Yeah, I really don't think Harry is evil. He's not evil, he's not incompetent. There's no great vice or great virtue in him. He really is just sorta there, and he can do the scutwork just as well as anyone else.
I just think he stays because it's a steady paycheck and, despite his constant bitching otherwise about how put-on he always is, it IS a fairly easy and respectable paycheck. And he fuckin' knows it. I don't think he stays out of any love for Don. I think he was trying to do the typical harry thing when he let it slip to Don about the cigarettes. He wasn't being a bro (well, Harry probably kinda thinks he was). He was just sucking up in that Harry way.
Harry has always wanted to be more important than he is. So given the choice between being a bro to Don, and getting a partner paycheck (and influence)... yeah, he'll sell Don right down the river. And he won't feel that bad about it because Don is Don, and Don will be just fine. It's Harry time!
That's what I mean by mercenary. Self-interested.
We'll probably see this Sunday! If not, then next year.