Unfortunately I do not cater to market above age 30. I need babies.Not the remarks to which I referred agreement, but I am happy for you that you are experiencing success.
Unfortunately I do not cater to market above age 30. I need babies.Not the remarks to which I referred agreement, but I am happy for you that you are experiencing success.
Did you still get days off throughout the week or were you working seven days a week? Because fuck that. Especially if you're salaried. No way I would put up with that.
Whoa. Slow down. Skinner the better.Or the market below 200 lbs.
I don't think so, because A> I'm not that ugly, fuck you and B> good looking guys have the same issues if you exclude scoring 20 year olds for nightly stands. Women don't care if you're good looking or not as long as you're not hideous, and they won't put up with bullshit just to get a good looking guy. For a relationship, anyway, they want someone who treats them well, can take care of them, and is exciting. Good looking is like #5 on the list.
Meanwhile men will put up with some BULLSHIT for a woman with a pretty face and big tits.
I'm not going back to PA. Hawaii is now my home. There's no way I'm cutting my daughter and soon to be son out of my life. My daughter is everything to me, and I can only imagine the son will also be.
Last, you hit one of my pet peeves, people who say they cant cook means they're either lazy and just don't feel like cooking, stupid cause they can't read and follow instructions or have the attention span of a hamster. Which one is it? Ask your wife what she wants for super and cook her a dam amazing meal
Not salaried. When I started, it was 4/10s, at least that's what the job description said. It was in actuality 4/16's with the possibility of a 5th day. Day 5 and 6 are over time and day 7 is always double time, so even when it did happen it's not the end of the world. I've pulled a few 10-14 day runs, but it isn't normal by any means.
The point is that the job is worth keeping for the benefits..not only the health insurance, but you know..for more basic reasons like food on the table. I'm not telling them to fuck off on OT days because I don't wanna come in. I'm coming in because I still want to be employed come Monday.
Seven sixteen hour days in a row? That's absolutely fucking ridiculous. Like that is just completely beyond the pale, neither I or anyone I know would ever put up with being expected to work 112-hour weeks.
How is it even legal for you to only get double time for the last day? This has to be a technically salaried job that they're just choosing to pay overtime for.
Seven sixteen hour days in a row? That's absolutely fucking ridiculous. Like that is just completely beyond the pale, neither I or anyone I know would ever put up with being expected to work 112-hour weeks.
How is it even legal for you to only get double time for the last day? This has to be a technically salaried job that they're just choosing to pay overtime for.
You're the socialist, look at the labor laws. They're not even required to pay double time. It's also double time after 14 hours on a 4/10, and 12 hours if you're on 5/8s.
It's a union gig, so I guarantee you it's not salary. As for why we put up with it, it's only that busy a few months out of the year, and only THAT busy for about 5 weeks. We put up with it because we have stellar health insurance and make a fuckload of money for something you could technically train a monkey to do.
Some people aren't afraid of working hard to take care of their family. I put my wife thru school doing this, and my only regret is that I didn't start when I was 18.
Well technically he mentioned double time. Standard OT is time and 1/2 usually. It also doesn't apply to a 1099 position.
So maybe either of those come into play here, I dunno.
If you're not OT-exempt you're required to start getting overtime after 40 hours. That means the middle of the third day if you're working 16-hour days, not the start of the fifth. If you're not getting that either they're breaking the law or you're on salary.
I wouldn't do that. I don't hate on anyone who chooses to, but I wouldn't. Last year I went through a period where I was working 6 days a week 12+ hours a day, and fuck all that. The money was ok, just regular time no time+ anything, but it surely wasn't healthy.
Not to distract from Xarp.
But my job is EXTREMELY demanding time wise. To the point the 2.5 hour drive home is not doable when I leave the office most days (*as a general rule, when I leave after 7, getting home at 9:30 to get up 5 to be in the office by 8 isn't sustainable, it'll keel my producitivity, and that's when I don't travel)
I have a place to stay close to work, but my family isn't there. This is the kind of life her Dad lead when she was young, so she says she finds it admirable.
When I AM home (generally weekends) I cook, I help clean, I play with the kids and I do a fatherly thing. From everything I can tell my family understands what I go through to provide the (very luxurious now a days) life I do for them. They seem thankful, and based on the sex my wife finds a hard working man sexy. So this isn't a post of "how do I keep my family????"...Its "How do I deal with not seeing my family??"
The idea is we buy a place close by. And we are looking...But we're looking for some specific things (mutually agree'd upon) that is taking some time to find the right property.
This shit is killing me..