Figured I'd post a fucked up story for yall. Don't need advice or anything since this has little to do with me. Background is my parents divorced around 20 years ago with accusations that my father cheated. He claims he didn't still to this day. Who knows. They're both better off anyways.
So things have been weird between my parents for awhile now. Mostly my mother. In case you didn't know, she was a heavy alcoholic and drug user that attempted suicide a handful of times in the last few years. Anyways she had been calling my father a lot and trying to come to his house whenever he had cookouts or parties, he told us it really was weird. Apparently she claimed she missed him or something.
My sister had a baby shower a few weeks ago and my aunt (mom's sister) was talking to my dad a lot. I guess my mom flipped out on her, not the first time by the way. Anyways at this point we basically think my mom is just crazy.
Last week my dad asked me about recovering some messages on his phone. They were from that aunt and we're a bunch of nude photos. She also forwarded him some shaming website with nude photos of my mother. We were able to recover these messages ( I did not see them) and he contacted my mother. Now he's meeting with my mom this week because things are fucking crazy.
Im sure this is all disjointed and weird, but I have no idea what's going on.
Also that aunt is the one with typhoid and t1 diabetes and we assumed the only sane person in the family.
I feel like I'm living a jerry springer episode