Wife and I share all the same hobbies for the most part, Warhammer, Board Games, Video Games, Sci-fi, and so on. We play tons of coop games together as part of our "couple time". Really the only hobby I had to drop for her was when we both gave up MMOs because of the time suckage involved in them. Ironically, we met playing EQ1. Its probably a good thing that we don't ever want kids. Family drama and usual low level female crazy aside, I have it exceedingly good. The past experiences I had with women who were not themselves nerds were so fucking negative that I cannot even relate to life before I started dating my wife anymore. Really, the only things we do separate are her forays into Disney bullshit and my musical hobbies. If we ever did get divorced, I would just jack off and avoid human contact for the rest of my life because I do not see anything better than her as a fit for me. Those guys who marry showboat wives that they have nothing in common with baffle me, but they are all over the place it seems.