Proof that this is false. In fact, all you have to do is watch the documentary to see that what you just linked is false.
I mean every single person in the documentary signed a document and were told exactly what it was about. Kate was given the entire script of her narration several weeks before recording lol. She was misinformed? How the fuck? Could she not comprehend the words she was reading or something? Is she retarded? Oh and Krauss doesn't remember even being interviewed? ROFL. He signed a fucking document and appeared on camera in the fucking documentary and doesn't remember? And you call me stupid and gullible? What the actual fuck.
Hmm, who should I believe? All those established people with decades of credibility? or 2 putzes who made a documentary based around their religious views, mislead all their participants (who astonishingly seem to be all in agreement that they were deceived or misled) and who then put out a 20 min infomercial to discredit all their critics?
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