What happens if I put the soles of my feet together and apply pressure?
Cubs are just setting up the miracle comeback.Back to Future can't predict the end of the world or even a fucking world series winner. Why is Bob Zemeckis lying to us Lumie?
Present.I'd like to start a weekly rapture roll call that way if someone gets raptured up and we'll know to repent
Ask yourself,"Has Lumie ever been right about anything, ever?"In the Age of Conan thread Lumie said AOC was the best pvp game made ever, period.
Is he alright?
Ah yes. Himalayan sea salt. From those vast, Himalayan seas."Salt & Honey Himalayan sea salt contains more than 80 minerals and elements that your body needs for different processes, aiding your body in recovering from the day.Honey contains glucose with aids in supplying our body's cells with energy."
Is aids honey paleo?