Making a Murderer (Netflix) - New info


Potato del Grande
Jive, are you being obtuse? Did you watch the documentary? Or are you just plain stupid?

Kratz is the man who said that the Manitowoc police would not be involved in a public press conference. He is also the special prosecutor for the case. Do you know how the legal system works and how the police force investigating a crime and the DA responsible for prosecuting it work together? Are you inferring he had no idea who was conducting interviews, who was gathering evidence, and who was involved in his case? Are you saying he wouldn't need that information because those people would never be called to the stand in the trial? Are you implying he would just go in blindly to a trial that clearly had so much at stake for him and the county involved?
He was also the one spinning lies in press conferences to drum up public outrage. He was also the person who provided one jury with one story that one man did it, then shortly after in the next trial wove a story that included an accomplice. He was also the man who was chummy and working/communicating with Dassey's initial defense attorney and their investigator to coerce a low-intelligence minor into a confession for the sake of evidence against Avery. The defense attorney that was tasked with defending the accused in an upcoming trial working with the fucking DA of a current trial to get evidence no matter how much it burned his own client. The guy who clearly had communication/coaching with several witnesses including apparently finding an FBI agent dumb enough to testify his job was to support the prosecution and try to clear police in wrongdoing.

Are we missing anything?

For those of us that watched the documentary and have viewing comprehension above Stephen Dassey let's try to brainstorm and explain to Jive what he watched and should have understood.


Got something right about marriage
You guys really have a hard time talking without getting all fucking uppity. Ya, I'm sure he was aware who was working on the investigation and in that, he was wrong. But so did everyone else. And you're still implying a man with no previous bone to pick with Avery was instrumental in planting evidence and you have no evidence for that yourself. Is it unrealistic to think much of the corruption occurred at the field level? Your demand for concrete evidence really dries up when it's inconvenient
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Got something right about marriage
You guys really have a hard time talking without getting all fucking uppity (can't wait to see someone quote this along with my post to popsicledeath below). Ya, I'm sure he was aware who was working on the investigation and in that, he was wrong. But so did everyone else. And you're still implying a man with no previous bone to pick with Avery was instrumental in planting evidence and you have no evidence for that yourself. Is it unrealistic to think much of the corruption occurred at the field level? Your demand for concrete evidence really dries up when it's inconvenient
You've taken an indefensible position and are realizing you've painted yourself into a corner. You are now declaring you need concrete evidence that Kratz was aware of what was happening in the investigation despite already being given it directly from the documentary. All the while clinging to circumstantial evidence procured under suspicious circumstances to convince yourself Avery is the killer. Holding everyone else to a higher standard than you hold yourself... do you work in law enforcement by any chance?

Do you believe Kratz decided to hold a public press conference to discuss, in gory detail, the circumstances of the murder based on Brendan Dassey's testimony without having viewed it as evidence when it would be used as evidence in the case? And just having known the Manitowoc county police were on the Avery property during the investigation when he personally assured the public they would play no part in it is evidence enough. Complacency isn't an excuse in a murder trial.


Potato del Grande
Can we stop pretending this was a high concept documentary about the idea of corruption? Yes, in a broad sense it was, but more specifically, it was about corruption as it relates to Steven Avery. The filmmakers clearly wanted to paint Avery as innocent or they wouldn't have left out some of the evidence (DNA on the hood, for example). If they wanted to make a broad documentary about corruption, they could have included several cases in different counties all around the country. They didn't. This is just as much *if not more* a story of the Steven Avery trial as it is about the ethereal idea of corruption. As it stands, we don't know if the police force of that county has acted in a corrupt manner before or since Steven Avery.

And for, what, the 10th time? I'M NOT FUCKING SAYING I KNOW WHO KILLED HER. How do you not understand that yet? Jesus fucking christ. Does your dad have low sperm count? There's no way you could've been the fastest in a regular sized load
First, the point I'm making is that you don't know who killed her, but instead of discussing the topics of the documentary, the injustices depicted and the greater threat to us all that represents, you'd rather focus on the sensationalized details like the bias media you so seem to loath. Again, you ARE the problem, and you're such a sociopath you don't even seem to realize it. Which hilariously is one of the ironies exposed by the documentary and it's reaction, as outlined by a_skeleton_03, that you agreed with. How does it feel to be the legitimate target of your own clueless ire?

And exactly. It wasn't high concept at all. It was actually very banal in concept and even presentation. The only controversy is how you're so fucking dumb you couldn't follow allow with what was a pretty coherent and simple narrative. It wasn't a biopic or 48 hours mystery. The only reason you think there's a bias and their goal was to show Avery innocent is because you're a moron that didn't get what we both agree was a very simplistic and basic documentary.

The entire fucking documentary was literally interviews and recordings of direct sources. And you seem to think it was some staged, falsified, manipulated underhanded misrepresentation of the topics YOU think the documentary should have been about, but clearly wasn't, and only shitstains like you give a shit about watching every tantalizing detail of a murder victim and suspected killer when that wasn't the fucking point of the documentary if you were actually capable of watching and understanding what was again a very straightforward narrative.


Potato del Grande
This may come as a surprise to you since you're an unread, untraveled shut in, but in other countries, there are things like spelling defence with a c and using single quotation marks.
Holy shit, and people say inbred American's are the world's worst stereotype.

edit: which fine country is going to step up and claim this fine citizen as one of your own?

Jive Turkey

You're saying yes, there was misconduct and injustice and foul play and corruption and malicious intent on the part of those in power we're taunt to trust and respect and TWO men's lives have been effectively terminated because of it, and what's stopping that from happening to any one of us... but instead of thinking about that or doing something about that you'd rather sit back, no, not sit back but actively dismiss those injustices and speak against those having the important discussion, so you can instead indulge yourself in every detail of a disgusting crime and titillate yourself with whether or not he really did it, and how, and why.
A few things. First, where is your interesting discussion about corruption? What have you guys added to what the documentary had to say? Where did I speak against you having that discussion? Did I tell you you weren't allowed to talk about certain topics? Please, link me to the intellectual discussion you were in the middle of when I rudely interrupted.
And what the fuck is stopping you from having that discussion by me taking it in a different direction? Are you compelled to respond to me? Can you not read over my point and continue your totally important and intellectual conversation on injustice? What areyoudoing about it? Making posts on a forum that is famous for it's tit and meme threads? You're really making a difference in the world, chief. Thanks for keeping us safe at night

Jive Turkey

You've taken an indefensible position and are realizing you've painted yourself into a corner. You are now declaring you need concrete evidence that Kratz was aware of what was happening in the investigation despite already being given it directly from the documentary. All the while clinging to circumstantial evidence procured under suspicious circumstances to convince yourself Avery is the killer. Holding everyone else to a higher standard than you hold yourself... do you work in law enforcement by any chance?

Do you believe Kratz decided to hold a public press conference to discuss, in gory detail, the circumstances of the murder based on Brendan Dassey's testimony without having viewed it as evidence when it would be used as evidence in the case? And just having known the Manitowoc county police were on the Avery property during the investigation when he personally assured the public they would play no part in it is evidence enough. Complacency isn't an excuse in a murder trial.
An indefencible position on something I never intended to try and defend, so I'm not too broken up about that. You've yet to tell me how the harassment charges are relevant and that's how this whole discussion started.
And yes, I'm still not convinced he'd know about the planting of evidence, but it's completely irrelevant to my point anyway

"holding everyone else to a higher standard than you hold yourself".... uh, that's exactly what I just said about you

Jive Turkey

First, the point I'm making is that you don't know who killed her, but instead of discussing the topics of the documentary, the injustices depicted and the greater threat to us all that represents, you'd rather focus on the sensationalized details like the bias media you so seem to loath. Again, you ARE the problem, and you're such a sociopath you don't even seem to realize it. Which hilariously is one of the ironies exposed by the documentary and it's reaction, as outlined by a_skeleton_03, that you agreed with. How does it feel to be the legitimate target of your own clueless ire?

And exactly. It wasn't high concept at all. It was actually very banal in concept and even presentation. The only controversy is how you're so fucking dumb you couldn't follow allow with what was a pretty coherent and simple narrative. It wasn't a biopic or 48 hours mystery. The only reason you think there's a bias and their goal was to show Avery innocent is because you're a moron that didn't get what we both agree was a very simplistic and basic documentary.

The entire fucking documentary was literally interviews and recordings of direct sources. And you seem to think it was some staged, falsified, manipulated underhanded misrepresentation of the topics YOU think the documentary should have been about, but clearly wasn't, and only shitstains like you give a shit about watching every tantalizing detail of a murder victim and suspected killer when that wasn't the fucking point of the documentary if you were actually capable of watching and understanding what was again a very straightforward narrative.
You think a documentary can only be biased if there's someone talking over it? What a fucking joke. Omission of detailsisbias

Jive Turkey

I'm going to guess it was a bank shot off your mothers face and not all of it made it inside of her. There's a smarter version of you crusted up on a dishrag somewhere

Jive Turkey

Anyway, back to your incredibly insightful meeting of the minds on the topic of corruption. I look forward to reading and learning from you. don't mind me if I pop back in here with some sensational drivel for us dregs


<Bronze Donator>
you guys are still responding to this troll? In my youth I would be down there in the ditches counter trolling my heart out but alas i'm older and wiser. when someone starts tanoomba'ing a thread just put them on ignore, it cleans up so much clutter.

Jive Turkey

I'm dumbfounded that so many of you neckbeards think anything beyond "that was super corrupt, don't you think?" Is trolling. Get a fucking grip