Banging chicks at work leads to sexual harassment suit and whatnot. I know very well. It doesn't help if you leave them after fucking either. Women don't seem to like a huge emotional scar but they are so delicious.
I banged a chick from work on my second week on the job. We dated in secret after, She was one of my pool of assistants so it was a tad sketchy. But she was SOOO hot. tall skinny blond with big tits and always in high heels, super nice and truly caring, treats everyone with respect and just a blast to be around.
I told my bosses boss because he was my bro.
You see he hired me a year prior as entry level peon in our Calgary branch which he ran. when he was transferred to run the Vancouver office, he asked me if would go with him and he would promote me.
I was all over that. the office was pretty big too, 50-75 ppl with many middle managers, so it was extremely valuable for my career.
My actual/direct boss was an overweight middle age white lady.
One time while driving to an appointment with my actual boss and another middle age asian lady coworker i let it slip that the assistant and I where an item.
Oh man did my boss start to lose it and say we have to go to HR and there was going to be problems and we had to stop blah blah blah.
I responded. Nah its cool. Tony knows and said its fine....
She shut up and never said another thing about it.
Funny thing, Tony left the company two years later to run another bigger company. 6 months later he pulled me to that company, there i meet my current business partners and set my current position and life in a new city.
I ran into Tony randomly at a Hotel Bar in a city i was visiting last month, both of us hammered. Tried to buy that dude a beer and he would not even let me.....
And that hot blonde?
We celebrate our 9th wedding anniversary this summer