Justice for Zimmerman

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Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>

I know i'm posting this a second time but damn listen to 1h:50m specifically 1h:56m:00s zimmermans lawyer gets on the phone and makes makes 2 excellent points then argues a compelling point that this case was perused at the time because the state was trying to avoid civil unrest that was generated by among other things by al sharpton and jesse jackson, even though they knew the case would have ended in a not guilty verdict the case added time, basically prosecuting this man beyond reason to placate a fenzied mob those gangsters use as leverage for personal gain. and how the state attorny could sidestep a grandjury, to procede with the prosecution she was told to make.

somehow I missed this before

Dershowitz: Zimmerman Special Prosecutor Angela Corey Should Be Disbarred

Zimmerman prosecutor Angela Corey on what went wrong

"Show me a hero and I will write you a tragedy," remarked F. Scott Fitzgerald, as if alluding to the fatal confrontation between George Zimmerman, the watch guard of a beleaguered and oft-burglarized neighborhood


Upset by the verdict, the "Justice for Trayvon" mob insists that the Justice Department charge Zimmerman with civil-rights violations even though an FBI investigation confirmed there's no evidence that Zimmerman was driven by racial animus. If there is an investigation, Dershowitz believes "it ought to be of (Special) Prosecutor (Angela) Corey, . who violated Zimmerman's civil rights" and whose "conduct bordered on criminal."

Rather than uphold her duty to safeguard the rights of all citizens - even the accused -Corey sidestepped the customary grand jury investigation, filing a false affidavit that excluded exculpatory evidence to obtain a second-degree "depraved mind" murder charge.After she hindered defense lawyers' access to evidence, a whistle-blower exposed her misconduct, resulting in the whistle-blower's firing.

To the "Justice for Trayvon" mob, these injustices appear not to matter. More interested in vengeance, their prescriptions would hurt - not cure - what ails African-Americans. By advocating unequal application of the law and selective civil rights, today's activists resemble their predecessors' opponents, not the courageous leaders whose moral claims touched America's conscience.



I know i'm posting this a second time but damn listen to 1h:50m specifically 1h:56m:00s zimmermans lawyer gets on the phone and makes makes 2 excellent points then argues a compelling point that this case was perused at the time because the state was trying to avoid civil unrest that was generated by among other things by al sharpton and jesse jackson, even though they knew the case would have ended in a not guilty verdict the case added time, basically prosecuting this man beyond reason to placate a fenzied mob those gangsters use as leverage for personal gain. and how the state attorny could sidestep a grandjury, to procede with the prosecution she was told to make.

somehow I missed this before

Dershowitz: Zimmerman Special Prosecutor Angela Corey Should Be Disbarred

Zimmerman prosecutor Angela Corey on what went wrong

"Show me a hero and I will write you a tragedy," remarked F. Scott Fitzgerald, as if alluding to the fatal confrontation between George Zimmerman, the watch guard of a beleaguered and oft-burglarized neighborhood


Upset by the verdict, the "Justice for Trayvon" mob insists that the Justice Department charge Zimmerman with civil-rights violations even though an FBI investigation confirmed there's no evidence that Zimmerman was driven by racial animus. If there is an investigation, Dershowitz believes "it ought to be of (Special) Prosecutor (Angela) Corey, . who violated Zimmerman's civil rights" and whose "conduct bordered on criminal."

Rather than uphold her duty to safeguard the rights of all citizens - even the accused -Corey sidestepped the customary grand jury investigation, filing a false affidavit that excluded exculpatory evidence to obtain a second-degree "depraved mind" murder charge.After she hindered defense lawyers' access to evidence, a whistle-blower exposed her misconduct, resulting in the whistle-blower's firing.

To the "Justice for Trayvon" mob, these injustices appear not to matter. More interested in vengeance, their prescriptions would hurt - not cure - what ails African-Americans. By advocating unequal application of the law and selective civil rights, today's activists resemble their predecessors' opponents, not the courageous leaders whose moral claims touched America's conscience.
Its scary how loose these people play with other's lives.


Tranny Chaser

This is making the rounds again even though it was recorded a year ago at the time of the initial shooting. Even though its funny he makes very good points.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
are these qoutes real or are they a fiction?

"These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don't move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there'll be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there'll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It'll be Reconstruction all over again." -- Lyndon B. Johnson

"I'll have those American Inventors voting Democratic for the next 200 years." - Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One -"

If you listen to this woman the only female leader of the black panthers she says that martin luther king jr was getting ready to march on washington for reperations.

ALso you know what I agree with her something must be done to get these people out of perpetual violence, socially educationally and economically segregated. and it's not changing white peoples attitudes it's getting them out of those ghettos. As detroit shows the tax revenue in these black concentrated areas is very low and this directly effects their schooling system we need a better educated populace in general, However I also think educated people in general want to avoid very violent areas. There's an area there that outside intervention would generate results not immediately but down the line that would alleviate many other problems. Even if that first quote is wrong I think something large scale in the sense of a national effort like reconstruction is needed.


at the beginning she is very pessimistic about having a "national conversation" because it won't accomplish anything. at the very end she is highly critical of jesse jackson and al sharpton as well.


Mr. Poopybutthole
ALso you know what I agree with her something must be done to get these people out of perpetual violence, socially educationally and economically segregated. and it's not changing white peoples attitudes it's getting them out of those ghettos.
Black people need to change their attitudes. It's a change that has to come from within their own communities. There's no changing the system to force a change, because that gives them a scapegoat. Until blacks take responsibility for policing up their own communities, nothing will change.

The same can be said for rural white communities in extreme poverty. Just to be clear that this isn't just a black issue.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Just as another point, I don't generally see poor whites blaming others for why they can't have upward mobility.

I'd argue that blacks (and other minorities) have many more opportunities to raise themselves out of poverty than say, a white male. There are so many groups out there to help minorities. White males though? Tough luck. Now, a white male who makes it to the "middle class" will probably have an easier time (at least on the whole for all white males) moving to a higher economic demographic, but no one really gives a shit about those people.


Oh yeah, the "so many groups and programs" argument. Look at everything being done to help black people! We're practically bending over backwards to give them advantages even white people don't have! We'll keep eyeing them suspiciously in our shops, crossing the street to the opposite sidewalk "just in case", ridiculing the way they talk, perpetuating stereotypes through shitty memes and otherwise treating them like second-class citizens, but really they bring that upon themselves. Haven't you seen the statistics? It's certainly has nothing to do with us! I never owned a slave, get over it! Why doesn't anybody throw a fit when one of them says "cracker"? Etc, etc...

I repeat: How aboutEVERYBODYchange their attitudes?


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Oh yeah, the "so many groups and programs" argument. Look at everything being done to help black people! We're practically bending over backwards to give them advantages even white people don't have!
Some of the liberal social programs only hurt the black community and serve to keep them as victims, the democrats I believe want to abuse the black condition not help it, that's my biggest problem and the biggest roadblock in my mind.

Like take affirmative action for example, there's a lot of evidence that affirmative action hurts black graduation rates because it places black college students in schools that are higher than what the quality of their k-12 education prepared them for.


Accompanying the general subject of affirmative action in the spotlight is the "mismatch" hypothesis, which posits that minority students are harmed by the very policies designed to help them. Justice Clarence Thomas made this argument in his dissent in the Grutter case: "The Law School tantalizes unprepared students with the promise of a University of Michigan degree and all of the opportunities that it offers. These overmatched students take the bait, only to find that they cannot succeed in the cauldron of competition. And this mismatch crisis is not restricted to elite institutions."


A new paper authored by scholars at Duke University and the London School of Economics and published by the National Bureau of Economic Research examines the graduation rates of minority students before and after the ban on race-sensitive admissions at state universities in California. After the ban on race-sensitive admissions took place, Black enrollments at the most prestigious campuses of the University of California system declined significantly and have never recovered. But Black enrollment increased at other campuses of the university system. The data shows that system-wide graduation rates of minority students in fact rose by 4.4 percentage points and that the placement of Black students on campuses of California state universities where they were better able to compete was a factor in the improvement.

I mean affirmative action sounds great on paper but look what it's doing. and think about how politicians sell that for votes, and how it fits into the whole psyche of interaction between government/media/real world

I want to put my mind behind good plans not these shitty plans designed to emotionally manipulate black people into voting democratic. I really do think the democrats aren't motivated to do that though, how can that real political barrier be broken.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I repeat: How aboutEVERYBODYchange their attitudes?
It probably has to do with most other races integrating into the society in which they live and adhering to the mores of the larger population. Why should everyone change their attitude when its a majority of one group actively fighting against everyone else?


Millie's Staff Member
black people have a huge problem with their culture. and it would be racist for anyone but black people to try and change it. so yeah, my attitude is just fine. you want to act like a pimp/thug/prison inmate dont expect me to treat you like the CEO of microsoft.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Obviously white people are the problem with black culture...so only white people can fix it. Oh wait.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Just out of curiosity, was there a Troy Davis thread on the old boards and what was the general consensus? Based on the racist vitriol of this thread I would bet the overwhelming majority said words to effect of "that n***** got what he deserved"


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Obviously white people are the problem with black culture...so only white people can fix it. Oh wait.
the smarter black people have a problem with black culture nowadays. The one's profiting off it like a lil wayne perpetuate the stupidity.


Musty Nester
Super Dumb Woman who wasted her fathers money talking about Troy Davis_sl said:
I returned home, where I enjoyed the rest of a pint of sorbet. Because nothing washes the taste of Racist Date out of one's mouth quite like mandingo
Relevant. It's her conclusion.
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