
Silver Baron of the Realm
Wandering inn was okay but I haven't read it in years, mainly because the universe contorts itself into knots to make everything the main character does amazing. That and nearly every male character in the story is nothing better than a minion and or a figure of contempt (this is mostly reserved for humans). The only one who wasn't was a dragonman anthropomorph who the author later revealed was gay. Then there was the whole 'stop being racist towards goblins' schtick and the bugman x human romance... and that was it for me. It did start out alright though.
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Karazhan Raider
All that, and while I generally liked it until I stopped keeping up, the pacing is just bad in a lot of books. I know the author wants to keep it slice of life along with the plot progressing, but some of it is just plain boring or extremely out of place. Like waiting for an invasion to happen in the next couple of days, and it spend 20k words on the gnoll kid playing with the drake kids.

Also, there’s definitely some parts in later books that are not kid friendly, even if you discount the gay and trans shit that makes its way in.

But if you are looking to have something to read for the next 6 months and that doesn’t bother you or you can look past it, it’s not a bad read. The first couple of books are the worst just because of the writing.


Trakanon Raider
Also, there’s definitely some parts in later books that are not kid friendly, even if you discount the gay and trans shit that makes its way in.

But if you are looking to have something to read for the next 6 months and that doesn’t bother you or you can look past it, it’s not a bad read. The first couple of books are the worst just because of the writing.

Yes, there's quite a few arcs that aren't kid friendly, not based on sex or the like, but just adult themes, violence and horror. Sex wise, it's pretty much entirely absent other than the two 'mating rituals' chapters.

The first books being lower standard is possibly not the case anymore though, as there were extensive re-writes relatively recently. I can't confirm that though, I haven't read any of the rewrites.


<Gold Donor>
Yeah, I got roped into Wandering Inn for a couple of books, but eventually couldn't do it anymore.

I think it is pretty much confirmed that the author is a female, or at least a tranny pretending to be female perhaps, which explains why all of the male characters are shit, and shit upon. There's also a (black iirc) female barefoot runner character that comes in a bit later that is quite literally awesome at every single thing, including beating a full-blown knight or similar in hand-to-hand combat soon after she arrives in the world. There are very few characters in any book that I hate more than that cunt, and after about a book's worth of her stomping the patriarchy I gave up. I hear she got phased out later, but I don't care, it was clear the series was going down the shitter at that point.

I can't remember, is Mother of Learning kid friendly? It seems like a lot of it was, but I could be completely forgetting some major violence I suppose. If it is, you should definitely be reading that instead of Wandering Inn.


<Gold Donor>
Read the first Randidly Ghosthound book over the weekend. Aside from the stupid fucking name, it was ok so far. I was a little annoyed for awhile because once he found out he could learn skills pretty much at will, I was thinking why the fuck isn't he burning himself, freezing himself, etc? Eventually he started fireball'ing himself for fire resistance, but he still hasn't done blatantly obvious ones like cold, electricity, maybe even damage resistances like piercing, slashing, crushing, etc. Maybe they don't all work and are just part of endurance or whatever, but why not try? In a world where you regenerate health easily, just keep fucking stabbing yourself and see if you get piercing resistance. He can already cast fireballs, why not learn how to shoot ice or lightning or even weird shit like webs maybe? Hell, even try holding your breath for as long as you can, see if you get a skill for not needing as much oxygen. I'd be obsessed with picking up every random skill I could for the points, and no one in the world seems to have thought about that. Even Randidly, who sort of does it, hasn't gone anywhere near as far as I would. They've already said that you can forget some later if you encounter a better skill you want to gain once you have a class and a cap, so why not have shit like the aforementioned vegetable cutting skill to swap? (And yes, I read the part about becoming a Jack of All Trades and maybe being weaker. Seems pretty apparent you can still guide the choices somewhat if you try.)

Aside from that, I see there are already a ton of books, so I wonder if he's going to keep the classless thing the entire time or eventually he takes a class. Don't spoil it for me, but just wondering. It seems like if he does take one it will change his whole schtick, but at some point he should run low on things to gain/improve and he'll have so many bonuses built up that once he takes a class, every level will give him monstrous stat gains.

Oh, and is every single litrpg author a social retard? That's the only reason I can think of for so many main characters having social anxiety and shit, or deciding "must get strong, no have time for people." It is getting annoying.

Still, liking this series well enough for now. Hopefully it doesn't fall into any of the traps that so many of these series do. At least the meditation stuff is brief and glossed over, he isn't spending 48 chapters building his fucking core or consolidating his gains. I'm ok with this level so far.


Karazhan Raider
There's also a (black iirc) female barefoot runner character that comes in a bit later that is quite literally awesome at every single thing, including beating a full-blown knight or similar in hand-to-hand combat soon after she arrives in the world. There are very few characters in any book that I hate more than that cunt, and after about a book's worth of her stomping the patriarchy I gave up. I hear she got phased out later, but I don't care, it was clear the series was going down the shitter at that point.
Not that I disagree in general and I never liked Ryoka, but she is Japanese descent and she’s basically the opposite of what you describe, where she fucks up everything she tries to do and is the weakest person in the room for the vast majority of the series.


<Gold Donor>
Not that I disagree in general and I never liked Ryoka, but she is Japanese descent and she’s basically the opposite of what you describe, where she fucks up everything she tries to do and is the weakest person in the room for the vast majority of the series.
I'm not saying you are wrong, as I could have easily forgotten much of what happened over the years and my hatred for her, but didn't she beat the shit out of a knight with her bare hands? Or at least someone in fucking armor. And isn't she the one that met the "guy" in the cave and kind of punked him? Again, could be totally misremembering, and I stopped after about a book of her being in it, so maybe she turned into a huge dumpster fire later, but I felt like she was supposed to be female Jesus when she first appeared.


Karazhan Raider
I'm not saying you are wrong, as I could have easily forgotten much of what happened over the years and my hatred for her, but didn't she beat the shit out of a knight with her bare hands? Or at least someone in fucking armor. And isn't she the one that met the "guy" in the cave and kind of punked him? Again, could be totally misremembering, and I stopped after about a book of her being in it, so maybe she turned into a huge dumpster fire later, but I felt like she was supposed to be female Jesus when she first appeared.
It’s been awhile, but I think you’re talking about when she fights yvlon, and she doesn’t win. She basically throws yvlon a couple of times when she gets around her, and it ends with yvlon holding onto her where she could easily get destroyed but ends the fight. Yvlon never actually gets hurt in any real way, and wins while holding back her blows while also not taking Ryoka seriously at all.

The guy in the cave I’m guessing is Teriarch, but I don’t remember anything that she did to him.

She’s an incredibly self destructive character with a moral superiority complex that gets called out by many other characters for that. I still have never liked her character even so, so not really defending her as a good one.
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Trakanon Raider
It’s been awhile, but I think you’re talking about when she fights yvlon, and she doesn’t win. She basically throws yvlon a couple of times when she gets around her, and it ends with yvlon holding onto her where she could easily get destroyed but ends the fight. Yvlon never actually gets hurt in any real way, and wins while holding back her blows while also not taking Ryoka seriously at all.

The guy in the cave I’m guessing is Teriarch, but I don’t remember anything that she did to him.

She tried to outsmart him with native cleverness, which failed dismally and he ended up giving her sympathy loot to stop her crying because he's a giant simp.

Void's memory is not unreasonable, if not accurate - what he described is what she *thinks* she's like, but she is nowhere near as cool, or badass, or clever as she thinks she is. Her entire character is going around fucking everything up and leaving disaster in her wake. It's possible she's got actual fans somewhere, but most people hate her ;p
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Karazhan Raider
She tried to outsmart him with native cleverness, which failed dismally and he ended up giving her sympathy loot to stop her crying because he's a giant simp.

Void's memory is not unreasonable, if not accurate - what he described is what she *thinks* she's like, but she is nowhere near as cool, or badass, or clever as she thinks she is. Her entire character is going around fucking everything up and leaving disaster in her wake. It's possible she's got actual fans somewhere, but most people hate her ;p
Oh no doubt, she thought she was the greatest ever but I thought it was pretty well shown that everyone else around her didn’t agree. Seemed like everyone thought she was a cunt at least for the first few books until she started to change.


<Gold Donor>
She tried to outsmart him with native cleverness, which failed dismally and he ended up giving her sympathy loot to stop her crying because he's a giant simp.

Void's memory is not unreasonable, if not accurate - what he described is what she *thinks* she's like, but she is nowhere near as cool, or badass, or clever as she thinks she is. Her entire character is going around fucking everything up and leaving disaster in her wake. It's possible she's got actual fans somewhere, but most people hate her ;p
Thanks to both of you for clearing that up, obviously I don't remember it that well anymore beyond just hating her. Either way, it was becoming a huge pain to force myself through most of the chapters, since the author jumps around from character to character and it might take a long time to get back to one I actually like, so I just called it a day. The beginning was pretty interesting, even with all the fucking musical numbers and goblin racism shit, but when I just want to skip 9 out of 10 chapters, why am I even reading it? It is a shame too, because it had a ton of potential. Maybe it even lived up to it later, but I can't be bothered to find out.


<Gold Donor>
Randidly Ghosthound book 5, about 30% through, is where I throw in the towel. I gave it a fair shake I think, and it was ok for the first couple, although not anything amazing. But more and more "core" shit (although like 1/100 of DotF) and the main character just being fucking retarded, fights being described terribly and childishly, ignoring of tons of storylines and introduction of new ones that no one fucking cares about, and once again tons of snorting and smirking. For God's sake, who even fucking snorts on purpose IRL? I am going to start demanding any new books pay me a nickel for every time they want a character to snort or smirk. I will be able to retire in a week.

Not sure I have it in me to read the new DotF book, I might have an aneurism if it is like the last one. Maybe I need to find a new genre that isn't mostly popularized by sites like RR where the authors are incentivized to drag shit on for years and years.

Right now, Dungeon Crawler Carl is the clear top of the heap. Below that, though they have their faults, I am still ok with He Who Fights with Monsters, Unbound, Path of Ascension, and Primal Hunter. I'm even moderately ok with the one I just caught up with, We Hunt Monsters, despite the MC being a complete fucking dickbag that I hate. At least he doesn't meditate on his fucking bellybutton for half the book. I got bored with Battlemage Farmer but maybe I'll go read the last one or two that came out. I could be forgetting a major series I'm sure, but aside from those, I think I viscerally hate just about everything else now, which is sad.

I don't expect anyone to go back and see all the ones I've read, which is a lot, and I think I've read most of the big ones people talk about so it is likely I'll have already read the ones that come to mind, but if anyone has some really top shelf recommendations, I'd love to hear them.


<Gold Donor>
Might I suggest the 26 Mushoku Tensei novels?
You can download all books in PDF form here.
There's also 2 add-on books.
Recollection takes place after Novel 10.
And Redundancy takes place after Novel 26.

Wow, they sure start off creepy as fuck. I assume that's to highlight what a loser he is before his reincarnation or whatever. Still, a lot of people are going to stop after the first couple of paragraphs I think.

Anyway, I'll give them a try, and if I like the first one I'll see if I can't find them in epub format because pdf sucks for trying to read on a Kindle.

Thanks for the suggestion and the links.


Life's a Dream
Wow, they sure start off creepy as fuck. I assume that's to highlight what a loser he is before his reincarnation or whatever. Still, a lot of people are going to stop after the first couple of paragraphs I think.

Anyway, I'll give them a try, and if I like the first one I'll see if I can't find them in epub format because pdf sucks for trying to read on a Kindle.

Thanks for the suggestion and the links.
I can hook you up with epub or mobi. That's the format I use when putting things on my Kindle. And it's only the first 26 books and the reflection that are currently available. The other side story comes out in November.


Karazhan Raider
You got me with overgeared, I ain’t falling for it this time
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Life's a Dream
Mushoku Tensei isn't really a LitRPG story though. It's just Isekai. Possibly the best Isekai. Watch the anime for an example.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Finished the latest Defiance of the Fall. I can't get enough of this over the top cultivation garbage combined with the way the characters are turning into super saiyins. Still my favorite litrpg series right now.


<Gold Donor>
Finished the latest Defiance of the Fall. I can't get enough of this over the top cultivation garbage combined with the way the characters are turning into super saiyins. Still my favorite litrpg series right now.
Approximately what percentage of the book is spent staring at his navel improving his core? The last book was at least 75%.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Approximately what percentage of the book is spent staring at his navel improving his core? The last book was at least 75%.
This book is only like, 1% of him jerking off to his core, which the entire last book was entirely focused on, like you said.

But don't worry, instead of him staring at his core he's instead focused on his skills, dao and some other nonsense. I enjoy when books are unashamedly over the top on some certain topic so I don't mind it. It's not as much as the previous book but if the previous book is 75% cultivation, this one is 35% cultivation and it's just as indulgent. Zak will spend a cultivation session focusing on improving his skill "Groin Punch" and focus on the fundamental truths of nutshots and mix them with the dao of cockslaps to form the hybrid skill penultimate sack whack. I love every word.

Much more of the book is focused on battles, world-building and Zak building his nation, which is good. In this universe the people at the top will spend eons in "seclusion" where they selfishly focus on their own development. Giving the reader a taste of what this means by having basically the whole book dedicated to it is inline with the concept and "builds stronger foundations" as Zak would say.

In like, 10 books when Zak starts to approach monarchy I can only assume J. F. Brink will describe the world Zak builds like GRRM describing a feast.
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