Lost Ark Online


Mr. Poopybutthole
Anyone who was 1340+ on Argos release may not be a "whale", but they 100% "swiped" at some point. Maybe a crystals pack, maybe a platinum founder's, something.
I had a bronze pack, and then went on a road trip that basically negated the "head start."

Bronze pack didn't come with any currency. I was 1340 for a week and a half before Argos.


Trakanon Raider
That's unfair to say. I don't have to have things be now. If Lullaby Island was a "do this 50 times" I would be totally fine with it. But it's not. It's a "here roll a D100? Not 95+? Try again next time!"

I could get it next attempt or I could do a thousand and not get it. I don't like that. It's not fun to me. Even gear upgrading has a pity system. Now there's how many Islands like that? Many not available as often as Lullaby? 20? 30? I have to let it go.

I've been hitting Lullaby every single time it's up. My natural game time is from 8pm to 10am Local time, which matches up perfectly so I get it at least 4 times a day, sometimes 5.

I was also up to 4000 Peaches and 2000 Nectar from Shangra. That's just the kind of gamer I am.

I enjoyed chatting with you on Discord late night (just sorry you were on West!) and think that you're quitting the game for the right reasons. Hope that you come back on the correct coast and give it another try later on. :)


FF14 Free Company Master
<WoW Guild Officer>
I enjoyed chatting with you on Discord late night (just sorry you were on West!) and think that you're quitting the game for the right reasons. Hope that you come back on the correct coast and give it another try later on. :)

Likewise :) being in Japan it's a bit hard since it's a +100 ping spike to go East coat.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
The premise that there are not enough 'mat sources' is only accurate if you aren't using the auction house, which is literally the main and almost infinite source of mats.
There are a finite number of T3 resources you can earn daily/weekly and those sources are fairly scarce in the NA version of the game. You're somehow exploiting whales on the AH by selling said mats, while ALSO pushing T3 honing? That would make sense if prices in T3 were slowly falling, but they've only increased since release (they might drop now, since they've nerfed bots flooding the econ - but again, this discussion is about 1370 on Argos RELEASE, not if it's possible to EVER hit 1370 F2P). So, even if you WERE selling mats early and then "buying" them later, you were losing money.

You don't get to "play the AH" while also pushing gearscore (at least not as heavily as would have been required to hit 1370 on Argos release) in the current content available on NA. Not saying you can't hit 1370 EVENTUALLY doing that, but to pretend like "lol totes ez f2p newb" to have hit that GS when the patch dropped? Bullshit.

What ACTUALLY happened is you sold some mats, played the AH, and threw some BC buying out Mari's shop every rotation.
Lol. Are you calling me a liar? I made 1345 on my main last Saturday, and I've been focused on leveling my alts and not on making gold. These are all my alts:

View attachment 402809

I could have easily had more gold if I had chosen to focus on that.
1345 =! 1370. Man, you'd think you'd have done it since it's so "EZ", rather than pushing alts.
I had a bronze pack, and then went on a road trip that basically negated the "head start."

Bronze pack didn't come with any currency. I was 1340 for a week and a half before Argos.
1340 =! 1370.


Vyemm Raider
I had a bronze pack, and then went on a road trip that basically negated the "head start."

Bronze pack didn't come with any currency. I was 1340 for a week and a half before Argos.
Same here. I specifically avoided playing in other regions because I didn't want to be spoiled on the story and knew that I would be behind other people who had game knowledge. I've only spent the $14.99 for the bronze pack (which comes with ZERO crystals of any kind) just so I could play a few days earlier because I really wanted to play the game and I would have spent the $9.99 for the crystalline aura anyway. zero crystals bought. Hell, I haven't even bought out the previous mari's shop for T3 mats using gold-converted BC yet.

Still hit 1340 many days before argos came out, and that was without ANY alts selling shit. Had I known even a fraction of what I know now when I started on day 1, I would be over 1370 easily.

Even now, my alts aren't doing anything but sucking up resources as I try to play catch-up with them and get them into T2 and beyond. Had I devoted proper time to them starting right after I hit 50 on my main, they would be in T3 already also and funneling even more mats to my main.
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Vyemm Raider
1345 =! 1370. Man, you'd think you'd have done it since it's so "EZ", rather than pushing alts.

You're just floundering now. I already told you, I don't fucking care about hitting 1370 GS. Why would I? My Scouter in RU is 1425 GS. ONLY 1425 after 2 fucking years. Could have maxed him out long before now, but I don't give a shit about gearscore. I've already seen everything this game has to offer (including tons of shit NA/EU doesn't even have yet) except for Argos and the raids that come after him, and you know what? They ain't going nowhere. So, why would I rush? I'm investing my time into setting up my system to generate consistent gold long term. I could give two shits about being first to do anything in this game. The only reason I pushed to tier 3 as quickly as I did was so I could put my main on daily farm status and focus on other shit.

I really don't get why you keep digging yourself deeper into this hole. Are you pissed that it could be done and you couldn't do it? Seriously, dude, just stop. You're flailing around calling people liars, but you're the one who's wrong.


Trakanon Raider
There are a finite number of T3 resources you can earn daily/weekly and those sources are fairly scarce in the NA version of the game. You're somehow exploiting whales on the AH by selling said mats, while ALSO pushing T3 honing? That would make sense if prices in T3 were slowly falling, but they've only increased since release (they might drop now, since they've nerfed bots flooding the econ - but again, this discussion is about 1370 on Argos RELEASE, not if it's possible to EVER hit 1370 F2P). So, even if you WERE selling mats early and then "buying" them later, you were losing money.

You don't get to "play the AH" while also pushing gearscore (at least not as heavily as would have been required to hit 1370 on Argos release) in the current content available on NA. Not saying you can't hit 1370 EVENTUALLY doing that, but to pretend like "lol totes ez f2p newb" to have hit that GS when the patch dropped? Bullshit.

What ACTUALLY happened is you sold some mats, played the AH, and threw some BC buying out Mari's shop every rotation.

1345 =! 1370. Man, you'd think you'd have done it since it's so "EZ", rather than pushing alts.

1340 =! 1370.

I was 1370 before Argos was released. I was also 1370 before Argos was even announced. I took two resets sitting at 1370 running the easy mode of dungeons to be able to group with the guild. Let me repeat for you again, since you want to keep trying to shout that it's impossible:

1) It's possible. It's not that difficult even. Because it's not possible for you and your limited abilities does not make it impossible. It makes it impossible for you. There's a difference.
2) Absolutely, yes. Your understanding of the market is also off based on your low ilvl and difficulties with the game and economy. Do not speak for a T3 economy when it's clear you've been in it for about two weeks.
3) it is entirely possible to push your gearscore while playing the AH. In fact, anyone whose playing the AH correctly is also pushing gearscore. If this is confusing to you and impossible, see point (1) again.

To speak a language you understand: lol u mad 1370 f2p ez if u not bad try not being bad.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
You guys should try to play the game like I do, an hour a day (with a rare poopsock day). That way you can have all the content in the world and no time to bitch and moan on the forums.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Except the "walls" you're referring to are artificially created by, "I WANT IT NOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW" mentalities in the West. If you just play the fuckin' game, relax, have a social life, play other games (holy shit, what a concept for an MMO that actively encourages you to not get "bored" of it!) and don't try to fucking speedrun an MMO in a month (lol, why even play an MMO?), you're going to have PLENTY of "catch up" mechanics coming down the pipeline.

On top of that, you'll be "progressing" the entire time. Are you going to fail your hones a ton? Yup, you will. And in the meantime, you're STILL earning progress, because every failure increases your chances that much further the next time.

I've spent roughly $50 on this game. I bought a bronze founder's and 2 of the $20 crystal packs. I'm sitting at 1320 GS. There's absolutely ZERO reason to "whale" or swipe past non-existent "paid bullshit". The only paywalls that exist are ones YOU create because of your impatience.

I dunno why some of you are so rabid in your defense of this game.

You all admit the game makes money for smilegate by selling gold and materials mostly vs cosmet

The game has mechanics that create psychological incentives to buy those things for real life money - spend X days grinding content to get a -chance- at something, or pay Y and avoid those days and increase your chances


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I think part of the problem for some people is that they see some progressing a hell of a lot faster than they are and get frustrated that they think they are doing something wrong.

There are a few people here that have multiple years playing Lost Ark, + invest 18 hours a day in this game, while saying everyone that cant keep up is a filthy casual.

Like, no shit, several people here have 400+ hrs in less than a month, there is no way for 99.9% of the population to compete.

...and in this game there is no reason to.

Just enjoy the game at your own pace imo.


Trakanon Raider
So many cranky bitches over pixels.

This game has been great. Around 200 hours in so far and I still have such a glut of things to do still that T3 cappin can fuck right off. I'll sell 1 T3 and 5 T2 chars worth of mats every single day until they up the success rates/lower material cost or whatever and by that time should have all the bound leapstones/shards I will need to setup the T3 farm chain and likely still be top 10% of players.


Vyemm Raider
There are a few people here that have multiple years playing Lost Ark, + invest 18 hours a day in this game, while saying everyone that cant keep up is a filthy casual.

No one said that. The argument is over whether or not it's possible without spending real money. Whether you're 1370+ or not is not an indication of whether you're hardcore or casual and no one claimed it was.


Mr. Poopybutthole
1340 =! 1370.
The post of yours that I was responding to said no one could've hit 1340 before Argos without swiping. I told you I didn't swipe.

Don't go changing the qualifier to 1370 all the sudden. And I agree with others, if I had the month of experience I do now, I'd be gold rich and likely 1370 easily.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
The post of yours that I was responding to said no one could've hit 1340 before Argos without swiping. I told you I didn't swipe.

Don't go changing the qualifier to 1370 all the sudden. And I agree with others, if I had the month of experience I do now, I'd be gold rich and likely 1370 easily.

This the number of things I got fucked by not having experience in the game is really a kick in the nutsack.

Not knowing you should skip damn near everything and plow out the story and get right to chaos grind.

Not knowing where to get books to instantly AH got 200x normal prices.

Not knowing you can cheese field and chaos gates to get them twice per day for over a month.

Not knowing how rift maps worked when people were buying them for 75k as Vold was getting paid.

Not knowing to what rapport gave free gold so you could buy 100 cat pets, lawmaker skins, and cerabus mounts for pennies to sell for 30 years worth of free gold later.

Not knowing that you needed to make 27 alts to multiple your Una locked horseshit.

Not knowing what items had value or how the AH work when people were buying T1 stomes for 3k and other just pure retarded bullshit. Nobody here really wanted to teach that stuff, or the importance of guild shards, pirate coins, and a plethora of other shit.

You get thrown 72,386 different currencies and boxes and told better figure it out faggot, good luck. Once you play for a while it all comes together but after the headstart and shit you are forever behind the guys with 50k blue crystsls and 1million gold as you look down at your limp dick account and know you are forever fucked because you didn't start on equal footing.

Knowing much of that stuff now and knowing that I am still missing vast amounts of knowledge is the worst aspect of the game. Still if we can find a solid static crew to raid with I'll continue to have a decent time even if I am forever fucked compared to the richers and the wallet warriors.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
So it sounds like some people sold their pieces of founders packs of the AH and the refunded their founders packs, but the people who bought them off the AH got banned for owning the refunded item. If true that is a monumental fuck up.

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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
That is a big problem with the game - I realize we are getting a well cooked game, but it throws so much fucking shit at you and does a pretty bad job of explaining a good chunk of it. There are some modest tutorials for a few things, but the journey to 50 feels like they toss stuff at you at light speed and when you hit 50, a massive dump truck of stuff is thrown at you.

Players make decisions with poor information then get fucked. Like take engraving books for example - what is good at one level might not be great later, but books become a harder to get or locate resource, making you feel like you’ve gimped your character massively with little recourse beyond spending all your gold to get it


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
The post of yours that I was responding to said no one could've hit 1340 before Argos without swiping. I told you I didn't swipe.

Don't go changing the qualifier to 1370 all the sudden. And I agree with others, if I had the month of experience I do now, I'd be gold rich and likely 1370 easily.
Yeah, I mispoke when I initially said 1340+. The discussion was about Argos - I meant 1370, which is the entry point for Argos. I think my brain put the 1340 out there because of Pyros' initial post.
You're just floundering now. I already told you, I don't fucking care about hitting 1370 GS. Why would I? My Scouter in RU is 1425 GS. ONLY 1425 after 2 fucking years. Could have maxed him out long before now, but I don't give a shit about gearscore. I've already seen everything this game has to offer (including tons of shit NA/EU doesn't even have yet) except for Argos and the raids that come after him, and you know what? They ain't going nowhere. So, why would I rush? I'm investing my time into setting up my system to generate consistent gold long term. I could give two shits about being first to do anything in this game. The only reason I pushed to tier 3 as quickly as I did was so I could put my main on daily farm status and focus on other shit.

I really don't get why you keep digging yourself deeper into this hole. Are you pissed that it could be done and you couldn't do it? Seriously, dude, just stop. You're flailing around calling people liars, but you're the one who's wrong.
"I could've totally done that, I just didn't want to!" reeks of, "Man, I could've totally played in the NFL and thrown for 5000 yards, I just didn't want to lol!".

Guy throws around how big dick he is at Lost Ark, but hasn't even done Argos and raids that come after... :rolleyes: . Truly a gamer god.
I was 1370 before Argos was released. I was also 1370 before Argos was even announced. I took two resets sitting at 1370 running the easy mode of dungeons to be able to group with the guild. Let me repeat for you again, since you want to keep trying to shout that it's impossible:

1) It's possible. It's not that difficult even. Because it's not possible for you and your limited abilities does not make it impossible. It makes it impossible for you. There's a difference.
2) Absolutely, yes. Your understanding of the market is also off based on your low ilvl and difficulties with the game and economy. Do not speak for a T3 economy when it's clear you've been in it for about two weeks.
3) it is entirely possible to push your gearscore while playing the AH. In fact, anyone whose playing the AH correctly is also pushing gearscore. If this is confusing to you and impossible, see point (1) again.

To speak a language you understand: lol u mad 1370 f2p ez if u not bad try not being bad.
"It's possible, so lolEZ. I can't explain it to your feeble brain though, because I'm just so far beyond your plane of existence! LOLOL!"

So, let's see it. Give us the step-by-step breakdown, omegabrained explanation of how you did this. Let's see your mailbox of all your transactions on the "lol just play the AH fivehead". Let me guess, you've already deleted them, right? Man, you'd think you'd be making YouTube tutorials and farming thousands or even millions of views with how amazing you are at this game.

Who knew so many pro gamers were on this forum. Very few non-whales have reached 1370 even a day later, yet half this thread apparently made it there "ezPZ NP just play the AH smooth brain!". Yet NONE of them stream or post content to YouTube, WEIRD! Almost like you can just make bullshit up and then when you get called out on it, just claim, "LOL ITS SO SIMPUL BUT U COULDNT POSSIBLY UNDERSTAND SO I WONT BOTHER WITH AN EXPLANATION BECAUSE U JUST ARNT GUD LIKE ME". Very convenient...

People who try and convince others "lol so ez you don't have to spend a single cent and you top tier #1 NA at this game, simple - just do it!" are even worse than the whiners complaining about "P2W DED GAME!", I swear.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
That is a big problem with the game - I realize we are getting a well cooked game, but it throws so much fucking shit at you and does a pretty bad job of explaining a good chunk of it. There are some modest tutorials for a few things, but the journey to 50 feels like they toss stuff at you at light speed and when you hit 50, a massive dump truck of stuff is thrown at you.

Players make decisions with poor information then get fucked. Like take engraving books for example - what is good at one level might not be great later, but books become a harder to get or locate resource, making you feel like you’ve gimped your character massively with little recourse beyond spending all your gold to get it

Yeah, I kind of felt like I do when trying to come back to EQ1 after 10 years. Just surrounded by 30 different systems and even more currencies. Just overwhelmed with not much training on it.

Like I ignored the card system and stronghold completely while leveling, but chose to get those stupid collectable seeds because I saw a meme somewhere :p

That said, the combat was clean, and man it looked sharp and detailed in 4k with the 'force widescreen' option on!


Vyemm Raider
"I could've totally done that, I just didn't want to!" reeks of, "Man, I could've totally played in the NFL and thrown for 5000 yards, I just didn't want to lol!".

Guy throws around how big dick he is at Lost Ark, but hasn't even done Argos and raids that come after... :rolleyes: . Truly a gamer god.

That's not even close to what I'm saying. I'm not one of your dumbass drinking buddies shooting the shit over a twelve pack on the back porch. Being able to hit 1370 GS by Argos release doesn't make anyone a gamer god. I've never claimed to be any kind of master at this game. That's part of the point. Yeah, I know shit from playing RU on and off for 2 years, but with the massive changes the game has undergone in that time, half the shit I know is irrelevant, lol.

Why are you so butthurt about this? It's not that big of a deal at all. No one is calling you out for not being able to hit 1370 GS yet. All we are saying is that it was possible to do it by now with zero dollars spent. Stop taking that basic truth so fucking personally. And stop thinking so highly of yourself to believe that I would fucking bother lying about it. JFC

As far as making videos? Why the fuck would we do that? Yeah, get hundreds of thousands of views and suddenly half the playerbase is trying to do the same shit you are and guess what? It can't be done anymore. Plus I'm too fucking lazy and just don't give a shit. And it's not like it's some leet level super seekret strat. It's really basic AH shit and the only reason it's possible at the level it has been is because the economy is completely fucked.