Because the sun is much closer and goes beyond the vanishing point of our perspective.
that makes zero sense. this is just word salad
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Because the sun is much closer and goes beyond the vanishing point of our perspective.
that makes zero sense. this is just word salad
In other words it goes out of the range of your eyesight. Just like how a ship appears to go below the horizon but is really just going beyond your visible range.
If that is the case why doesn't the diameter continue to decrease until it disappears?In other words it goes out of the range of your eyesight. Just like how a ship appears to go below the horizon but is really just going beyond your visible range.
How does the Sun look really big when it's near the horizon, or how does the Moon do the same?
Meh... I'd say Lumi is very mild... I deal with an actual insane relative on a daily basis. There is really no use in reasoning with people like this. Unless they take their meds it just makes it worse, which may make things more interestingOk, I've parachuted into this thread because it kept getting refreshed and was at the top of General, looked around, had a few lulz, but now I'm out.
Someone notify me if it gets to something more interesting than flat earth society.
So stupid how did you get a DWI. Speeding. OK if you really want to get technical the earth travels at 18 MPH so anyone doing the speed limit depending on what direction they travel they are speeding. Bunch of stupid people's. As some dumb police officer is messing with me in [Some city]. Playing head games pretending to be people damaging people's relationships. Playing games over the Internet in [Some place] it's that stupid F1 felony for bring a fire then they had to remove it from the Internet because they just making up a bunch of lies so they can work with highly intelligent people's. Bunch of dumb sound waves at the human brain using vibration technology hitting the hairs in the ear hooking people's up to stupid technology testing out millitary cellphone towers being stupid as the millitary wants to hide abusive info I have about how they spilled murcury in the ocean and I exposed it making every American look stupid on a international level they hate whistle blowers. So stupid.
Millitary level of mountains of nat head lice army of head louse head lice standing at the grocery store itching my entire body reading head lice bottle removal scabies removal why don't they make a everything in one bottle. Scabies head lice public crabs bum hole lice from public locations. Telepathic brain blood hair folical blood thirsty head lice alien ant from inside the brain barfing bug spray plus head lice removal. Did you invent disease spreading head lice blood sucking head fluke worms injecting ideas and walking swimming crawling bacteria from polyplastics is that a walking smartphone made out of bacteria and head lice for famous people ? Brain eye lashing head lice looking inside your eyes spying on your brain. Any head lice from eye lash removal spray? Brain washing with loads of head lice conditions of head lice. Mind your own business my mind is inside head lice 2 brains better than 1 head lice.
oh you mean because of the curvature of the earth?
but that would also mean that the sun is moving, just like the ship.
flat earthers explicitly insist that the sun doesnt move
Also, if the sun moves in an ellipse around the disc Earth and goes under it to pop up the other side, Is there another world on the opposite side of the disc?
if you can sail around the world on a flat earth, why does circumnavigating via tropic of cancer takes just as long as circumnavigating via the tropic of capricorn, even though on a flat earth map capricorn would take 4x as long?
herp derp
Can you please explain what's going on here
because you're confusing radio waves with microwaves you stupid inbred fuckhead
radio waves reflect, microwaves dont because they have shorter wavelengths