you may be right about the hand thing, I will update my post.
Also, SA is a retard mouth breather. So is his entire inbred family. But also, so is everyone in Manitowoc County, and perhaps all of Minnesota. Inbred retard fucks the lot of them. Unfortunately SA already has like 9 kids from his first wife (really like 3) so it's not like imprisoning him for that reason keeps him out of the gene pool.
Doesn't mean he or his nephew aren't entitled to a fair trial. He is absolutely not guilty of the crime he was convicted of. He may even be innocent, it's impossible to really tell one way or another because nobody ever bothered to investigate THs murder. They probably found the car and her remains in the Quarry, decided it was SA or even if it wasn't, they were saving themselves from indictment for their original railroading and the 36million dollar payout that was coming with it and that was that.
They had their theory of the crime before the investigation ever started, and they planted the evidence to make it plausible; but since they are also retarded they are pretty bad at it and their narrative was filled with holes. Unfortunately for them their scenario was impossible, they couldn't find a single shred of evidence that she ever entered the trailer.
So they grabbed another retard and fed him their theory of the crime to collaborate, to make up for the complete lack of evidence that the rape/torture/murder happened there. Except they underestimated how retarded this kid was and how he wouldn't be able to remember the story they told him and he started pulling shit out of his ass and remembering it wrong. So now the narrative is full of more holes and they had to go back and plant more evidence to string together a 2nd crime scene where all the murder/rape actually happened in the garage. But again that was so weak and also literally impossible, they couldn't use any of it at all for SAs case.
besides her murder not happening when or where they said, we also know or at least can speculate that at some point, her wounded or unconscious body was thrown into the back of her car and her car was driven off of SAs property. Then her burnt remains were discovered. If they had access to her body (meaning the police found her body whole, and were the ones who burned it, or even more crazy, they were the ones who killed her) it would of been much easier to plant her corpse somewhere in his junkyard, planted her blood anywhere they wanted for whatever narrative they wanted to paint, and would of gotten a guaranteed conviction without the need for any of the bubble gum confessions from BD.
She was most likely killed by someone living SAs property, most likely killed somewhere nearby SAs property, like the quarry. It's unfortunate that the Police never investigated her murder because there are 4 other potential suspects that we know about, 2 of which are much more likely with way more evidence of their guilt than SA and BD. In fact SA and BD are the least plausible suspects of her murder.