Lost Ark Online


Trakanon Raider
Non zero means not zero? Did you misunderstand that part cause your post doesn't make much sense since you're saying what I said. I said they exist but they're a very small amount of players. Some people swear they don't exist at all but that's obviously untrue. I even mentionned streamers in another post, or maybe I deleted that not sure.

Mea culpa, I edited my post before you posted this. I did indeed read this like a retard originally, which caused much rage.


FF14 Free Company Master
<WoW Guild Officer>
Except the "walls" you're referring to are artificially created by, "I WANT IT NOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW" mentalities in the West. If you just play the fuckin' game, relax, have a social life, play other games (holy shit, what a concept for an MMO that actively encourages you to not get "bored" of it!) and don't try to fucking speedrun an MMO in a month (lol, why even play an MMO?), you're going to have PLENTY of "catch up" mechanics coming down the pipeline.

On top of that, you'll be "progressing" the entire time. Are you going to fail your hones a ton? Yup, you will. And in the meantime, you're STILL earning progress, because every failure increases your chances that much further the next time.

I've spent roughly $50 on this game. I bought a bronze founder's and 2 of the $20 crystal packs. I'm sitting at 1320 GS. There's absolutely ZERO reason to "whale" or swipe past non-existent "paid bullshit". The only paywalls that exist are ones YOU create because of your impatience.

It's not about there being a wall to progress. It's about there being a wall that other people can boost over by swiping while you are getting left behind.

I am 100% ok with a game taking months to progress. I am less ok with a game taking months to progress that other people can skip with real money.

and yes, before you say it, other peoples progress does affect my enjoyment of the game. I can't just lag behind the upper curve and be happy about it.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
There is a post on this very page which details which packs I bought. Once you've finished reading that post, go review the post that I was actually responding to. Let me know if it mentions that buying packs was off limits to the discussion at hand or, if perhaps, there is a comment made about THAT EXACT TOPIC. I'll go ahead and wait for you to catch up and then we can continue this discussion.
Right, so you spent $150 on the game, which gave you eleven THOUSAND royal crystals. And since you can't really buy fuckall with RC yet, that's probably around 7000+ BC you had available, which also buys a fuckload of Mari's mats.

"LOL SO EZ TO HIT 1370 ENTIRELY F2P" - You don't make the gold you made while ALSO pushing 1370. The game doesn't have enough "mat sources" yet for that to not be total bullshit.

EDIT: Unless you're just an absolute RNG god and the game literally sucked your dick. I'm sure there might be 1 or 2 examples of that out there.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
It's not about there being a wall to progress. It's about there being a wall that other people can boost over by swiping while you are getting left behind.

I am 100% ok with a game taking months to progress. I am less ok with a game taking months to progress that other people can skip with real money.

and yes, before you say it, other peoples progress does affect my enjoyment of the game. I can't just lag behind the upper curve and be happy about it.

Thing is the game reaches points of diminishing returns followed by boosts and catch up mechanics which means the turbo tards going balls deep can never get too far ahead. Not sure why people are pissy about this, seems like a never ending cat and mouse game that once you learn to ignore the 11 people who go full insanity grind it really isn't that bad. I am at 1343 right now full F2P starting a week behind the others with zero knowledge about the game. I am not gold rich like the others who know what to exploit early on. Shit I have yet to see a gold book or a gold map, I feel like I am RNGesus is taking a hot steaming one in my mouth yet I have gotten to experience all parts of the game so I don't see the issue.
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Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
It's not about there being a wall to progress. It's about there being a wall that other people can boost over by swiping while you are getting left behind.

I am 100% ok with a game taking months to progress. I am less ok with a game taking months to progress that other people can skip with real money.

and yes, before you say it, other peoples progress does affect my enjoyment of the game. I can't just lag behind the upper curve and be happy about it.
Then it's probably not the game for you if you want to constantly be in the "upper curve". There's ZERO reason anyone has to do Argos NOOOOOWWWW(unless you're in some bleeding edge guild that raids for content on Twitch and it's your livelihood) versus 2-3 weeks from now. But, if that's seriously killing your enjoyment of the game, this just ain't the game for you.


FF14 Free Company Master
<WoW Guild Officer>
Then it's probably not the game for you if you want to constantly be in the "upper curve". There's ZERO reason anyone has to do Argos NOOOOOWWWW(unless you're in some bleeding edge guild that raids for content on Twitch and it's your livelihood) versus 2-3 weeks from now. But, if that's seriously killing your enjoyment of the game, this just ain't the game for you.

You are correct. I ranted out at the game yesterday on Discord and quit. The RNG just got too much for me. Fuck Lullaby Island.

My stats: Quit with 3000 blue crystals bought with gold, 25k gold, Gear score 1070. 100% free to play. Could I have pushed further? Possibly. But my fun was waning and I knew it was time to stop wasting time on the game.


<Silver Donator>
Right, so you spent $150 on the game, which gave you eleven THOUSAND royal crystals. And since you can't really buy fuckall with RC yet, that's probably around 7000+ BC you had available, which also buys a fuckload of Mari's mats.

"LOL SO EZ TO HIT 1370 ENTIRELY F2P" - You don't make the gold you made while ALSO pushing 1370. The game doesn't have enough "mat sources" yet for that to not be total bullshit.
Have you seen Mari's shop? While it is definitely helpful, it only saves you a few days at most and it gets dilluted the higher tier you are, since you still get T1/T2 mats in there, so you see each T3 mats once a day. But yeah most "F2P" players bought preorder packs, most everyone who plays a lot did? I think it's still pretty different than whaling tens of thousands of gold then dumping that into mats. Mari's shop was also very available to F2P players early on, it's only due to the gold inflation from bots that it got stupid, but the first couple of weeks you could literally just buy the blue crystals with the gold you were making from abyss/quests/casual AH(not flipping or anything) and buy out mari's shop good stuff that way easily.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
You are correct. I ranted out at the game yesterday on Discord and quit. The RNG just got too much for me. Fuck Lullaby Island.

My stats: Quit with 3000 blue crystals bought with gold, 25k gold, Gear score 1070. 100% free to play. Could I have pushed further? Possibly. But my fun was waning and I knew it was time to stop wasting time on the game.
With 20k gold and 3000 BC you could've easily pushed into T3, no doubt. But if being "TOP GEAR SCORE" is your only goal, yeah..this isn't going to be for you. And like BoozeCube BoozeCube said, item level is more like a "token" to enter content, rather than actually meaning jack fuck in terms of your ability to perform in raids.


FF14 Free Company Master
<WoW Guild Officer>
I got lullaby island soul on second try >.<

I was at over 100 attempts and gave up.

With 20k gold and 3000 BC you could've easily pushed into T3, no doubt. But if being "TOP GEAR SCORE" is your only goal, yeah..this isn't going to be for you. And like BoozeCube BoozeCube said, item level is more like a "token" to enter content, rather than actually meaning jack fuck in terms of your ability to perform in raids.

Yeah I probably could have. It was the RNG that wore me down over everything else though. There's RNG built into everything and as a completionist gamer it was absolute hell trying to keep up with all the events going on at various times and looking at all the Procyon compass Islands and the RNG of getting the souls for them. Not to mention dailies across several characters. Was just too much.

That being said, game is fun as hell.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Have you seen Mari's shop? While it is definitely helpful, it only saves you a few days at most and it gets dilluted the higher tier you are, since you still get T1/T2 mats in there, so you see each T3 mats once a day. But yeah most "F2P" players bought preorder packs, most everyone who plays a lot did? I think it's still pretty different than whaling tens of thousands of gold then dumping that into mats. Mari's shop was also very available to F2P players early on, it's only due to the gold inflation from bots that it got stupid, but the first couple of weeks you could literally just buy the blue crystals with the gold you were making from abyss/quests/casual AH(not flipping or anything) and buy out mari's shop good stuff that way easily.
Yes, I know that buying founder's packs isn't even close to the level of whaling some people are doing. My point is that people acting like they had 1370 ilvl the day Argos was released "ENTIRELY F2P" are full of bullshit.

Like I said, you bought founder's, you bought crystal packs, you bought SOMETHING. Does that make you a whale? No, not really. But it doesn't make you "F2P" either.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Kinda, although I think if they don't do the honing patch somewhat soon-ish, a lot of the casual playerbase will just leave after they get to T2 12-15 or into T3 and see they can't reasonably get to Argos without weeks/months of farming.
Yep, I dont have time to fail constantly. Its just not any fun.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
t was the RNG that wore me down over everything else though. There's RNG built into everything and as a completionist gamer it was absolute hell trying to keep up with all the events going on at various times and looking at all the Procyon compass Islands and the RNG of getting the souls for them. Not to mention dailies across several characters. Was just too much.

That being said, game is fun as hell.

That sounds very improbable, are you sure you aren't missing something there? Sounds like you might be doing something massively wrong.


Vyemm Raider
Yes, I know that buying founder's packs isn't even close to the level of whaling some people are doing. My point is that people acting like they had 1370 ilvl the day Argos was released "ENTIRELY F2P" are full of bullshit.

Like I said, you bought founder's, you bought crystal packs, you bought SOMETHING. Does that make you a whale? No, not really. But it doesn't make you "F2P" either.

Sorry, dude, but you're wrong on this one. 1370 in time for the Argos update was absolutely attainable without spending any money. I could have done it and chose not to. Impossible for a casual, sure, but not a real gamer.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I was at over 100 attempts and gave up.

Yeah I probably could have. It was the RNG that wore me down over everything else though. There's RNG built into everything and as a completionist gamer it was absolute hell trying to keep up with all the events going on at various times and looking at all the Procyon compass Islands and the RNG of getting the souls for them. Not to mention dailies across several characters. Was just too much.

That being said, game is fun as hell.
You're a completionist NOWWWWWWW gamer, then. Because you'll eventually get the token. The only thing that really "matters" when it comes to Island tokens in the first fucking month of the game is 20, for the skill points (20 are pretty easy to get, even with fucked RNG). I'm at least 25+ attempts into Allakir and Erasmo island without the token, but who cares? I have my skill potion and everything else that comes after will happen eventually. Like I said, play the game and you'll get there.


Also, 100 attempts on Lullaby? It only occurs 5 times/day. Assuming you sleep/are busy through 2 of those, that's 3/day. With how long the game has been out, that BARELY gets you to 100. Either you're full of shit and are guilty of massive hyperbole, or you're doing something totally wrong.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Sorry, dude, but you're wrong on this one. 1370 in time for the Argos update was absolutely attainable without spending any money.
With the current mats that are available in T3? No Heroic Guardians, no abyss trials, no PvP vendor, etc.? You're full of shit.

Like I said, the only way is if you are one of the luckiest motherfuckers on the planet and RNG just sucked your dick the whole way through. Allowing you to sell off a TON of earlier mats, to then purchase them in T3 with gold, while also STILL getting sucked off on T3 honing luck.

Even with the few "T3" mats chests they've thrown at you with the daily logins.
I could have done it and chose not to.
Of course.... :rolleyes:


Trakanon Raider
Right, so you spent $150 on the game, which gave you eleven THOUSAND royal crystals. And since you can't really buy fuckall with RC yet, that's probably around 7000+ BC you had available, which also buys a fuckload of Mari's mats.

"LOL SO EZ TO HIT 1370 ENTIRELY F2P" - You don't make the gold you made while ALSO pushing 1370. The game doesn't have enough "mat sources" yet for that to not be total bullshit.

Stay with me here bud. He was talking about F2P and added the caveat of the plat pack. I responded to indicate that it would absolutely be possible to hit 1370 with just the plat pack. Raes (above) outlined the same thing. We are not even having the same discussion at this point.

...but I'll still bite. The only thing I would have needed to hit 1370 at the same time as I did was a bronze pack for the head start. I still would have been able to generate the gold without the RC's. As literally anyone playing with the guild can attest, I spend a considerable amount of time doing side shit and did not even need to devout all my focus to raising my ilvl. For instance, I have a second account (which is also in T3 btw and is purely F2P). I have over 40 island hearts, my virtue stats are all above 300, and every continent is above 80% completed, including Punika. If I was using a purely F2P account doing nothing but focused on reaching 1370, I could have done so without spending any money and it would not have been difficult at all. So the statement "LOL SO EZ TO HIT 1370 ENTIRELY F2P WITH JUST A PLAT PACK" is an accurate one.

The premise that there are not enough 'mat sources' is only accurate if you aren't using the auction house, which is literally the main and almost infinite source of mats. Your logic is also completely erroneous in that you view 'making gold' and 'pushing ilvl' as being two separate paths where the time commitment does not overlap. This is false. Pulling ahead to T2 and selling things of value to whales generates more mats (by virtue of the gold being made) than almost anything in the game if you're ahead of the pack, except some of the islands. Heck, I was selling carries for 300g per spot (900g for about 20 minutes of work) and if I removed the time doing other shit, I could have probably generated enough gold doing that exclusively. As I told everyone who was asking about my gold, "just sell shit on the AH, you'll be amazed how quickly it sells and how much you make." I'm pretty confident those who followed that advice (some who are here) will attest to the fact that there are a fuckton of retards that blow gold and thus generate additional materials for you. For someone who acknowledges how retarded the average player is (based on your post history) it's astonishing to me that you believe it's that monumental of a task to take advantage of the aforementioned retards to progress but alas, here we are?
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Vyemm Raider
With the current mats that are available in T3? No Heroic Guardians, no abyss trials, no PvP vendor, etc.? You're full of shit.

Like I said, the only way is if you are one of the luckiest motherfuckers on the planet and RNG just sucked your dick the whole way through. Allowing you to sell off a TON of earlier mats, to then purchase them in T3 with gold, while also STILL getting sucked off on T3 honing luck.

Even with the few "T3" mats chests they've thrown at you with the daily logins.

Of course.... :rolleyes:

Lol. Are you calling me a liar? I made 1345 on my main last Saturday, and I've been focused on leveling my alts and not on making gold. These are all my alts:


I could have easily had more gold if I had chosen to focus on that.


FF14 Free Company Master
<WoW Guild Officer>
You're a completionist NOWWWWWWW gamer, then. Because you'll eventually get the token. The only thing that really "matters" when it comes to Island tokens in the first fucking month of the game is 20, for the skill points (20 are pretty easy to get, even with fucked RNG). I'm at least 25+ attempts into Allakir and Erasmo island without the token, but who cares? I have my skill potion and everything else that comes after will happen eventually. Like I said, play the game and you'll get there.


Also, 100 attempts on Lullaby? It only occurs 5 times/day. Assuming you sleep/are busy through 2 of those, that's 3/day. With how long the game has been out, that BARELY gets you to 100. Either you're full of shit and are guilty of massive hyperbole, or you're doing something totally wrong.

That's unfair to say. I don't have to have things be now. If Lullaby Island was a "do this 50 times" I would be totally fine with it. But it's not. It's a "here roll a D100? Not 95+? Try again next time!"

I could get it next attempt or I could do a thousand and not get it. I don't like that. It's not fun to me. Even gear upgrading has a pity system. Now there's how many Islands like that? Many not available as often as Lullaby? 20? 30? I have to let it go.

I've been hitting Lullaby every single time it's up. My natural game time is from 8pm to 10am Local time, which matches up perfectly so I get it at least 4 times a day, sometimes 5.

I was also up to 4000 Peaches and 2000 Nectar from Shangra. That's just the kind of gamer I am.

Hey but sometimes luck is with you. I got the Spida Soul on my 2nd attempt.