Justice for Zimmerman

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Cause a self-administered open handed slap to the skull is the same as having someone else punch you in the face.

What the fuck.
Do you remember the question? It was "What happens when a skull gets struck?" Nothing was mentioned about the force of said strike, so I have no choice but to assume the question refers to any time the skull gets struck with any force in any context. Obviously, in the grand majority of these cases, nothing happens. The self-administered slap to my skull, silly as it was, had the exact same effect on my skull that Martin's beating had on Zimmerman's: Nothing. Itcould havebeen worse, but it wasn't even close.


So basically, you don't disagree with anything he said, except you do disagree with all of it, he's not a fortune teller, but you are.

Anyway, he has a 40 year medical career, you have a degree in English. You have no authority to discount his testimony, and no capacity to refute it. You are literally done here. Hence why you're running away, till tomorrow, when you'll try to trot out the same stupid argument again to get everyone to go in circles on it again.
How am I a fortune teller? I'm not saying what would have happened. I'm saying what's more likely to have happened based on the evidence. I'm not discounting Dr. DiMeowmeow's testimony at all. The whole point of his testimony was that if your head is being struck, there are many things thatcouldgo wrong and you are therefore justified in considering your life in danger. I don't disagree with that, I never have. Saying "Yes you are, yes you are" a hundred times doesn't make it true.


Go break a cop's nose and see how they respond.
What's your point, and how does it in any way counter my point?
Reminder: My point is that it's foolish to assume Zimmerman shooting Martin preventing him from suffering death or serious injury.
Reminder: My point is that it's foolish to assume Zimmerman shooting Martin preventing him from suffering death or serious injury.
of course completely blind eyeing the evidence indicating trayvon had zimmerman mounted and was pushing the back of his head into not-grass, fair.


of course completely blind eyeing the evidence indicating trayvon had zimmerman mounted and was pushing the back of his head into not-grass, fair.
I'm not blind-eyeing that. I never have. All the evidence suggests that Zimmerman was on the shitty end of a one-sided fight, not that his life was in danger. Again, I'm not saying Zimmerman did anything wrong. He was justified. This is not some passive-aggressive way to lay the blame on Zimmerman. Zimmerman was justified in believing his life was in danger, but that's not the same thing as his life actually being in danger.

Saying he would have died/suffered serious injury had he not shot Martin is foolish.
Saying he might have died/suffered serious injury had he not shot Martin is fine (if contrary to the evidence).

That's it. It's you guys turning this ridiculously simple and easy-to-grasp point into a witch hunt. Y'all need to chill out a bit.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Tanoomba: lets say everything you're saying is true; how does that change anything? How does that change the outcome of the trial, the media coverage, or any other aspect of the case?

Answer: it doesn't.

You guys are arguing with a guy who literally has NO POINT. He's found some technicality you'll disagree with and he's going to hammer it so he can "win". What the fuck is wrong with all of you.


Tanoomba: lets say everything you're saying is true; how does that change anything? How does that change the outcome of the trial, the media coverage, or any other aspect of the case?

Answer: it doesn't.

You guys are arguing with a guy who literally has NO POINT. He's found some technicality you'll disagree with and he's going to hammer it so he can "win". What the fuck is wrong with all of you.
You're right, it doesn't change the outcome of the trial at all. After all, I wasn't talking about the outcome of the trial, or the media coverage. It is somewhat relevant to "other aspects of the case", however, as my point illustrates how following the trial and agreeing with the outcome doesn't make one immune from being swayed by emotion and making judgments not supported by evidence ("He didn't suffer life threatening injuries because he shot Martin before they could occur").

Is it a technicality? Sure, but I remember someone saying "being technically correct is the best kind of correct to be", or something along those lines. And, to be fair, I haven't been "hammering" anything. My point was consistently misinterpreted and I simply responded with patience and civility, clarifying my point of view, as often as people kept arguing points that were not relevant and need not have be argued. If people weren't so darned eager to paint me as being "wrong" just for the sake of saying I'm "wrong", this conversation would never have gone past 4 posts. Famm gets it, Fanaskin gets it, and now Cad the lawyer gets it. It might not mean much to you, but after being treated like a mouth-breathing short bus reject by some idiot who has yet to grasp my simple point, it means something to me.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
You're right, it doesn't change the outcome of the trial at all. After all, I wasn't talking about the outcome of the trial, or the media coverage. It is somewhat relevant to "other aspects of the case", however, as my point illustrates how following the trial and agreeing with the outcome doesn't make one immune from being swayed by emotion and making judgments not supported by evidence ("He didn't suffer life threatening injuries because he shot Martin before they could occur").

Is it a technicality? Sure, but I remember someone saying "being technically correct is the best kind of correct to be", or something along those lines. And, to be fair, I haven't been "hammering" anything. My point was consistently misinterpreted and I simply responded with patience and civility, clarifying my point of view, as often as people kept arguing points that were not relevant and need not have be argued. If people weren't so darned eager to paint me as being "wrong" just for the sake of saying I'm "wrong", this conversation would never have gone past 4 posts. Famm gets it, Fanaskin gets it, and now Cad the lawyer gets it. It might not mean much to you, but after being treated like a mouth-breathing short bus reject by some idiot who has yet to grasp my simple point, it means something to me.
There was nothing for me to "get", you have no point. You're arguing some language nuance that simply doesn't matter. Idiots dig their feet in and argue with you over nothing, you argue back with slack-jawed paragraphs of nothing and we end up with 10 nonsense pages. Please shut the fuck up and argue shit relevant to someone besides yourself.


There was nothing for me to "get", you have no point. You're arguing some language nuance that simply doesn't matter. Idiots dig their feet in and argue with you over nothing, you argue back with slack-jawed paragraphs of nothing and we end up with 10 nonsense pages. Please shut the fuck up and argue shit relevant to someone besides yourself.
Dude, relax. It's an open forum, I'm not trolling or breaking any rules. I'm actually engaging people in discussion relevant to the case here, which is more than you're currently doing. If you're less than satisfied with the last 10 pages of "nonsense", link an article or make a point yourself that people would consider worth discussing.

I do very much appreciate your acknowledgement that those who were arguing with me are idiots, though.


Tanoomba, please stop this shit.

Despite the fact hat I haven't been trolling or, in fact, doing anything other than responding to people who were addressing me specifically, I will "drop this shit" because you asked nicely. You'll infract me otherwise, after all.

At least my point has been proven.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Tuco you gotta do something about this shit. This guy is fucking off his medication or something.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
so debating the subject of the thread for too long is not ok, meanwhile the rampant racism within goes unchecked? WOW

Seriously, some people have used this whole thread as justification for them to say how much they hate black people.
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