League Of Legends



Whenever I play any MMO the very first thing I do is try and find a way to delete/hide/disable the exp bar. I want to play because I am having an enjoyable time playing. I don't want to be watching a bar fill up as I play.

So what I would like would be a way of removing any and all information regarding my rank from the interface. I don't want to know how many games I've played, won, or lost. I don't want to know what my current bracket is, how many points I've earned, how many points I earn or lose in a game, whether or not I'm in a promotional series, when I advance, when I am demoted, or the ranks of any of my teammates or opponents. I want to be able to play ranked with absolutely zero extraneous information. When the season comes to a close you can tell me where I placed. That's the only direct input I want.

I am not so mentally disciplined as to be able to set aside the trappings of the system and play only to become better. I am not Daigo Umehara. Even with full objective knowledge of the meaninglessness of the system it still has the power to alter my behavior. I want it banished!
I wish they gave a stats blackout option as well.


A Man Chooses....
Part of getting better is playing under pressure, and being able to focus on objectives while stressed out. If it didn't matter you might "improve" but not in any really competitive way.


Potato del Grande
Removing stats/rank visibility is bad. Seeing your rank/etc provides motivation to move up. I know I sure as shit was not happy being in bronze and i'm not happy in silver either. Maybe when I get to diamond i'll be satisfied (if I play LoL long enough to get to diamond) but more than likely i'd just want to get challenger and then play at pro level. Assuming I was somehow at pro level, i'd want to be the #1 pro whether it's in income or e-peen or whatever.

If you're not first, you're last.


Tranny Chaser
That is perfectly acceptable for the two of you but I know myself. I don't have any desire to climb the solo queue ladder for its own sake. My desire is to truly stop caring about exterior concerns and to play for myself and myself alone. I want to be able to set aside all of the bullshit that is the solo queue system and strive to become better. I want to have no fear of losing. I do not want to become a professional League of Legends player. I do not want to earn income from this game.


For my EU bros: wwqtq7f4peuuak, wwm6nyfvuwylc7

These might work on South American, Australian or Russian servers but I don't know for sure. I don't even know if anyone here plays on EU.


Bronze Squire
@wizardhawk and xalara

I added both of you tonight, on the off chance you have nobody on to duo with and want someone and I am on.


Vyemm Raider
I've been lurking in the rerolled chat room. If anyone wants to duo in the bronze to solve range, let me know


Molten Core Raider
Icy, I didn't really look too much at it, just liked the hotkeys square on the left and the hp being WoW arena style. Ah well.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Don't think I've ever played Rengar but sure hate going against him. He is brutal early and annoying as hell. Problems I see with him is he falls off hard during late game. I've had a lot Rengars recently that did well but just started feeding mid-late.


2 Minutes Hate
Rengar did have a lot of issue late game. I went up against a Nami Singed topped and ganked both top lane with a red potion start inside 3 minutes. I messed up positioning and stuff. But late game I just became a really good split pusher, and I don't do much in a team fight. I usually wait around and clean up.

I built:

dorans -> brut -> boots -> Triforce -> hydra -> cleaver. Triforce is pretty nice with both procs.


Lord Nagafen Raider
All I know is if you build glass cannon and triple Q a squishy they just die. Rengar is one of those champs I only played during free week. I think I was going to pick him up sometime but then he got nerfed pretty hard and I never really bothered to look back at him.

If you want very lolzy rengar play, run SotD. Ult in, pop that, triple Q and laugh.


Potato del Grande
That is perfectly acceptable for the two of you but I know myself. I don't have any desire to climb the solo queue ladder for its own sake. My desire is to truly stop caring about exterior concerns and to play for myself and myself alone. I want to be able to set aside all of the bullshit that is the solo queue system and strive to become better. I want to have no fear of losing. I do not want to become a professional League of Legends player. I do not want to earn income from this game.
Sounds like you should be playing Normal and not Ranked... which they happen to have.

Rengar to me is like a bunch of the other melee assassin types. If you snowball fast and don't get countered hard earlygame then you can end up steamrolling the game. Like others said though, and like other melee assassin types, if you don't take the early win and steamroll the game then the other team WILL start to eat you alive and you'll no longer contribute anything just like Yi, Pantheon, etc.


Tranny Chaser
Sounds like you should be playing Normal and not Ranked... which they happen to have.
Your elitism is utterly absurd. It's solo queue. It is absolutely and completely irrelevant for almost every single player of the game of League of Legends. All I want is to be able to play through a season and see where I end up at when it ends without having my day to day wins and losses, gains and setbacks, shoved in my face.