League of Legends World Championships Prize Distribution - $2.13 Million USD Total - onGamersWhy has Riot been so quiet about worlds? No prize $, nothing.
Why hasn't Riot followed Valve in making a special store item that contributes 50 percent to Worlds... Rabble rabble.
"This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by <some korean? letters>If you want to be a real asshole then you Triforce -- Bork --- Ghostblade. At that point it doesn't really matter what else you build, since that poppy will give no shits once she ults and nobody can escape.
I read this and was shocked that there were people who had such little self control. Then reddit illuminated me:The chat restriction system is going through some tuning. Before, players were confused when the chat restriction system would under-give chat restrictions, so you'd get 10, finish 10 games and get another 10 when the system should have just given you 20 to start.
The chat restriction system now tries to hand out the right number of chat restrictions in the initial waves. For players that have racked up a lot of consistently negative offenses,it's now possible to basically be "permanently" chat restricted.For many players with 500+ chat restrictions, it's effectively a super harsh, long-term chat ban. Some players say they'd rather be permanently chat restricted than permanently banned and lose their account, so we'll see what's more effective in improving behaviors.
I had 800 restricted chat games, went down to 250, got unbanned, now i have 3600 ______^ I'm really happy if this means I will not lose my account. I'm usually not negative, but since I have over 2200 ranked games just this season and 50% of those are losses that frustrated me in some way, it's impossible for me to keep an account for more than 1 year (this is my 3rd) and I had stopped purchasing RP because it was just not worth it (lost championship riven).
Now I'm finally happy with the idea of never typing again. Thanks!