There is also a massive difference is making yourself an available future option and desperately clinging to some girl for a chance at escaping the friendzone.
Guys tend to also forget how fickle women can be. Especially since they are so dominated by emotion. I've had women I've slept with text me the same/next day, tell me how wonderful/amazing the date/sex/etc. was, then act like they could give a shit less/hate my guts 2 days later. Then, 3 months later they are texting/calling me, wanting to hang out again. Just because a woman had an amazing time with you last week, doesn't mean that she isn't now fighting with her Dad and thinks her fucking life is a total wreck, she hates the world, has sworn off men, etc. the following week. Only to eventually get through that
particular emotional roller coaster, feel better, and then want to bone you some more.
Patience will fucking pay off, especially if you aren't putting all your fucking eggs in one basket(e.g. - assuming that she's the ONLY girl you're ever going to be able to attract). If a girl is throwing you shit, drama, etc., just start texting/hanging out with other women until she handles her shit.
Just being an emotional fucking Gibraltar and not letting anything phase you will open your access to all sorts of women. You really have to project an attitude of being the coolest motherfucker in the room and truly be congruent with the assumption that you never get rattled. It really is projecting an aura of..
Girl: "I really like you! You're awesome!"
You: "Cool"
Girl: "I fucking can't stand you! You're a fucking douche!"
You: "Cool"
Now, that isn't to say you need to have some sort of stoic, stoner type demeanor, but you truly do have to
own the fact that there are
literally billions of women out there and
plenty of them are willing to sleep with you. Many aren't, but
plenty are.