Lumi's Batshit Insane Thread


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Not feeling well, probably should see a doctor but they're all lizard people. If I die from something that could have been cured with a pill, it was UFOs!


Elisha Dushku
The Mandela Effect • /r/MandelaEffect

If you don't know what the Mandela Effect is here is one paragraph on it:

It's the name for the phenomenon a few - some - many people have experienced where they are sure that something is X. But they discover that in this 'timeline' (in ME speak) X is now Y. It is named after the very common ME where many people recall Mandela being killed in prison in SA many years before his actual death.

Some Common ME include: Sri Lanka being due South of India, not SE, remembering Betty White dying in the past few years,; Curious George having a tail, the actor Sinbad appearing in a Genie themed movie in the 1990s, De Vinci's Vitruvian man having 3 sets of arms and legs; A brand of peanut butter called Jiffy and Henry VIII's most famous portrait being of him with a turkey leg. There's a lot more (check out the reddit).

My introduction to ME was this year when I rewatched The Good, Bad and the Ugly. A movie I've seen many times and I realized that Lee Van Clef's (aka Angeleyes) eyes had changed from blue to brown/hazel. I also remember the Henry VIII portrait, Curious George having a tail and Sri Lanka being due south of India, not SE. I don't have any recollection of the ME that gave the ME its name (Mandela dying in prison) AFAICR Mandela lived to a ripe old age.

All of which reminded me of the famous Abyss discussion on FoH - perhaps it was a case of the ME?


Vyemm Raider
A thought experiment. Consider the following:

Imagine that you were in a position of power and someone wanted to bribe you. Typically they would offer you money in exchange for favors. But what happens if two groups of people want to bribe you and you have to pick one over the other? They enter a bidding war. At a certain point the money gets so high that it loses all value. So what happens then? What if you simply couldn't be bought?

Then they would have to kill you and make a deal with your replacement.

What if you weren't afraid of death? They would threaten your family. To save someone you love, lets say, you agree to take the bribe.

How do they insure your compliance? Blackmail?

What sort of blackmail would work? Letterman had an affair and they tried to blackmail him. He called their bluff.

So the blackmail has to be something really nasty. Something that would destroy you if it got out. You've just created an evolutionary force that would create the absolute dirtiest blackmail possible.

By definition, blackmail must be the worst thing imaginable and culturally specific.

You would therefore expect to find the people with the most power being susceptible to the worst forms of blackmail.

How to identify it? It would need to be so unimaginable that even if it got out no one would believe it.

We have people who make claims about the rich and powerful that no one believes. In South Korea a group of 8 women brain washing the prime minister - grooming her from birth.

In America, a satanic cult of pedophile cannibals.

Of course, no one would ever agree to do something like that. Not at first. So you spread nets. For satanism you have a public face of wiccans doing politically correct forms of magic. Wiji boards, tarot cards, voodoo dolls. People interested in those subjects get deeper and deeper into the occult looking for the next big thrill. They are groomed just like the South Korean prime minister.

Imagine a fraternity, say skull and bones, something the children of the elite want to join for power. You make them engage in homosexuality. You break them down by making them sit in a bathtub of feces while men piss on them. You have them sleep in a coffin. You get the idea.

Fuck this gay earth.
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Vyemm Raider
I hear you cucks aren't anti-vaxx. Allow me to Red Pill you.

It's not about the vaccine, it's about the additives (mercury poisoning) and doctors not reading / understanding warning labels.

This is only a problem for children under 6. In the last 16 years big pharma corrected the problem and are paying massive bribes to keep their fuck up hidden.

Anyone who isn't anti-vaxx is brainwashed. Most people who call themselves anti-vaxx are retarded. Not vaccinating your children is child abuse. Just spread out the vaccines and don't give your kids flu vaccines until they're 6 years old. Problem solved. Sorry if your kid is autistic, you can sue big Pharma and the doctor for malpractice.


<Bronze Donator>
No, you want to argue. I want you to stop posting.

Weren't you banned from a couple threads in the last forum?
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Vyemm Raider
No, you want to argue. I want you to stop posting.

Weren't you banned from a couple threads in the last forum?

Probably. This board has a liberal bias, and liberals are all about silencing free speech to protect their safe spaces.

Now let's talk about why you and 99% of this board are brainwashed on anti vaxx and expose the cover up.

EDIT: In fairness, the bias came from the Draegan administration. Long live Emperor a_skeleton_03, may his benevolent Catholic rulership last a thousand years.
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what Suineg set it to
I feel like anti vaxx is specifically a subset of anti science retards. You can be critical of medical products or scientific studies while still believing in the process.

That's why I think anti vaxx is a huge dog whistle for leftist retards, they can't tell the difference between the legit naturopathy home remedy idiots and people legitimately questioning the dollar powered pharma industry and the collusion between them, the doctors and the fda. Doesn't take a conspiracy theorist to find something wrong with a fucking scummy sales dude at the dr office selling what is supposed to be an evidence based "scientist"/professional on prescribing his drugs and offering discounts and free gifts for bulk orders. Like should be just hey here's this month's peer reviewed new medicine journals, the academy says use Zodollarin instead of Alpesoall now.
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