You know what bothers me most is when kids today are entitled to their own food. (This isn't directed at you)
Back in my day, I ate what was on the table, or I didn't eat. We coddle too much these days. Hell, I even had to eat Liver and onions when I was a kid because that was my dad's favorite. Once a week.![]()
I've found with food that if there's something I don't like, I can generally develop a taste for it over time if I care to put in the effort. I used to hate bell peppers, my dad loved them and always had the green ones. Had a gf at one time that often put red ones in salad, which I got used to and worked by way back up/down to green.
I never really understood the whole "eat what I make or nothing," thing. It's one thing to give your kid cereal or cake for dinner because you're lazy but I can cook a steak and a piece of chicken at the same time. So if I want steak and my kid wants chicken, why the fuck not?
Because if you do that your kid grows up scared to try new food because they "might not like it". They grow up into Trex or Noodle.I never really understood the whole "eat what I make or nothing," thing. It's one thing to give your kid cereal or cake for dinner because you're lazy but I can cook a steak and a piece of chicken at the same time. So if I want steak and my kid wants chicken, why the fuck not?
What a bizarre and arbitrary set of rules! Some foods can be picked and eaten at different stages of ripeness. There isnt one correct stage to eat each product. Do you hate green olives too? Pickled green mangos? Small zucchinis? Squash flowers? Green beans? Snap peas? All of these mature into different and equally useful stages but are also delicious picked early.Disliking green bell peppers should be normal. It's a fucking unripe fruit. Like eating completely green bananas or green tomatoes(yes, they are good breaded and deep fried...but what isn't?). Why would anyone taste a ripened red pepper then think they want an objectively worse version?
Yes, green bell peppers are cheaper. Don't care, they offer so little in taste besides some mild grassiness. Same goes for jalapenos. Green jalapenos are just horrible. Ripened red jalapenos are great, it's a shame they are so rare since most are turned chipotles(which are great too, but totally different).
What a bizarre and arbitrary set of rules! Some foods can be picked and eaten at different stages of ripeness. There isnt one correct stage to eat each product. Do you hate green olives too? Pickled green mangos? Small zucchinis? Squash flowers? Green beans? Snap peas? All of these mature into different and equally useful stages but are also delicious picked early.
Because if you do that your kid grows up scared to try new food because they "might not like it". They grow up into Trex or Noodle.
Its a handicap. I want my kids to be able to walk into a dinner party and eat whats served and enjoy it. To walk into a restaurant and order anything off the menu and like it. Like a normal person. Not to be scared of eating things that might have a new flavor they havent encountered before.
I worked with a guy for many years who literally every day ate chicken nuggets and peanut M&Ms. Every day, no exceptions. We all went out to a work dinner once at a decent restaurant that didnt serve chicken nuggets. This dude had a seriously hard time finding something to even order and I'm pretty sure he didnt actually eat it once it arrived.
My kids wont have that affliction, I am determined.
My girlfriend is an utter terror in the kitchen(in a bad way). Luckily I love cooking and she is not picky at all, when it comes to food.marriage and the power of food
thread further makes me appreciate my awesome wife who is also an awesome (professional, trained) chef.
Green Peppers stuffed with canned salmon, baked in the oven with tomato sauce on top. fucking yuck times infinity.