Justice for Zimmerman

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Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
so debating the subject of the thread for too long is not ok, meanwhile the rampant racism within goes unchecked? WOW

Seriously, some people have used this whole thread as justification for them to say how much they hate black people.
examples of "rampant racism" please


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Seriously, dude? You're one step behind him.
Am I allowed to make a response without getting another infraction?

Because this shit is ridiculous. Go take a look at my posts yesterday.

I made 4. None of them in response to him. Until 11 pm last night, after he spent HOURS spamming this thread with attacks against me and my statements personally.

Maybe if you mods would have done something about that, I wouldn't have had to respond. I gave you plenty of time. Or was it my fault for not reporting him? Well see, the last time I did that, I got an infraction for...defending myself.

So basically, what you mods have said is Tanoomba has the right to go into a thread, attack me personally for hours, and if I respond, I'm in the wrong.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I love how everyone gets all frothy about racism but completely ignores the physical attack.

Assume for a second that GZ actually does hate black people. Like he won't eat with a fork that a black person ever even breathed on. Etc. Which is worse, being a racist or attacking and beating people on the street?

Why has nobody picked up on the irony that GZ thought TM was suspicious... and TM attacked him basically for nothing. Doesn't that make GZ exactly correct that TM was suspicious? Here's a guy who picked a fight for nothing. They're condemning GZ's suspicion when it was EXACTLY RIGHT.


Molten Core Raider
Maybe we can make a "Justice for Hodj/Tanoomba" thread

It's good to see that people are actually defending Zimmerman - Or rather, attacking Obama /sigh



I love how everyone gets all frothy about racism but completely ignores the physical attack.

Assume for a second that GZ actually does hate black people. Like he won't eat with a fork that a black person ever even breathed on. Etc. Which is worse, being a racist or attacking and beating people on the street?

Why has nobody picked up on the irony that GZ thought TM was suspicious... and TM attacked him basically for nothing. Doesn't that make GZ exactly correct that TM was suspicious? Here's a guy who picked a fight for nothing. They're condemning GZ's suspicion when it was EXACTLY RIGHT.
It's actually kind of similar to religious zealotry where anything that doesn't support their mantra is tuned out. Except, of course, for the fact that religion is bullshit whereas racism still does very much exist.

Here's a real question, though: What is the goal of the Martin defenders? If they just want Zimmerman to go to jail, their efforts will be futile and lead to nothing but anger and frustration. If they want to engage in a national discussion about race issues, they're more than justified in doing so, as long as they don't make the Zimmerman case their focal point, which is... exactly what they're doing. I respect their moral outrage, especially since we generally don't get nearly outraged enough at the shit going on around us. I don't respect their ignorance so much, but they actually could be fighting a good cause if they would be a little more intellectual about it and a little less easily emotionally manipulated.

EDIT: Anybody else getting a weird whining noise in this thread? I think my speakers are fine, but there's this obnoxious drawn-out squeal... kind of like a baby crying if that baby were also retarded. Anybody else getting that? Last 20 minutes or so? Anybody?


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Maybe if you mods would have done something about that, I wouldn't have had to respond. I gave you plenty of time.
This is the part I have issue with. You don't have to respond to him every single time. Is the part of your brain that can ignore people completely broken? Are you physically compelled to respond to every inane post someone makes that you take issue with? And there's a large gap between defending yourself(which I have no problem with) and making giant responses back and forth ad nausaem. People are reporting both of you guys and this thread alone has garnered so many fucking reported posts I wish we could lock it, set it on fire and push it off a cliff.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Why has nobody picked up on the irony that GZ thought TM was suspicious... and TM attacked him basically for nothing. Doesn't that make GZ exactly correct that TM was suspicious? Here's a guy who picked a fight for nothing. They're condemning GZ's suspicion when it was EXACTLY RIGHT.
I'm from the UK and until a few days ago when I read the original post I did not know that TM attacked GZ first. Most of the reporting in the UK recently has been about the outrage at the decision rather than the facts themselves. The case gives further fuel to the UK belief that no gun control is stupid and that the stand your ground law is stupid. Another example of the lack of reporting in UK media is that I didn't realise the SYG law wasn't used by the defence until recently...


Picked a fight for nothing, are you MENTAL? A 17 year old kid was being followed/stalked by an Adult who was armed, that's hardly nothing, jesus.

In my opinion if GZ was able to reach for his gun and point it in TM's chest whilst being straddled and attacked, then he could easily have fought TM off without reaching for the gun. TM might have had a longer reach but GZ on the date of the shooting had a massive weight/strength advantage.. Plus why shoot him in the chest which would evidently be fatal, why not just shoot him in the shoulder or something.
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