Life's a Dream
I'm trying not to make any excuses. I'm trying to lay down the facts as I see them. And it isn't that I'd be crushed by 24/7 medication for pain. I was on weekly injectable in PA for my RA called Orencia. It was great, but horribly fucked up my sperm. They actually tell you that if you ever PLAN on getting a partner pregnant, you not only have to stop the medication completely for at least 6 months, but you also need to take a secondary medication that's the oral version of a charcoal filter that will scrub the Orencia out of your system. Otherwise, babies have all kinds of horrible defects. Miss-shaped skulls, bone density deformations, additional arms or internal organs... It's a fucking disaster. But, it made me feel pretty good, all things considered. The start of my day (hour) was a little rough, but once I got moving, it was all smooth sailing from there, within reason. Some days I would ache all day regardless of what I took. Days with snow were like that, which is another thing that made PA less desirable. It snowed a little too much for my liking. Hardly Maine, but bad enough.
For my MS, I was on a daily pill called Aubagio. This was decent as well. I still had MS side effects and exacerbations, but they were manageable. Plus, my MRI's didn't show any real advancement in the disease. I've already got a huge plaque load and way too many lesions in my brain for comfort as is, so at least it was under control. I guess.
Fortunately, medical insurance covered these drugs to the point where my out of pocket investment was only an additional $100 a month. Not terrible by any stretch of the imagination.
For my MS, I was on a daily pill called Aubagio. This was decent as well. I still had MS side effects and exacerbations, but they were manageable. Plus, my MRI's didn't show any real advancement in the disease. I've already got a huge plaque load and way too many lesions in my brain for comfort as is, so at least it was under control. I guess.
Fortunately, medical insurance covered these drugs to the point where my out of pocket investment was only an additional $100 a month. Not terrible by any stretch of the imagination.