Sucking off a gaggle of cocks each day is a part time job
What kind of disease makes you a faggot that needs safe places on the internet?What kind of disease do you have that keeps your from remember that this is the grown up section?
Nester gets pussyhurt about any post I make. The person who it was directed at had zero fucking issue with it
What does @trex think?If your children are old enough for full time school, why would your wife not work?
I just do not get it, seems like the ultimate cuck to me.
This is not direct at Big W directly, its directed to the universe.
There is no house that takes 40 hours a week to KEEP, there is no meal plan that takes 40 hours a week to prep....
If your children are old enough for full time school, why would your wife not work?
I just do not get it, seems like the ultimate cuck to me.
This is not direct at Big W directly, its directed to the universe.
There is no house that takes 40 hours a week to KEEP, there is no meal plan that takes 40 hours a week to prep....
Isn't she a nurse? There will always be dramaJust as an aside, my wife takes care of our kid all day then works overnight a few nights a week just to help out.
She's pretty shitty about keeping jobs. There seems to always be drama at work... But at least she tries.
Oh. I see. I can see how those jobs can be filled with bullshit women drama too!I wish my wife was a nurse, if only for shitting in bushes.
She used to work for the usps but now does overnight food prep. The money is small but it takes care of annoying bills like Comcast
Just as an aside, my wife takes care of our kid all day then works overnight a few nights a week just to help out.
She's pretty shitty about keeping jobs. There seems to always be drama at work... But at least she tries.
Right. Because dedicating one parent full time to building the home and family is being the ultimate cuck but dedicating both parents to working 9-5 at some menial job to pay for childcare is somehow liberated. Slavery is freedom. War is peace. Strength is weakness.If your children are old enough for full time school, why would your wife not work?
I just do not get it, seems like the ultimate cuck to me.
This is not direct at Big W directly, its directed to the universe.
There is no house that takes 40 hours a week to KEEP, there is no meal plan that takes 40 hours a week to prep....