Justice for Zimmerman

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Golden Baronet of the Realm
What does it become when instead of laying out some "whoooop ass" you end up bleeding out and crying like a bitch as you lay there dying (I dunno if Trayvon cried, I like to think he would've tho)?
Realistically he didn't live long enough to start crying I would bet. Regardless of what the 2 doctors say, "It's possible he lived for several minutes." He was likely dead/completely immobile/passed out within 15-30 seconds, he got shot right through the heart. The shock of being shot in the chest, and losing blood flow to his brain and all that probably caused him to pass out right away. But who knows, he may have started crying.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
It's a shame how much disrespect the highest levels of the highest political offices in this country is completely shitting on the verdict, and making a complete mockery of our justice system. It's a fucking disgrace. I can't believe people actually support this kind of garbage. I weep for our future


Unelected Mod
No, Trayvon Martin Is Not Appropriate First-Date Conversation

pretty funny since she's the one who brought it up

I cried for Trayvon and for all of the people like him who have ever been automatically and wrongfully categorized as dangerous because of their age, sex, and/or race. I cried for the people who genuinely believe that we live in a post-race society. I cried for the people who refuse to see that though this case is about many things, race is definitely one of them.

However, I cried mostly because how could I, an art historian, make a difference in this racist society when there were lawyers who thought and acted this way? Who saw each defendant or plaintiff as a number, as a case study? How could I ever hope to make a difference and cause positive change in this world? ?I want to go home,? I said angrily. ?I need to go.?
As one of the comments reads, lets make sure the law is based off emotions and not facts and shit that actually happened!


No, Trayvon Martin Is Not Appropriate First-Date Conversation

pretty funny since she's the one who brought it up
Holy shit, what a wreck.
I think she took both feminism and race relations back 10 years.

From the comments:

You should be ashamed of yourself for not only making women look more like emotional irrational cunts then we already do but for also perpetuating the media sensationalized story and not the facts. Your think your doing good for minorities but your just making it easier for them to dog fuck the system. NEWS FLASH you stunned cunt: You are wrong and people like you will literally be the death of civilization.
Wow, this was painful to read. You couldn't have just had a conversation with him without breaking down in tears and running away? You admitted yourself you didn't have any information to back up your claims, even. This is a ridiculous article.
You are awful.

The reason people in law related fields are into the Zimmerman case is because it was a travesty of justice. He never should have been on trial to begin with, and the whole situation is a media circus.

The worst part is, your bleeding heart 'he was only a child' bullshit is being vented in a situation that doesn't warrant it. Are there innumerable cases of institutionalized racism in the United States today? Yes. Was this one of those instances? No. Not remotely, and by trying to turn it into one you are, in a disappointing but amusing way, making the problem worse.
I wonder if she was just expecting a lot of "You go girl! What an asshole that guy was!" comments...


Buzzfeed Editor
I love how she's angry that he he dissed "art history", but simultaneously thinks his field, Law, is a failed system. Then she says she doesn't want to discuss it, but only after she gets to make some ignorant assertion. The hypocrisy is pretty amazing.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Nothing like a date with a crazy person.

If only I had a nickel for each time someone avoids the fact that Tray doubled back and brutally attacked Zimmerman: American Hero as he was walking back to his car...

I'd probably start my own business with the monies. I have some ideas for online training curriculum that I could sell to colleges/businesses. I also wouldn't mind going back to school and take up some hardcore programming courses. Maybe computer engineering? I dunno ... I could do a lot of good things with that cash.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I wondering, based on all this opinion pieces, if it's ever ok to find someone, anyone 'suspicious'. Basically the attitude seems to be that no matter how a person looks/acts/carries himself or herself, just ignore it. And if it turns out that person really is up to no good, oh well? Guess neighborhood watch should go in the trash too.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Jesus Christ that bitch has high maintenance plastered over her in 48 point bold. That guy is actually very fortunate he pissed her off so he didn't waste any more of his life with her.
I like how she's so conceited that she thought he was super into her and that she essentially rejected him. Reading whatshedescribes, you know he was glad to be rid of her. I can't even imagine what his side of the story would read like.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I like how she's so conceited that she thought he was super into her and that she essentially rejected him. Reading whatshedescribes, you know he was glad to be rid of her. I can't even imagine what his side of the story would read like.
She kept saying he was staring at her boobs.

What the fuck did you have them out for if you didn't want people looking? What do you prefer, someone who doesn't care about your boobs?

No, what they want is someone who "respects them" so that they can flaunt it but then people don't look at it, because it's "respectful".

Fuck I hate that type of bitch.


Buzzfeed Editor
I like how she's so conceited that she thought he was super into her and that she essentially rejected him. Reading whatshedescribes, you know he was glad to be rid of her. I can't even imagine what his side of the story would read like.
How she described him:He smiled, one of those petulant shit-eating grins people give you when they think they're better than you

So any rational person would assume he's confident he won and made her look like an idiot, and is relatively happy.

But this is what she thought.I left him there, still finishing his second beer,looking as though he knew he had fucked upbut would never actually admit it aloud. I strutted out of that bar with my head held high

WOW. Seriously. No wonder some women like this can continue to operate given her obviously delusional state of mind. I mean,seriously. How does shit eating, I'm winning grin, translate to "he knew he had fucked up!".


Trakanon Raider
I like how she's so conceited that she thought he was super into her and that she essentially rejected him. Reading whatshedescribes, you know he was glad to be rid of her. I can't even imagine what his side of the story would read like.
I dunno, he may well have been thinking he had some serious player/game shit going on, and that she was going to jump on his dick any minute. Hell, if he'd dialed things back a bit, that might well have been the case.
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