I know i'm posting this a second time but damn listen to 1h:50m specifically 1h:56m:00s zimmermans lawyer gets on the phone and makes makes 2 excellent points then argues a compelling point that this case was perused at the time because the state was trying to avoid civil unrest that was generated by among other things by al sharpton and jesse jackson, even though they knew the case would have ended in a not guilty verdict the case added time, basically prosecuting this man beyond reason to placate a fenzied mob those gangsters use as leverage for personal gain. and how the state attorny could sidestep a grandjury, to procede with the prosecution she was told to make.
somehow I missed this before
Dershowitz: Zimmerman Special Prosecutor Angela Corey Should Be Disbarred
Zimmerman prosecutor Angela Corey on what went wrong
"Show me a hero and I will write you a tragedy," remarked F. Scott Fitzgerald, as if alluding to the fatal confrontation between George Zimmerman, the watch guard of a beleaguered and oft-burglarized neighborhood
Upset by the verdict, the "Justice for Trayvon" mob insists that the Justice Department charge Zimmerman with civil-rights violations even though an FBI investigation confirmed there's no evidence that Zimmerman was driven by racial animus. If there is an investigation, Dershowitz believes "it ought to be of (Special) Prosecutor (Angela) Corey, . who violated Zimmerman's civil rights" and whose "conduct bordered on criminal."
Rather than uphold her duty to safeguard the rights of all citizens - even the accused -
Corey sidestepped the customary grand jury investigation, filing a false affidavit that excluded exculpatory evidence to obtain a second-degree "depraved mind" murder charge.After she hindered defense lawyers' access to evidence, a whistle-blower exposed her misconduct, resulting in the whistle-blower's firing.
To the "Justice for Trayvon" mob, these injustices appear not to matter. More interested in vengeance, their prescriptions would hurt - not cure - what ails African-Americans. By advocating unequal application of the law and selective civil rights, today's activists resemble their predecessors' opponents, not the courageous leaders whose moral claims touched America's conscience.