/armchair psychiatrist time
Genuinely not criticizing here, cause who gives a fuck. But I think itd be interesting to explore what you mean by this.
Cause look, its not like zucchini tastes like bacon to me. Or cheddar cheese. Or grilled steak. It tastes completely different from many of the tastes we'd all agree are delicious. It doesnt even resemble them a little bit.
I'm actually eating some sauted zucchini and summer squash with my lunch, so its good timing. It has a little sweetness to it, but not fruity. It has some "planty" taste to it, a hint of flavors that make you think of green and leafy things. No bitterness at all. The whole thing is really subtle. Its not a strong flavor like cilantro or beets or blue cheese. I can kind of understand avoiding strong unfamiliar flavors.
But zucchini is so subtle. If I put too much salt and pepper I'd only taste the salt and pepper. How can you dislike this? Is the flavor of zucchini intense for a supertaster? If so, what does it taste like?
My theory is when people say they dont like a lot of food what they mean really is "if it doesnt taste like X I wont try it". I dont think its about the foods themselves, its some kind of aversion to the unknown.
When you go to a restaurant that you go to frequently -- do you order the same thing every time or make sure to order something different each time, to explore and have food adventures?