcould havehappened. He's great at detailing the kind of damage the brainmighttake if ithappens to behit a certain way. I don't disagree with a single word he said. He's not a fortune-teller, though, so his testimony does nothing to prove Zimmerman would have been killed or suffered serious injury if he had not shot Martin.
So basically, you don't disagree with anything he said, except you do disagree with all of it, he's not a fortune teller, but you are.

Anyway, he has a 40 year medical career, you have a degree in English. You have no authority to discount his testimony, and no capacity to refute it. You are literally done here. Hence why you're running away, till tomorrow, when you'll try to trot out the same stupid argument again to get everyone to go in circles on it again.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Attach a meaning or reason to points lest you risk confusing everyone you ever meet in your entire life.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
I can't keep up with this thread, but the snippets I'm able to catch make me glad that I'm spending my summer in Montana; 90% Caucasian, 7% Native American, 3% other. Jesus Christ, liberals really went full retard with this shit huh? Embarassing.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
This article goes to a url not found on the daily beasts main page, work for anyone else?

Yes, Trayvon's Jury Was Irrational

by Amanda Marcott

edit: it's up now


Wow I read that whole thing and it had nothing directly to do with the trial it's just a fluff peace about not thinking woman are emotionally driven. it was driving me nuts cause the link was dead for like 2 hours, and for this? blegh.


Millie's Staff Member
i dont see the link or the article. just going by the title its laughable. the jury who lived and breathed all the facts of the trial without any outside political influence or pressure was somehow irrational compared to the media who is ignoring large portions of the the evidence to fit their template that "a big racist white man profiled, stalked and murdered a little black toddler buying candy and soda then hid behind SYG" is just plain ridiculous.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>

Hey naacp and all the activist black people vote against stand your ground: because racism.


case and presidents speach.


Bronze Squire
God damn I'm waking up to 9 pages to read because you faggots couldn't stop replying to an idiot english teacher from Canada. And he even re-activated the Hodj machine damn it !

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Lol, Holder is a fucking oreo. Dude sounds white as can be and is as black as Colin Powell.


So...I'm confused, you say that Zimmerman's application of lethal force has no merit because his life wasn't in danger nor was in he in danger of serious bodily harm...but that he also shouldn't have been convicted?
Nope... never said his application of lethal force had no merit. I suspect you may be trolling, but read more carefully.


So Tanoomba is basically arguing that to use deadly force you should be examined by a doctor during your beating to make it official that you are sustaining life threatening injuries, otherwise you need to sit there and take the beating until you possibly die.
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