Lumi's Batshit Insane Thread


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Why do comets, asteroids, and meteors hate us so much? Are we not good enough for them to hit?


Registered Hutt
We haven't proven ourselves worthy. Perhaps the next few Mad Max films will demonstrate our value as a species.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
We haven't proven ourselves worthy. Perhaps the next few Mad Max films will demonstrate our value as a species.
Well, especially after Tanoomba tries to contribute to internet discussions involving them. Asteroids would literally fling themselves at us after that.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I love it when they start babbling about toxins

6. Detoxifying

In a world filled with so many toxins, we should all be taking precautionary measures by incorporating protective foods into our diets. We've discussed many of the sources of toxins in previous articles so we won't be overly redundant in this article.

The unique acids in ACV bind to toxins and allow us to release them more effectively.

You can also utilize the medicine of ACV by adding a cup to a hot bath with some epsom salts, to kickstart your lymphatic system into releasing toxins (6).


<Gold Donor>
You have no idea the number of arguments I've had over "toxins" with my coworkers. One of them is a Certified Massage Therapist, and "releasing toxins" is like half of what they taught about. I have looked at the material and listened to her talk about it, and they are just as whack as chiropractors who think they can cure everything by adjusting you, except CMTs think it involves pressing the correct spot on your feet and shit.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>

Nope. Nothing crazy here.


I'm Amod too!
What that picture tells me is next time my sinuses are acting up I should play This Little Piggy with myself.


Poet Warrior
You have no idea the number of arguments I've had over "toxins" with my coworkers. One of them is a Certified Massage Therapist, and "releasing toxins" is like half of what they taught about. I have looked at the material and listened to her talk about it, and they are just as whack as chiropractors who think they can cure everything by adjusting you, except CMTs think it involves pressing the correct spot on your feet and shit.
I lost a few friends (sorta) over the whole toxin thing. We were a group of young people who drank together and one night, without thinking, I asked the one gal who was a CMT what a toxin was. She babbled about toxins all the time. She had some canned answer that I don't remember. And I was like, "No, I mean, what are the name of the toxins? What do they look like? Are they carbon based? Can you draw one for me?" At that point I was basically labeled an uncaring cynical asshole who hates everything and doesn't want sick people to get better. I kept hanging around them for a while but never was really 'in' with them. Because I was such an asshole. Because toxins.


<Gold Donor>
I lost a few friends (sorta) over the whole toxin thing. We were a group of young people who drank together and one night, without thinking, I asked the one gal who was a CMT what a toxin was. She babbled about toxins all the time. She had some canned answer that I don't remember. And I was like, "No, I mean, what are the name of the toxins? What do they look like? Are they carbon based? Can you draw one for me?" At that point I was basically labeled an uncaring cynical asshole who hates everything and doesn't want sick people to get better. I kept hanging around them for a while but never was really 'in' with them. Because I was such an asshole. Because toxins.
That's essentially what happened with mine, except I work with her, and was friends with her for a good ten years prior to the craziness setting in. So we're still sort of friends, we just don't talk about a wide variety of topics anymore (she's also a conspiracy theorist). Same with her aunt, who also works here. And they are actually two of the "smarter" people I work with. Joy!

What do you do if you get the beetus and can't feel/don't have all your toes?


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I just nod and smile when my friend starts babbling about her Reiki master courses she's taking.


I'm Amod too!
Why isn't there a butt hole point on the left foot? Is that some sort of slur against righties?