Justice for Zimmerman

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Vyemm Raider
That poll is fucking pathetic. I wish there had been an 'other' option though, rather than just white/black. I think that would better illustrate how pathetically racially biased they are.

And fuck them for leaving out the bit about the assault. You know, the whole reason why Zimzam wasn't flimflamed.

Also then there is this:


tl;dr: In 2009 a Black watchman shoots an unarmed 16 year old white guy who allegedly 'charged' him and is not convicted. Note that there was no actual beating as in the Zimmerman case - he shot the guy before he ever got close.

PS: The jury was mostly white

Shove your fucking race card up your ass.


Musty Nester
How she described him:He smiled, one of those petulant shit-eating grins people give you when they think they're better than you

So any rational person would assume he's confident he won and made her look like an idiot, and is relatively happy.

But this is what she thought.I left him there, still finishing his second beer,looking as though he knew he had fucked upbut would never actually admit it aloud. I strutted out of that bar with my head held high

WOW. Seriously. No wonder some women like this can continue to operate given her obviously delusional state of mind. I mean,seriously. How does shit eating, I'm winning grin, translate to "he knew he had fucked up!".
Having dated a woman like this I can tell you there really is no process to it. There's no intermediate step. It literally just happens.

And it is AMAZING to watch. How is it even fucking possible that a person could be that utterly oblivious? Unfortunately since there's no process it's impossible to subvert or divert. And when she turns on you it's time to leave.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I dunno, he may well have been thinking he had some serious player/game shit going on, and that she was going to jump on his dick any minute. Hell, if he'd dialed things back a bit, that might well have been the case.
Conversation probably occurred the morning after in his bed, as he was lighting his second cigarette of the morning, she was straightening her hair from the night of debauchery and best sex of her life. Dude was like, "So what about this Trayvon shit?" and she's so wracked with guilt over how she could have possibly slept with someone like that she has to go home and blog some story to make herself feel better.


Potato del Grande
Realistically he didn't live long enough to start crying I would bet. Regardless of what the 2 doctors say, "It's possible he lived for several minutes." He was likely dead/completely immobile/passed out within 15-30 seconds, he got shot right through the heart. The shock of being shot in the chest, and losing blood flow to his brain and all that probably caused him to pass out right away. But who knows, he may have started crying.
Oh I didn't pay enough attention to know he actually got shot in the heart, I just assumed it hit him somewhere in his chest/stomach region.

He made a stupid mistake attacking a stranger. It cost him his life.
The only reason you're even saying it was a mistake is because GZ had a gun and shot the little shit. How the fuck do you accidentally try to "whoop ass"? Oh shit, my bad, I accidentally sucker punched you and started bashing your head on the concrete. Oh shit, my bad, I accidentally had 5 other guys waiting around the corner to jump you so we could take your bike, shoes and $15. Oh shit, my bad, I accidentally raped that girl and then stabbed her in a panic.

Read the comments on the videos etc. and then tell me any point in history where people could go around attacking people and expect it to be acceptable or honorable. Whether or not the little pricks have guns or not (some think they're too cool for guns, some can't get em, some are too pussy to actually shoot someone despite all the jaw-flapping) doesn't mean that they don't deserve everything they get when someone fights back.


I wondering, based on all this opinion pieces, if it's ever ok to find someone, anyone 'suspicious'. Basically the attitude seems to be that no matter how a person looks/acts/carries himself or herself, just ignore it. And if it turns out that person really is up to no good, oh well? Guess neighborhood watch should go in the trash too.
Its ok to think someone might be suspicious and up to no good. But when the mainstream media twists it to look like a little 12yr old black kid was gunned down running away from a power hungry white dude, thats a no-no


Potato del Grande
That poll is fucking pathetic. I wish there had been an 'other' option though, rather than just white/black. I think that would better illustrate how pathetically racially biased they are.

And fuck them for leaving out the bit about the assault. You know, the whole reason why Zimzam wasn't flimflamed.

Also then there is this:


tl;dr: In 2009 a Black watchman shoots an unarmed 16 year old white guy who allegedly 'charged' him and is not convicted. Note that there was no actual beating as in the Zimmerman case - he shot the guy before he ever got close.

PS: The jury was mostly white

Shove your fucking race card up your ass.
PS, it's still only racist if it's white people racisting against black people.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
WOW. Seriously. No wonder some women like this can continue to operate given her obviously delusional state of mind. I mean,seriously. How does shit eating, I'm winning grin, translate to "he knew he had fucked up!".
Because he isn't getting that woman's pussy that night, her sexual currency is what she's valuing herself off of I would guess. It's functional because: hormones.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
No, Trayvon Martin Is Not Appropriate First-Date Conversation

pretty funny since she's the one who brought it up

Good thing she didn't run into any TM types on the way back to the train.


Vyemm Raider
I guess this is the one time I can be thankful that most of the people show who up in my FB news feed are raging right winger racist whitebreads while the blacks and liberals have only made jokes or not commented at all.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>

"So we put this $10,000 bounty on zimmermans head to teach the united states to do their job"


Musty Nester
Insulting american white people is one thing.

Insulting american jews is a great way to invent the next crack cocaine or Hiv epidemic. Enjoy your slums!


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Its not going anywhere. I really really doubt that Holder et all will actually lay down charges. What they're doing now is trying to give certain segments of their base the impression that they're seriously considering it, so when they come out and say no charges will be filed, it will appear they've done due diligence and then they'll argue "Our hands were tied, if you really want to fix this, you need to focus on changes to laws like Stand Your Ground statutes".
I'll be surprised if they announce they're not pressing charges. They will either charge him, or keep it open indefinitely so they don't have to give his gun or any of the evidence back. What all was included in the evidence anyway? I wonder if the feds holding that is going to hinder the civil lawsuits.
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