A nice asshole.
So, I've been dating this girl for a few months now. Things are going pretty well, despite the fact that it's a long distance relationship (different continent type of distance) but despite that I've been able to visit her, and she has come to visit me, and end up having a very nice time together. Sure, she's given me a bit of grief two or three times about some stupid detail (like how I couldn't tell she had been a bit worried about some problem I wasn't even aware of), so she's not perfect, but it's never been something that has set off a major red flag warning yet.
And yet, I don't know why, I feel like she's been lying to me or hiding something from me. I don't know what about, but something. Something in my gut is telling me to be weary, but I have absolute zero evidence for this or anything like it. Fuck!
Anyway, I thought I'd get that off my chest, and as a possible introduction to some bigger story.
Pass on the LDR they never work and just blind you from other things that are more fun and a lot less effort.
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