Justice for Zimmerman

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Jesus titty fucking Christ. Tanoomba is the most delusional hipster barista in the world. It is not one specific culture's responsibility to respect another culture especially if it detrimental to a society as a whole. Some cultures are just plain inferior, and invoking political correctness as to not offend people of an inferior culture is just further detriment to said society. To the contrary, to better society it would be easier and best to do everything to end that culture. I'm not saying go Hitler and invest in pizza ovens, but rather use positives to end it. Trying to appease everyone doesnt work, and at some point pragmatism needs to prevail.

I'm sorry, but if your black, white, Asian or whatever and think embracing and being a part of a culture that "values" drug dealing, thug life or anything if that sorts, I view you as a drain on society and detract from what I contribute to it.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Its obvious from his posts that he's a teacher. Explains the long-winded bullshit ultra-liberal can't-we-all-be-friends nonstop fucking crap. We're not your students you fucking lackey, you're not educating us. When you decide to venture out into the real world, you'll realize we're educating you on this thing we like to call "reality". Your salon.com vision of the world doesn't work out here in reality-land.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Another way to say it is, never in human history have all cultures been equally good at everything.


Its obvious from his posts that he's a teacher. Explains the long-winded bullshit ultra-liberal can't-we-all-be-friends nonstop fucking crap. We're not your students you fucking lackey, you're not educating us. When you decide to venture out into the real world, you'll realize we're educating you on this thing we like to call "reality". Your salon.com vision of the world doesn't work out here in reality-land.
When a black kid does something wrong in his class like pick on a kid thats white, Tanoomba punishes the white kid for his white privilege.


Unelected Mod
For example, let's take what khalid posted.
Hey jerkface, lets not turn this thread into an examination of my racism lol.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Where the logic of collective guilt for past cultural crimes leads, inevitably.




"We today don't need to feel guilty, We just need to feel SORRY.'

- Jacob Lienau, 13, of the Lifeline Expedition, on right
Why SHOULD we feel sorry, or guilty? Where are the people demanding Italians feel sorry for enslaving Celts and Arabs and Jews? Where are the demands that Egypt apologize to the hyksos who built the pyramids for them at the tip of a whip?

Why, if we can feel collective guilt, for crimes that happened 150 years ago, can't someone be forced to feel collective guilt for crimes that happened 1000 years ago? Or 2000? Or 10000? The entire concept is couched in a nonsensical cutting off point where any crime, any slavery, any act of oppression from over 500 years ago, or against Europeans, is perfectly acceptable, but anything after that cut off point we're eternally to bear the debt and shame of. If 150 years, why not 5000?

I want my reparations for my 300 times removed great grandfather who was forced to fight in the gladiatorial pits because he couldn't pay his debts to Ceaser. What? I can't prove I had a 300 times removed great grandfather who was forced to fight in the gladiatorial pits? Why are you so racist? Why don't you check your privilege?


Lord Nagafen Raider
A "survey" posted about the case. I would call it more of an educational tool about the incredible media and political bias shown throughout this case. Most of it is stuff covered in this thread.

It starts by asking your opinion on the verdict, then shows about 50 "questions" worth of evidence in Zimmerman's favor (with citations) conveniently not published by main stream media outlets.


Only faggots cry about advantages. Real people use those advantages and create better advantages (opportunities) for their children. Ergo tanoomba is a faggot and is raping his children's future.


Musty Nester
man... those 2 black guys at the front of the line have got to be saying, "Can you BELIEVE these dumbass white people? SERIOUSLY?"

Be warned. You will never out-crazy us.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
That shit's cray.

Tanoomba, when are you going to go to white slave camp? Did you get in before registration closed?


Trakanon Raider
Holy hell I just looked that shit up too. Some cunt apologized for Sir John Hawkins, I'm a lineal decendant of him. Fucking hell.


Provide a specific example of how my judgement, in the context we are talking here, impacts black culture. For example, let's take what khalid posted. He pre-judged a black kid in the Navy who talked like a thug and assumed he couldn't play chess. Explain how this sort of judgement holds back black people as a whole.
Every time a convenience store owner suspiciously eyes a black guy in his shop, he's giving the message "I don't trust you, I think you may be a thug." When a black guy repeatedly gets this reaction in multiple convenience stores, it tell him that society expects him to be a thug. That in itself isn't a justification for becoming a thug, but it certainly makes it easier to do so. That's one example.

You're assuming that black people can't actively be shooting themselves in the foot AT THE SAME TIME they are being economically and socially segregated.

it's like the mature view on democracy, many countries on this planet aren't ready for democracy, they don't have the proper education and mindsets for a democracy to successfully work and not degenerate into fascism like what was happening in Egypt, this has nothing to do with capabilities of the brain or genes of these people it's just the effect of lack of a conducive culture and education that would support such a thing. until you change that changing any perceived "white privilege" is a futile exercise because black people do it to themselves ON TOP of the disadvantages they have.

they are really assaulted on all sides from outside and within.
I am assuming no such thing. I agree that they are being assaulted from outside and within. But guess which part we have influence over?

Its obvious from his posts that he's a teacher. Explains the long-winded bullshit ultra-liberal can't-we-all-be-friends nonstop fucking crap. We're not your students you fucking lackey, you're not educating us. When you decide to venture out into the real world, you'll realize we're educating you on this thing we like to call "reality". Your salon.com vision of the world doesn't work out here in reality-land.
Allow me to first point out that I've said nothing to you to warrant this aggressive and immature lashing out. Also, I'm not a liberal and nothing I've posted today has been long-winded (especially compared to some other posts). Secondly, who the fuck are you to be the authority on "reality"? We all live on the same planet and have the same senses with which to make sense of the world around us. Your version of "reality" is no more valid than mine. You wanna get real for a second? The main reason anybody is arguing with me at all is because (consciously or not) they want to be able to consider themselves superior to other people and not feel guilty about it. It feels good to have a "bad guy", someone who you can compare yourself to to make yourself feel better. Nobody wants to hear that this is harmful for society because then who can they feel superior to? I love hearing "white guilt" thrown about as though it means something when, in fact, fighting for the continued acceptance of racism (as if that were necessary) is an action driven by the need to avoid guilt.


Musty Nester
I don't see nearly enough whips. And the white guys have their shirts on.

more white privilege. Even in consentual mock slavery we just caaaaaaannnnntttt stttttooooopppp being innately superior.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
When are the descendants of African Muslim slave traders from Mali going to be asked to wear yokes and walk a mile in the shoes of people they enslaves as penance for their involvement in the African Slave Trade?

Without them, there was no slave trade.
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