Justice for Zimmerman

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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Agreed on the royal family, who are also tax dodgers as well as tax scroungers.

"If its so one off, why are so many people arrested for protecting their homes from intruders in the UK? Why, despite being infinitely smaller, with a much smaller population, does the UK have more break ins and robberies and other violent crimes than the US per capita?"

I would estimate that there is a story like this once a year, if that. Not surprised that the stories seem to make their way across the pond so much so you can justify your gun laws even more.

As for UK vs USA violent crimehttp://www.politifact.com/truth-o-me...her-violent-c/

a) congratulations in pulling something from a lolpic meme and believing it must be true

b) different definitions of violent crime in each Country

"The meme said "there are over 2,000 crimes recorded per 100,000 population in the U.K.," compared to "466 violent crimes per 100,000" in the United States. Our preliminary attempt to make an apples-to-apples comparison shows a much smaller difference in violent crime rates between the two countries, but criminologists say differences in how the statistics are collected make it impossible to produce a truly valid comparison. We rate the claim False."


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Filthy limey and your fucked up culture, come to america it's still the land of the free.


Musty Nester
Entertaining firearms debates with Her Majesty's Loyal Servant aside I honestly don't see America allowing Great Britain to descend into filthy olive picking squalor.

I'm not really even sure if I see Brits allowing it. These people did form one hell of an Empire not that long ago, after all.

But if any ships land without papers be warned, I do have a gun. And i'm not even a gun nut.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Oh and your violent crime rates are greater than South Africa's.

Not something I would brag about, seeing as its one of the most violent nations on Earth
Oh God, if I'd known my Country was worse than South Africa I would never have bought a convertible a few months ago!


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Basically, your post tells us that you don't have a real rebuttal to what I just said, that's why your post is so weak in response "Oh its a one off thing!"
A targeted attack by Muslim extremists on a member of the military, that resulted in one death



Newtown (andhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of..._United_States)


If guns are the answer to stopping mass shootings why do so many succeed? IDIOTS


This is why statistics without context are worthless. Worse than worthless, they are used to manipulate people and take advantage of their ignorance.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Politifact says its false because criminologists don't have a way to compare the statistics accurately because what constitutes a violent crime in one nation may not be considered the same in another.

That's not a rebuttal of the number of crimes per capita, which is cited from the European Union.

So maybe you should read your own link next time? You need to show us that the number of crimes per capita is lower than the US to refute this claim.

A targeted attack by Muslim extremists on a member of the military, that resulted in one death



Newtown (andhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of..._United_States)


If guns are the answer to stopping mass shootings why do so many succeed? IDIOTS
So basically crazy person does something in the US: Its US gun laws to blame

Crazy people do something in the United Kingdom: Its a one off event and no one is to blame.

Meanwhile the US is looking at crime rates so low they match the 1950s.


Violent crime rates in the U.S. are reaching historic lows, according to new FBI data released Monday.
Instances of murder declined overall by 1.9 percent from 2010 figures, while rape, robbery and aggravated assault declined by 4 percent nationwide, according to records from more than 14,000 law-enforcement agencies around the country, FBI spokesman Bill Carter told msnbc.com.

The number of property crimes also registered a 0.8-percent drop, motor-vehicle thefts declined by 3.3 percent, and arson was down by 5 percent.

Although the findings, released in the FBI's Preliminary Annual Uniform Crime Report, represent a seemingly small decline in crime overall, they aren't just a blip. Rather, criminologists say, the decline is part of larger downward trend and the result of a series of changes that have contributed to a more peaceful society.

"This is actually a pretty significant drop, which is fascinating because we'd normally expect crime to go up when we're in an economic downturn," Gary LaFree, a criminology professor at the University of Maryland, told msnbc.com, adding that the U.S. is experiencing the lowest crime levels since World War II.

According to FBI analysis, the homicide drop would mean that nearly 280 fewer Americans were murdered last year, which would be the lowest homicide death toll since the mid-1950s.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
A targeted attack by Muslim extremists on a member of the military, that resulted in one death



Newtown (andhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of..._United_States)


If guns are the answer to stopping mass shootings why do so many succeed? IDIOTS
yeah don't mention

The Cumbria shootings was a killing spree that occurred on 2 June 2010 when a lone gunman, Derrick Bird, killed 12 people and injured 11 others before killing himself in Cumbria, England.

and the schools where made gun-free zones in 1994 it didn't help we should arm teachers who volunteer to be trained and armed.


yeah don't mention

The Cumbria shootings was a killing spree that occurred on 2 June 2010 when a lone gunman, Derrick Bird, killed 12 people and injured 11 others before killing himself in Cumbria, England.
Dude, are you really gonna play this game?


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
yeah don't mention

The Cumbria shootings was a killing spree that occurred on 2 June 2010 when a lone gunman, Derrick Bird, killed 12 people and injured 11 others before killing himself in Cumbria, England.
How about you answer my question?


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
The schools where made gun-free zones in 1994 pushed by naive socialists like yourself, we didn't have this problem before then, it didn't help. We should arm teachers who volunteer to be trained and armed.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
The schools where made gun-free zones in 1994 pushed by naive socialists like yourself, we didn't have this problem before then, it didn't help. We should arm teachers who volunteer to be trained and armed.
What about the Aurora Cinema?


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
12 people? do you actually care how many people die because of the presence/absence of guns in society or how many people die in 1 sitting?

why are 100* lives spread out over a week < than 12 lives in 1 sitting.

*made up number for purpose of argument.


Tranny Chaser
Quick, cite massive massive outliers as some sort of evidence of something specific that can be inferred about the country as a whole.
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