I know you are trolling, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt here for the sake of discussion. The short version is, what happens in the bedroom had no bearing on what I consider dating material. After some ugly young relationships, finding compatible lifestyles and mutual levels of crazy/stupid was my main (possibly only) evaluation criteria. If you are not a shallow selfish non-communicating nutbag, pretty much all other problems are solvable. Mental and lifestyle issues pretty much cannot be changed, in my personal experience. As for time tables, everyone is different but age 30 is generally when people start to actually know who they are and stop being overgrown teenagers. I think I have made that point in this thread before, actually. People who have their shit together can and do get successfully married prior to 30, but its not something I would recommend to anyone.
And if I can get personal for a moment, I think the only thing holding you back from settling down is likely a certain amount of shallowness. You seem to have all of the other bases well covered, but you the stuff you let derail relationships seems almost self destructive in nature. I have known more than a few people like you over the years and they all either got over their shit and settled down, or kept on doing the endless cycle of relationships that self immolate like clockwork after 6-8 months. Frankly, you are smarter and more worldly than most of my friends, so I am guessing the former in your case. Either way, your alpha cocksman attitude is just as useful as any opinion, because its vital for guys who's marriages blow the fuck up to know its possible to still go out there and get your wick dipped after the dust settles. Also, your technical knowledge and obsession with anal sex is actually pretty insightful.