You are a nice guy who lives in the moment and thinks the best of people. You are simply not equipped to recognize that your ex is playing you, the system, and frankly anything else to keep herself in princess status. She is basically a deadbeat mom and you are going to end up eating the shit sandwich over all of this when she feels you are finally not gullible enough to eat her bullshit, but by then it will be too late. Literally everything you are complaining about was something people here (and apparently IRL) warned you about in excruciating detail well before you had no chance to protect yourself. At this point you are completely fucked and its about saving what you can out of what is important. The longer it takes you to realize this, the less you will have left when the smoke settles.
Side point, what does your new woman say about this shit when you tell her about it? I am guessing you don't even discuss it with her, likely because you know deep down what it sounds like.
Technically, what everyone here said was going to happen was that she was going to show up in court with a lawyer, take the house, take the kids, fuck me sideways and ruin my life. I'm sure I can go back and find where a ton of people were saying she was documenting everything, where I was going to come home to changed locks, restraining orders, etc.
None of that happened.
Yes, she has a shitty lawyer friend who is going "Why stay on good terms, fuck himmmmm!" apparently. When I offered her extra money because we both believed I owed it to her she tried to turn it down. She wouldn't do that if she trying to rob me. She's had 3 years to try and pull a fast one on me, or fuck me in any way, and we've had all of two arguments, both understandable.
I just feel like we are heading to a point where I'm going to tell her "turns out I don't have to pay you more every year, etc" and she is dumb, so she is going to ask her friends, who I'm sure will be like "He's trying to screw you!" in the exact same way all of you immediately jump to "She's trying to screw you!".
It is really weird to even talk about, because we've been fine, we've had one increase is money because her friend said we should, something we both just assumed was right because we assumed her friend knows what she is talking about. Turns out it isn't, and she doesn't. I might tell her that and she could go "really? But she said... can you show me where it says that? I'm sorry, I just assumed..." that could happen. We're still friends. We hang out at family functions, we talk, I have 30 minute phone calls with her just shooting the shit sometimes.
It's not your typical divorce. Roll your eyes and call me an idiot all you like. Here's the way I see it so far.
Divorce with no lawyer on good terms =
you- you're fucked! You idiot, you're going to lose everything
what happened- 2 mild arguments in 3 years, me rethinking the arrangement to cover my ass just in case
Meeting a married woman, her filing for divorce and moving in with me=
you- lol, you idiot, see how that works out
what happened- A year and a half later, happiest I've been in my entire life
I mean, as much as everyone is shouting TOLD YOU SO!!!!11!!!11!! I'm just not seeing it.
As for the side point, I talk to her about everything. Mostly she just rolls her eyes and goes "I'm so glad I don't have to deal with my ex's idiocy, sorry love", because she likes that I try to do what I see as right, that I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, and she also just thinks my ex is just kind of coasting and doesn't think anything out. Then she says something like "Anyway, it's getting late and I'm going to get sleepy soon, would you rather play video games together or fuck? I've only got the energy for one." and I say "I love you" and give her a forehead kiss. Then I let her play Junkrat even though I want to.