League Of Legends


I think I'm gonna push for gold this season. I don't really play a ton of ranked usually, but I'm like 50lp in silver1 so I think I can do if I put in enough games. Anyone else in a similar spot add Buff Drinklots and we can duo or something. Mostly jungle/top/adc, but don't mind playing support if I can get thresh/blitz.
You can reach Gold in one/two nights from that position. Depending on your MMR, you can hit your promotion in two/three wins.

Add me and ill duo with you. I have nothing to lose seeing as my smurf is in Gold5.


Lord Nagafen Raider
You can reach Gold in one/two nights from that position. Depending on your MMR, you can hit your promotion in two/three wins.

Add me and ill duo with you. I have nothing to lose seeing as my smurf is in Gold5.
I'll probably add you too. I hit my gold promotion series with like an 80% winrate and then proceeded to lose 3 games in a row somehow. Should not play ranked that soon after moving or something. But I should hit promo again in a day or two if I play ranked so hopefully can climb out.

Edit: Derp. Summoner name is Amzin.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Your elitism is utterly absurd. It's solo queue. It is absolutely and completely irrelevant for almost every single player of the game of League of Legends. All I want is to be able to play through a season and see where I end up at when it ends without having my day to day wins and losses, gains and setbacks, shoved in my face.
Elitism? You want some special game mode just for your specific outlook.

The answer seems simple: Don't pay attention to your wins/losses/etc.

Seems simple.


Tranny Chaser
Elitism? You want some special game mode just for your specific outlook.

The answer seems simple: Don't pay attention to your wins/losses/etc.

Seems simple.
Again, what? A special game mode? Did you not read my response to Wizardhawk? I was talking having the ability to change what information the client displays. How is that not clear?

You know a feature that I really, really like that got added? The disabling of allchat. Yes, every single time a game launches I could have gone and put everyone on the enemy team on ignore and then take them back off of ignore at the end of the game but you know what? Having a check box that just keeps me from ever seeing anything the enemy team says or my own team says in allchat is just the best. I absolutely never want to ever see any of that ever. I don't want the chat of any enemy player to appear on my screen for even a moment while the game is still going. I don't want that extraneous information.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Again, what? A special game mode? Did you not read my response to Wizardhawk? I was talking having the ability to change what information the client displays. How is that not clear?
Just don't look at it.

What rank are you? You seriously sound like the most casual tryhard ever.


Press return while in game, click on and drag the blue bar at the top of the chat window to the bottom of your screen. Boom, no more chat.


Tranny Chaser
You said I wanted a special game mode just for my own preferences. I do not want a special game mode. What I want is an check box in the options menu to blank out my ranked stats and to not receive progress notifications.


Matchmaking is full of trolls for the last 2 days. I swear to god there are swings where no matter what account I connect from I get the worst and most shitty players.


You said I wanted a special game mode just for my own preferences. I do not want a special game mode. What I want is an check box in the options menu to blank out my ranked stats and to not receive progress notifications.
Why don't you just not look at it. Is that so hard? It seems like such a stupid request for something that you can actively do. If you really don't want to know your rank among other players... play normals. You can check the ranks of the players when you start and then check it again when you feel like checking your progress. There is a normal MMR.


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
Matchmaking is full of trolls for the last 2 days. I swear to god there are swings where no matter what account I connect from I get the worst and most shitty players.
I think it's the end of season woes, rather than trolls. People hate to admit they are bad and instead just claim "Trolololol" because then they aren't bad, just trolling.

Personally I have been having a shitty run. I have no clue what it is, I constantly get to silver 3 and easily made strides BACK to silver 3 even on dives, but this month I can't get out of 5.

It honestly feels like I'm playing people MUCH better than me in bronze as silver 5.


Tranny Chaser
Let's go back in time to my original post, back in the long long ago before multiple people thought I was asking for my own special game mode -

Whenever I play any MMO the very first thing I do is try and find a way to delete/hide/disable the exp bar. I want to play because I am having an enjoyable time playing. I don't want to be watching a bar fill up as I play.

So what I would like would be a way of removing any and all information regarding my rank from the interface. I don't want to know how many games I've played, won, or lost. I don't want to know what my current bracket is, how many points I've earned, how many points I earn or lose in a game, whether or not I'm in a promotional series, when I advance, when I am demoted, or the ranks of any of my teammates or opponents. I want to be able to play ranked with absolutely zero extraneous information. When the season comes to a close you can tell me where I placed. That's the only direct input I want.

I am not so mentally disciplined as to be able to set aside the trappings of the system and play only to become better. I am not Daigo Umehara. Even with full objective knowledge of the meaninglessness of the system it still has the power to alter my behavior.I want it banished!
And the first response -

I wish they gave a stats blackout option as well.
I'll expand a little bit. I understand that I am but a simple primate. If you were to bake a batch of chocolate chip cookies and put them on a plate near the microwave I would eat one every single time I went into the kitchen. Heating up water for tea? Better have a cookie. Bowl of cereal before bed? Better have a cookie. Looking out the window? Why not look out the window with a cookie? Can I just choose not to eat cookies? Sure. I sure can. Am I going to? Nope. So why am I not a zillion pound land whale? Because I bake cookies only on special occasions, typically once on my birthday and once at Christmas. Even then I'm baking them with other people in mind. I control my diet at the grocery store first and in my home second.

When I used to wear a watch in the Army I kept it set at lap timer so it would display 00:00. I did that because if I didn't I'd check that fucking thing all the goddamn time. When I'd look down and see 00:00 it would force me to at least think about whether or not I really wanted to know what time it was. I usually didn't.

At the start of this season after I finished my placements I was dropped in to Gold II and decided that I would make a run at Plat. I got to my first best of five pretty quickly and barely blew it in five games. It could have gone either way at numerous points in multiple games but I couldn't close it out. The day after I triggered a new best of 5 after one game and went on to fuck that all up royally. The next day I triggered another best of 5 after a couple games. This one also went to five games and on game five the player who called support ahead of me (the main thing I want to do) intentionally fed and taunted me about my being in a promotional series. That was it for me for S3. I do one ranked game every three weeks to avoid decaying.

When I set myself a goal of achieving X rank the enjoyment I had playing the game stopped. Those random idiots went from being an annoyance to being a whole day's worth of games right down the toilet. I used to watch Guardsman Bob stream back when streaming was a little less common and he would talk from time to time about how winning was a terrible goal to have. If you put winning first you'll probably do things like play champions or take on roles that you do not enjoy because you believe it to be necessary to win. How often do you see someone asking about how they can carry their way out of [insert Elo here]? Oh man, you've gotta go mid and roam if you want to carry out of bronze. Jungle control, that'll get you platinum. Everyone at Challenger mains ADC. Guardsman Bob was always of the opinion that you should play what you think is good, play what you enjoy playing, and then focus on improving. If your goal is winning and getting high rated than every loss is a setback and a negative. Fuck, now I'll never get noticed by Team EC (Elite Cockjockys). But if your goal is to get better than everything is an opportunity to do so. And that's what I want my goal to be. I want to be about getting better at whatever it is I think is worth doing.

The ranked system, as it is configured, constantly seeks to sabotage my ideals. It is the plate of chocolate chip cookies sitting by the microwave. If I want to sit down and focus on just getting better I've always got it in the back of my mind that if I lose too many games I'm going to get punted back a tier and have to gain more points to trigger a new series to win that series to earn more points to then trigger a best of five and any step of the way I could get smacked with leavers or trolls or bad players or lightning will strike my jungler's house or the mob will come and break my mid laner's legs mid game. Can you fucking believe my luck? I know with my rational mind that none of that matters. Not only is the entire solo queue system completely meaningless for almost every single player of the game of League of Legends but over the long term all of that crazy shit like lightning strikes and mob hits smooth themselves out. All you've got to do is keep at it. But holy fuck whenever I see that someone had to play 400+ games to get to silver or 1000+ games to get to platinum I just think "no thanks." I am curious where I would eventually end up during a season's worth of ranked games but I want to be focused on the journey. I don't want to be told how close or how far I am from each tourist trap landmark along the way. You are 50 miles from The World's Largest Sextoy. 45 miles. 40 miles. 60 Miles. What the fuck are you doing? You better step up, switch to Zed, and start winning mid lane if you want to see The Adolf Hitler Museum. You think this is a fucking game?

If it was easy to just avoid that information I would do so but it isn't. It's shown by default on my profile and after a game and as you advance or are demoted you are sent additional notifications. I don't want to know how many LPs I have (LPs are meaningless anyway), I don't want to know if I'm in a promotional series or if my last loss streak kicked me down to Silver 4 or if I've crossed over in to Diamond. I want to set aside all of that and concern myself only with improvement. I want to have no fear of losing just like Daigo Umehara.


Avatar of War Slayer
I suppose you could argue that is sortof similar to my problem with a competitive game like LoL.
I basically refuse to play Ranked, because I am too competitive. The compulsion to win and rank up, interferes with other games, and even work, etc. So I basically don't play it at all. So I can sit back, and take a loss and just say, "oh well."

If I could black out my ranked stats, I could be placed into the competitive que with friends, and general populace. but at the same time, likely be able to avoid the draw of "must win."
Its an interesting idea. More desirable for Riot if the overall population was lower.


Potato del Grande
Oh my bad, it's far less elitism to want Riot to spend $xxx,xxx to code in a way for your undisciplined ass to be able to do something you can already do on your own (and we've all pointed out exactly how you do this multiple times). Why not write them a check to cover the costs of adding it in if it's really so hard for you to not focus on shit you supposedly don't care about.

And don't try to compare it to all chat because allchat was also full of idiots who intentionally tried to come up with ways to spell their account names to make ignoring them as difficult as possible in order to harass people.