I can't say where exactly but I personally took this picture on the edge of our flat earth
The Great Letdown of 2012
12/21/12 - The day that will live in potatoes.
There's a new 3d laser printing tech that turns any surface with enough carbon into a circuit board.
If you find a big enough potato, it may soon be possible to laser print a computer circuit on it and legit turn it into a potato-hard-drive.
Anyway, multiple end of the world predictions coming up in the next few weeks (based on the September 23rd stuff).
March 20th is the big number 2, behind... March 31st / April 1st.
Random trivia: Sir Isaac Newton predicted 04/01/2018 as a possible date for the rapture, but he said it was more likely to be in 2060(?).
This coincides with the conspiracy theory that Jesus was crucified in 17 AD, because of the massive night earthquake that year (matching the Bible).
AD 17 Lydia earthquake - Wikipedia
Also, conspiracy theory involving the ark of the covenant being discovered the same year Indiana Jones came out. (The conspiracy is the Israeli government refused to release photos of the discovery, covered it up).
So I've devised an experiment which will quite easily and irrefutably prove or disprove the flat Earth once and for all. I am going to acquire say, 10 miles of wire and place it on a fixed point on land above sea level, say 3 or however many feet. Then after anchoring the string, take it on a boat attached to a fixed location and kept at the same exact height and cross a large body of water, preferably a lake with calm water. If the wire never touches or even appears to be coming close to touching the water, the Earth has to be flat. If it does touch the water or clearly appears to be dropping towards the water then that means the boat is in fact dropping due to curvature and therefor the Earth is definitely a sphere.
Can anyone find any faults with this experiment? It seems quite simple and straight forward with basically no room for error.
Your string will break before you can pull it taut. However, you can use a laser and do the same thing.