League Of Legends


Vyemm Raider
Lol just won this promo game 4v5, our shen went dc at 15 minutes in but luckily I wrecked noct so hard and our bot lane stomped theirs so didn't really matter. He showed up again 25 minutes later for his free win.

here I come challenger~

btw still doing boosting for gold season rewards(elise skin etc) if anyone else is still interested.


A Man Chooses....

Today's patch broke RAF. I play on a 27 inch monitor so the minimap icons are fucking tiny no matter how big you scale the minimap. RAF allowed you to fix that and make shit visible, but today's patch broke it. It's basically unplayable now. I have to peer intently 3 inches from the screen to see who is who on the minimap again. Faaack


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Don't get too attached to Rengar, he is getting a "rework" on internal right now which largely just sounds like nerfs/forcing him to jungle.

That said, he is fun as hell to play, but his base stats and skills have all been nerfed so much that he isn't very good. Lots of lanes are really hard him for to survive, much less win, and he is completely dependent on getting ahead to make an impact lategame. You aren't going to be exploding any carries if you're 30cs/kills behind midlane etc. The biggest thing to learn with him in toplane (which is where you should be, his jungle is decidedly meh) is which lanes you want to level Q and which you want to level E. There are some champs you can just completely bully out of the lane or outright kill by maxing Q and going all in at 3 or 5, but the number is not very large (singed, darius, fiona, rumble all explode pretty well). Otherwise you mostly wind up leveling E for harass vs the rest, or if you're really getting crushed W just to waveclear better and heal more often (lower CD, more 5stacks). Do not overlook an early kindlegem either, especially if you're ahead. Brutalizer is a fine first item if your lane is going well, but if you're losing the better path is often kindle gem/vamp scepter early.

And don't built sword of the divine, it's terrible win-more bullshit that you don't need.


Potato del Grande
Your elitism is utterly absurd. It's solo queue. It is absolutely and completely irrelevant for almost every single player of the game of League of Legends. All I want is to be able to play through a season and see where I end up at when it ends without having my day to day wins and losses, gains and setbacks, shoved in my face.
What elitism? You say you want ranked with none of the features that ranked play gives players access to. Are you a fucking retard? You can either do that yourself by not even bothering to pay attention to the stats/etc (the only thing it notifies you of is fucking promotional series but who gives a shit you just want to see where you end up) or by playing fucking normals where they don't have that and use your fucking elophant/whatever (i'm sure they fucking have a way to see your Normal rating) to check your progress (you can even use the Ranked season start/end dates as your timeframe. It's not fucking rocket science.

You, on the other hand, want everyone who plays ranked for all the shit that ranked gives them to not have access to the entire purpose of ranked because you don't like being told you're bad all the time. How's that for elitism, jackass?

Edit: You remind me of the morons who talk about how horrible of an addition Fast Travel was in Elder Scrolls when it was fucking optional not mandatory and they could still play exactly how they wanted without having to take shit away from people who wanted it.


Tranny Chaser
You, on the other hand, want everyone who plays ranked for all the shit that ranked gives them to not have access to the entire purpose of ranked because you don't like being told you're bad all the time. How's that for elitism, jackass?
Excuse me? Let's hop in the Wayback Machine for a moment, princess.

Whenever I play any MMO the very first thing I do is try and find a way to delete/hide/disable the exp bar. I want to play because I am having an enjoyable time playing. I don't want to be watching a bar fill up as I play.

So what I would like would be a way of removing any and all information regarding my rank from the interface.
I wish they gave a stats blackoutoptionas well.
You go ahead and you tell me all about what I want for everyone. You are familiar with customizable interfaces, correct?


I have a couple PAX cards left over with codes good for any server if anyone is dying to get their hands on Riot Blitz or Arcade Hecarim (each card has one of each). I'm open to light bribery but what I'd really like to see is haiku describing a glorious 0-16 Chiefs season. The codes will gift you the champion if you do not own them already.


Tranny Chaser
Arrowhead Collapse
Entire Team Dies in Rubble
A Cat is Fine Too



That cat is going to haunt my dreams. Nevertheless, PM incoming. One card left.

edit: and that's a wrap. Have fun with those, guys.


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
Lol just won this promo game 4v5, our shen went dc at 15 minutes in but luckily I wrecked noct so hard and our bot lane stomped theirs so didn't really matter. He showed up again 25 minutes later for his free win.

here I come challenger~

btw still doing boosting for gold season rewards(elise skin etc) if anyone else is still interested.
Would you mind if i add you, would love to watch you play and just see the difference in play that I need to be working towards.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Damn, I wish I didn't start watching this movie or else I would have checked RR ~2 hours ago and could have wrote a sweet ass Haiku about the Chiefs and got me some Arcade Hecarim (that skin is amaaaazing). haha. Pretty awesome to hand out some Pax codes!


<Gold Donor>
Just got promoted to plat. Good times. Time to see if people in plat rage at me as much as the people lower for the oddball play style I have.


I just had a game where I kid you not our team had both nexus turrets down and they suicided into the fountain and then threw the game. I fucking hate these perma silver piece of shit cunts.


My main account is at Plat 5 and now i finally got my second account to Gold 5. I am more than happy to help some of you guys out by coaching/doing some duos. I mostly main Mid and top, and play the jungle when needed. I am 22-3 with Ahri so far in Ranked and 29-15 with Wukong.

Add me: I Myst I (imysti)


Good idea Myst. I can do the same for people with bot lane since my main is plat as well.

Main is Silly Trolls, smurf is Buffylol


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I think I'm gonna push for gold this season. I don't really play a ton of ranked usually, but I'm like 50lp in silver1 so I think I can do if I put in enough games. Anyone else in a similar spot add Buff Drinklots and we can duo or something. Mostly jungle/top/adc, but don't mind playing support if I can get thresh/blitz.