- 8,461
- 10,646
Too bad the nearest Bigfoot home is 2 miles away...
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Too bad the nearest Bigfoot home is 2 miles away...
The Cuba attack thing is interesting. I wonder what the motive is? Who procured this tech? Must be Russians.
Lumi What is your take on this? Is it HAARP? Are the lizardman cabal that rule the Deep State planning to sacrifice California to a megaquake to force Trump to declare war on the Russians so that the Zargonians don't invade to harvest our souls? I need to know!!
Do 40,000 Lightning Strikes Over SoCal Point To A Mega Quake On The Horizon? | Zero HedgeDo 40,000 Lightning Strikes Over SoCal Point To A Mega Quake On The Horizon? | Zero Hedge
Still digging into sonic weapons on the discussion forums. It seems that the rumored "heart attack gun" that the See I A has been alleged to have access to is the same weapon system being used on these people, only its being targeted to their head specifically. One thing we know for 100% sure is that the attacks are precise and accurate, no one else but the target is affected. The duration of the attack is very short.
It is theorized to work by causing micro-trauma to the tissue in a way that presents as concussion symptoms, but does not show up on MRI or tissue analysis. It is also "painless" and the extent of the damage has no indicator such as brain bleeding or anything like that. Its very subversive stuff probably beyond what most people are able to tolerate as far as digesting the concept of a weapon of this type. Investigating this is going to make Congress very uncomfortable and I am sure the National Security Council is walking on eggshells regarding this weapon class. Its intimidating stuff and you don't want to ask the wrong questions, or end up on the wrong side of these people, if you know what I mean...
There are multiple hurdles to climb as far as public information goes. The weapon system is classified being the #1 problem. No one at the FBI has clearance to speak to or consult with any classified material related to a weapon system of this caliber. So right now there is a lot of run-around going on. If there was full-disclosure to the investigators, we'd be able to theorycraft more about the planning involved in these attacks.
MIT engineers suggest that a targeted weapon system of this kind would be rather clunky and large. Bare in mind, these engineers who are going on the record do not have security clearance or knowledge of the weapon system in question. It would be like a D list student at a community college commenting on how a sonic weapon would have to be designed...basically even hearing from a top MIT engineer is absolutely meaningless. This is a whole nother league.
The heart attack gun isn't a rumor, it's an actual declassified fact. What you're talking about is similar to something that Tesla discovered but kept secret. He figured out that energy operates at specific frequencies and that the human brain resonates its own specific frequency and that if you tapped into it correctly you could influence people maliciously. The extent of what is capable with such knowledge and technology is unknown, at least to the general public.
We'll have laser beams on stealth destroyers by 2022. They were originally supposed to be for close air defense, but the technology has matured and is looking like it can be deployed as a medium range weapon platform.
No exact range specs, but it travels at the speed of light and is basically point and shoot with instant feedback and damage.
Drone tech should be very advanced by this time though, stealth ones with bigger payloads and higher flight ceiling.
It's just planet X Nibiru. It's set to destroy the world September 23rd. Hope you have supplies.Lumi What is your take on this? Is it HAARP? Are the lizardman cabal that rule the Deep State planning to sacrifice California to a megaquake to force Trump to declare war on the Russians so that the Zargonians don't invade to harvest our souls? I need to know!!
Do 40,000 Lightning Strikes Over SoCal Point To A Mega Quake On The Horizon? | Zero HedgeDo 40,000 Lightning Strikes Over SoCal Point To A Mega Quake On The Horizon? | Zero Hedge
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