Whew...long post to follow:
I didn't hold it against him...I just needed to know what the deal was. I have a social life outside of him and I work a fuckton so knowing how much he was going to put into it helped me to know how much I should. If I am a place holder, I could live with that, but I don't seem to be for now. I do like him more than other men I know; enough to turn down other opportunities. He is extremely smart and very funny (I am a sucker smart/funny) he is physically attractive and healthy and we have some shared interests and ambitions. Because I like him, I will make efforts to show that, singular attention is my way. I am not good at multisexing. It feels disingenuous FROM me. I don't expect everyone to be like me, I understand they aren't. Also, from a health point of view...it's good to know the level of precaution
So, I see absolutely nothing wrong with me asking.
Also...you should know thay I checked him out (public records etc...a girl has to be somewhat cautious) before our first date...AND on that date, I TOLD him that I did.
He got a clue as to my level of openness and that I am fairly forthright. I also told him that I consulted all of you in re his early intetaction with me. He is actually the only person in my world who is aware of your existence.
So, that first time, after several dates and an overnight, I asked, but I didn't push it. But we are getting together more often ..actually when ever our schedules allow...and spending nights together so I needed to ask again. I am not looking too far into any future and I am continuing to just enjoy my time with him and seeing if it progresses. Again, it helps me to know how much effort to make. He is worth that much and so am I.