Ok since it's clear about half of you fucks missed the point of the documentary, that the Manitowoc Sheriff's department completely rail-roaded this poor retard twice and that these 2 convictions were an absolute miscarriage of justice, and instead you'd rather be internet sleuths and turn this in to murder mystery who-dunnit, fine, let's do that. But first, let's establish what we know so new people don't keep coming in here throwing up stupid click bait articles from the disgraced DA/special prosecutor.
a) We will never know what happened to Theresa Halbach.
b) The police, in their zeal to rail road Steven Avery (and thus, Brendan Dassey) never performed a proper investigation or questioned or considered anyone else of the crime.
c) The Defense was not allowed to present any evidence or pursue any line of questioning that would point to anyone other than BD or SA.
Things we know beyond a shadow of a doubt, we are 100% certain that:
1: TH was not killed in SA's garage, which was the DA's theory of the crime in both SAs and BDs trial, of which both were found guilty.
2: TH never stepped foot in SA's trailer (and thus was not attacked/raped/tortured there), which was the DA's theory of the crime in BDs trial alone, of which BD was found guilty.
We know this to be true because of the police investigation. In perhaps the most egregious abuse of reasonable search and seizure laws in recent memory, the investigators had sole, complete unrestricted access to the property for a full 8 days, and in all of the searching of every square inch of both locations by multiple departments (one of which with a huge conflict of interest and every motivation to find evidence against SA), not a single scrap of evidence of her presence (DNA) was found in either location.
What was found is what you would expect of a very unhygienic retard, years of filth and clutter and DNA of all types, in the trailer, SAs and (what we assume) his girlfriends (We know it was not THs); in the garage, DNA from deer blood droppings from years of hunting.
Both locations go beyond "Hillbilly Dexter", it would require "Hillbilly God Mode" to extract the old deer blood, completely clean up all of THs blood and DNA, then go back and replace the old deer blood, old stains, etc in the garage. Likewise in the trailer but instead of deer blood the sweat and secretions from him and his girlfriend, on the pink fluffy handcuffs which were alleged to have been used to restrain TH, on the sheets, bedding, etc.
She was never in the Trailer or in the garage. You are a fucking retard if you suggest otherwise. Since we've turned this into a murder mystery game, any speculation suggesting a murder/rape/etc taking place in either of these locations will be immediately ridiculed and disqualified.
What we know beyond a reasonable doubt, and can be fairly certain of:
1: SAs blood was found in THs Rav4. The blood was found in locations you would use your right hand to touch (near the ignition switch, console, etc), although he had a cut on his Left Index Finger.
2: SAs fingerprints were never found in the car.
3: THs bones were found in a fire pit, in a 55 gallon barrel (burn barrel), and in a quarry outside of SAs property.
4: The Rav4 was eventually discovered hilariously "hidden" on SAs property in plain view from the road.
5: The Rav4 was seen leaving the property in the afternoon in question which matches the defenses timeline but not the prosecutions (her car left the property after 4pm before 5pm). The unrelated 3rd party eyewitness could not confirm who was driving.
6: Bone fragments from TH show bullet wounds from a .22 caliber rifle, the make/model of which were owned by both SA and BD's brother Bobby.
7: Bobby Dassey and his (now) step dad Scott Tadych both "went hunting" with said rifle and a bow at the time of THs arrival and saw her arrive. They were the only 2 people to testify that she went into his trailer (which we knew to be false). They gave a inaccurate timeline, wildly inaccurate description of THs clothing, and are the only people able to Alibi one another.
8: The SA blood vials locked in evidence at the police station were broken into and blood was extracted from them using a syringe, and it was not done by a technician performing routine, valid blood work.
Things we are not certain of but can speculate:
1: At some point, an unconscious or wounded TH was tossed into the back of her Rav4. Otherwise someone used her head as a paint brush to get her blood swipes there, which is kinda lolsy
2: 2 days before the Rav4 was "discovered", Detective Coulborn, a defendant in SAs 36mil lawsuit, found the Rav4 and called in a license plate check of the vehicle.
3: TH was late to her appointment to photograph SA's sisters van. He called her twice before she arrived and once after "she left." Keep in mind her car was spotted leaving by a completely unrelated third party witness at this time.
Things/Evidence we know to be false or contaminated and cannot be used to prop up a theory of the crime:
1: THs DNA on the bullet that magically appeared in the garage.
2: SAs DNA on the hoodlatch that was transplanted there by a shitty tech.
3: Magic key appearing in SAs trailer without SAs finger prints on them.
4: Magic bullet appearing in SAs garage halfway through the search despite the fact that she wasn't killed there.
5: Any evidence about the burn site being the location she was actually burned at, as basically they just dug shit up like dogs without any rhyme or reason.
6: Any and all "evidence" from BDs spoon fed "confessions." Really any sort of "insights" from a mind dumber than a German Shepard is suspect.
If you feel you have any evidence to add, please post it and how reliable you'd rate it: 100% Certain, fairly certain, speculative, false; and I will update this thread.
You are still free to speculate on how SA actually killed her, but don't embarrass yourself with already debunked shit from trash clickbait sites. Keep in mind, if you are going to speculate that he did it (which it's entirely possible that he did), that you are limited to a 1 hour 30 minute maximum timeline, from the time that she arrived around 3:15-3:30PM until the time that he started the fire around 5:00pm (if you are sticking with she was burned on his property in the fire pit). Also keep in mind that your theory must include someone driving her car off of his property (Perhaps SA does it, with her in the back) but you must also return SA back to his home to talk to his GF in prison around 4pm and then afterwards around 7pm (iirc, the times were "during" the rape/murder and after the burning).
A more plausible theory of SA as the killer is that he bonked her over the head, threw her in the back of the Rav4, drove to the Quarry, raped/killed/whatever there, and left her body there to return home and Alibi himself by talking to his GF in jail and then building a fire with his nephew. He could of returned at any point after that (from Nov 1- Nov 3) to burn the body at the Quarry and left it and the car there. And then it was discovered by police and the evidence was moved back to his place, blood taken from evidence and planted, etc in order to convict him of the crime that they suspected he was guilty of anyway.