How is that even a response? Also, you could not be more wrong, because not only is my wife a dime piece she has a six figure salary plus bonuses.You're right. I just haven't thought about it. I'm sorry that I called your wife lazy. I'll make sure to like her next Facebook post.
Are you drunk right now? How can you not follow this?
- You said that you lose ALL respect for women that even MENTION they would like to be a a stay at home mom.
- To which I basically replied the world is not that black and white, and I advised that you may want to ask some qualifying questions before you make such a dismissive judgement.
- You then attempted to insult my wife by again make a sweeping judgement without asking any qualifying questions.
- And then you come back at me with what I can clearly discern as reading comprehension worse than my 7 year old and ironically put a spin on it as if I am the one not worth enraging in a real conversation.
I was not arguing for or against stay at home parents nor was I judging parents for whichever they choose. I was trying to engage you in a rational conversation which you have clearly shown you are incapable of on this topic. So I say good day to you Sir.
You described a grandma afternoon. It's easy and fun because you know you aren't having to do this every single day.My nanny was on vacation yesterday (and today) and yesterday I was home early to pick my littlest one up from school. We went to get ice cream, went to a jump house, went to the library, came home and took a bath, he “helped” me make grilled cheese sandwiches and cut fruits for the big boys and himself, we ate dinner and watched Tombstone until he was ready to pass out, I gave him a bath and put him to bed.
People really consider that a job? That was a fucking ball.
We had four kids in five years. We got to a point where we had the discussion that one of us needed to stay home to make sense of things. We both had successful careers, so it was a discussion about what made more sense. I was making a lot more money, and was in the position to get us to a spot where neither of us had to work full time. And that is what we did. My wife made the sacrifice, and did six years of stay at home. She did work some, teaching evening classes, but she spent the long days with a lot of little kids.
She craved adult conversation, she was frustrated, she was bored at times, and all that.
Should I have lost interest in her at year 2 or 3?
Clearly you needed to have four more ASAP to lock in a TV deal. Like I said. Lazy.
Really? You think it's one of those two things? I thought it was a pretty obvious joke about reality TV shows.
And can we please stop pretending that a woman who clearly has no ambition other than to stay at home and play mom is the same as a couple who finds themselves in the precarious situation of having four daycare aged children suddenly? I don't know how I could be any more clear that I am talking about women who actually do not want to do anything but be a mother and talk about it even before they have or are about to have their first child. But yea I'm the one with the reading comprehension problem... Let's concoct some ludicrously naive scenario where an educated woman with a degree and a career could somehow just stop working for 10 goddamn years and then jump right back into the work force. There's no way they'd have difficulty getting hired right? It's a sure thing!
But nah, it's just cuz I haven't really thought this through or asked the right questions. Bring on the women I need to support!
So you're saying hard-boiled eggs are superior to scrambled eggs?
That's just fucking stupid, man.
You described a grandma afternoon. It's easy and fun because you know you aren't having to do this every single day.