League Of Legends

With the right team she is hilarious. Her mantred shield is hilarious if your group understands it and works with you. Having your entire team zooming along like road runners is pretty hilarious. Her poke is pretty damn nasty now and she does not have to get into knife fighting range to use it. I honestly think she is probably closet OP with all the numbers buffs they have given her especially if you have a team who knows what she can do and uses her to best advantage.
I play her mid a lot and she has a good laning phase and in my opinion a scary strong mid game. However she becomes a pure utility once late game hits because you need to be using your mantra for E or W in team fights and that means her damage output becomes meh. Especially if the enemy has built some MR. Still a really fun champ, and someone I enjoy playing but I don't think she is secretly op or top tier.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Yeah, I just can't stand the fact that 85% of the time you're just spamming Q and that it's your only form of harass AND farm which is really annoying. The fact that a mantra Q can be derped by a roaming caster minion makes me rage too. Her shield is a wet paper towel version of her old one. I sooo miss those 850HP shield bombs and getting double dived at low health and coming out with a double kill because of shield+heal+passive combo.. Old Karma baits were epic. She sucked in SR unless she went mid, but she was hella fun in Dominion, TT, and ARAM. I hate the fact that Riot essentially deleted her. I've played numerous MMORPG's over the years and have experience my fair share of unwelcome nerfs/buffs, but I've never experienced having my favorite champ deleted :/

With the right team she is hilarious. Her mantred shield is hilarious if your group understands it and works with you. Having your entire team zooming along like road runners is pretty hilarious. Her poke is pretty damn nasty now and she does not have to get into knife fighting range to use it. I honestly think she is probably closet OP with all the numbers buffs they have given her especially if you have a team who knows what she can do and uses her to best advantage.


A Man Chooses....
Promo series. First game Kha'zix picks into a J4 top and can't farm. Second game I now have a teemo support. Joys of League.


Potato del Grande
His passive is way too strong.
Pretty much this. Only seen him once but I banned him in the other game I played today. Just reading his moves all I could think was "oh, Riot must need a cash influx".

In other news, Yi got first picked by my enemy team in both games I played today hahaha, I love bronze.



That took entirely too long


Lord Nagafen Raider
grats yo!

btw, I'm drinking a bit tonight and willing to do whatever. Normal, Dominion or ranked if anyone wants to play. Currently about to get in a game but add me "SidianTheBard" and we can do whatever. 5 man normals or something?


Since we're all posting promotion pictures; seven beers later and I finally got out of bronze tonight.


Dreams can come true.


Potato del Grande
Yeah i'm slowly climbing the bronze 1 ladder. Sorry guys, forums gonna be closed in a week or two. I'm getting like 6-9 pts per game now instead of 3-5!


A Man Chooses....
Any way to get LP back from a bug? We were all sitting at picks/bans, everyone got a disconnect message, could still chat but no one could pick. After ten minutes it crashed and I got a dodge penalty. 3 LP I know but it's the principal of the thing.

The Dauntless One

Lord Nagafen Raider
Any way to get LP back from a bug? We were all sitting at picks/bans, everyone got a disconnect message, could still chat but no one could pick. After ten minutes it crashed and I got a dodge penalty. 3 LP I know but it's the principal of the thing.
The only you can do is send Riot an email and see if they will respond.


Lord Nagafen Raider
spirit of the spectral wraith into zhoynas is core on him. Then you either go more dmg with Deathcap or go tankier with either abyssal or rylais.

CDR boots work very nice on him as well. I usually take them over sorc shoes.

Pretty sure it's either 21/9/0 or 9/21/0 for masteries with him.
9-0-21 actually. The move speed, CDR, spell vamp, etc is pretty much essential on him. You typically want to run Flash/Ghost as well so the masteries support those as well. He's a split pusher and can get massive farm very quickly. Sidian already covered his core build paths.