Trakanon Raider
Here's potentially some upcoming drama...
Girlfriend is visiting for a couple of weeks (Transatlantic Long Distance Relationship), and I think I'm done. Not because there is necessarily anything wrong with her, or because of a specific situation, we're just very different. We really haven't had many major issues in our 7 month relationship really, I've just come to the conclusion that we are just not compatible for the long run. My gut is screaming we wouldn't be happy if we tried, and has been for a while now.
She's still has 10 days left here. I'm not sure if I should break it up to her as soon as possible and let her decide what to do, or wait closer to the end of her visit, or wait till she's gone. Though the last one may sound like a douchey thing to do, part of me believes that would be the easiest on her, since I think she's gonna have a hard time with the news, not only because she really does loves me, but I believe she thinks I may even want to propose sometime in the next few months (though we haven't talked about it specifically)
I've been thinking about this one. Not only should you not wait till after she leaves, you can't wait till the last day either. The big thing women hate is thinking the only reason you are with them is to stick your dick in them and everything else was a lie. Don't leave her with that impression. Make sure it's clear you like her, you saw potential but this just isn't exactly what you are looking for. Also if she tries to change your mind with sex make it quite clear that it isn't going to change your mind. (No matter how kinky she gets)
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