There's one of those words again. This is all very 'juicy' and 'titillating' isn't it?
But for real, have your important discussion. We can do both here. Be sure to fill us in on the real life work you're putting into it as well. Or are you not going to tell us?
It's because you're like a lonely, bi-polar housewife, so I use language as such. In part because all the things you're so excited to discuss are the same things my girlfriend mentioned she read in People magazine, saw on The View, or that I've overheard from women at work. Then, when someone seems to agree with you, you get even more excited and latch onto them. And when they scoff at you or shrug you off, you seem confused and annoyed.
I'd compare you to the second-hand news character on SNL, but he's at least funny whereas you're not really even funny. That's the most disappointing thing: you're a shitty troll. Not funny. Not enraging no matter how many times you try to claim other people are mad or upset. You're just a fucking moron. Half the time you don't even seem to understand when people are mocking you. It's passe at this point to simply be a fucking moron claiming other people are dumb and mad. Step your game up.
Dassey's mom offered the information to an investigator we suspect has coerced false confessions. Her information was so important I don't think they had her called to the stand, nor deposed. Why, Fassbender didn't even mention it was the mom who told him this information when he was on the stand testifying under oath, and this incredibly damning bit of evidence turned into a vague statement that he had "received information about Mr. Dassey having some bleach stains on some jeans, and that being a result of uh, cleaning Steven Avery's garage floor."
Received information? No followup questions from who? No mention that Dassey's own mother apparently "volunteered" information implicating her own son? Of course such questions under oath could get you in a lot of trouble if they weren't true and verifiable, and I think we all know the report from that day's police work would mysteriously have either not been written or in the case of Colburn written many months later.
And again, the type of bleach that will discolor his pants isn't the type of bleach that will remove proof of blood. So, what is it, was there blood they used chlorine bleach on that stained the kid's pants and the investigators just couldn't happen to find the remaining evidence of blood in the garage? Or was it the kind of bleach that would remove traces of blood but wouldn't have stained his pants? Or were they cleaning up no blood for no real reason?
Or maybe they were trying to bleach out automotive fluid before it stained as Brendan originally stated before investigators coerced a confession?
But who knows, maybe they would have found something had they been doing actual police work at the time a crime was legitimately being investigated instead of 4 months later following up on leads coerced from a retarded teenager.