I assure you that @a_skeleton_03, using his elite governmenthookups
, pays us far more than a mere $150 per 100 posts. Those are entry level burger-flipper prices. We deal in much larger sums here at FoH(ebrews).
discovered that 2 of the top internet conspiracy exposers of all time both posted on the same backwater gaming site,
began offering large amounts of money to help shut them down.
With Lumi gone most of the last class of Amods were able to pay off their mortgages and buy a new car, with cash. Himeo has proven to be a tougher nut to crack but should this new class of Amods succeed in silencing him as an Anti-Zionist truth-crusader, we are assured at least river yacht and live-in maid type money.
His ability to remote view into our central committee planning meetings has thus far proven too powerful for the Presidum to counter, butthey
assure us of eventual success and many many shekels once we finally do succeed.
Once this is done, we should be able to afford to implement worfs and picards on the rest of the forum.
Da fuq? Even before the rape thing Bill Cosby barely had half a billion, let alone the multi billions needed to buy NBC. He wouldn't even be a majority shareholder.
So a few days ago there was a news report I'm sure quite a few heard about Shaq and Kyrie Irving and the Earth being flat. Well, over the past few years I've noticed more and more people talking about this but even for me I thought it was kinda ridiculous and no way it could be true. It's just misinformation to distract us etc. Then I started to actually look into it. I've come across a couple of things that don't seem to have a logical explanation if the Earth actually were a sphere.
For instance, the Pythagorean theorem states that according to the size of the Earth and it's curvature you should not be able to see an object(such as a boat traveling towards the horizon) more than 3 miles into the distance(assuming you're standing up at ground level) before it begins to dip below the horizon. However, multiple experiments have shown that not only can you see more than 3 miles but you can actually see MUCH further than this. This shouldn't be possible. Anyone can do this experiment too. All you need is a reasonably powerful zoom camera or binoculars. You can go to the beach and look at boats sailing into the distance. When the boat disappears into the horizon, take out your camera and zoom in on the boat. You'll still be able to see it, completely. Not just half of it but all of it.
Then there's this video of an amateur balloon shot showing the Earth from the stratosphere over 100,000 feet high.
There's a couple of different video's like this and they all show the same exact thing. Everywhere you look, 360 degrees around you'll notice something interesting. The horizon is always perfectly flat. This is only possible if the Earth were actually flat. If it were a sphere, the horizon would bow with the curvature of the Earth even if only a little. However it's clearly flat like a pancake. How is this possible?
On that note, I'm done posting here.
The universe is a simulation. The players who control this world are actively trying to murder you and your families. All of the corporate media is deliberately lying to you. The plan is to depopulate the world through poisoning the air, the earth, and the water. The air with chem trails. The earth with pesticides stripping vitamins and micronutrients from the soil, and feeding GMO garbage to us. The water with fluoride and agricultural / industrial run off. Everyone on television is a pedophile or worse. The highest levels of government are run by people who rape, torture, and murder children and infants in satanic cult rituals. But the worst thing I know. The very worst thing possible came true today.
Alex Jones and the National Enquirer have been telling the truth the whole time.
That's how fucked up things are in this simulation.
If any of you are players and not NPC's, god speed brother.
On that note, I'm done posting here.
The universe is a simulation. The players who control this world are actively trying to murder you and your families. All of the corporate media is deliberately lying to you. The plan is to depopulate the world through poisoning the air, the earth, and the water. The air with chem trails. The earth with pesticides stripping vitamins and micronutrients from the soil, and feeding GMO garbage to us. The water with fluoride and agricultural / industrial run off. Everyone on television is a pedophile or worse. The highest levels of government are run by people who rape, torture, and murder children and infants in satanic cult rituals. But the worst thing I know. The very worst thing possible came true today.
Alex Jones and the National Enquirer have been telling the truth the whole time.
That's how fucked up things are in this simulation.
If any of you are players and not NPC's, god speed brother.