I’m 5’10” and when I was on Tinder in the past I always listed my height because I know going into it some women do want a certain height, which is honestly understandable. Never had any problems getting 40-50 matches on the first day and more conversations / dates than I would want to deal with. Probably doesn’t hurt I look decent and was in good shape, have a decent job. Pictures are important, show you accurately, show a nice smile, show your hair or lack thereof (seriously, own it either way,) don’t make creepy comments, etc.
None of it is really rocket surgery unless you’re 5’5” or something, morbidly obese, etc. But even still, I see short guys around here with really hot girlfriends their own height all the time. I see young, chubby nerdy guys with girlfriends all the time. There’s someone out there for everyone. I don’t get the constant “90 percent of women want 10 percent of men” complaints, if you just walk out the door into any public space you’ll see all kinds of couples together.
When I was in college and online dating wasn’t even a thing yet, there was a chubby, balding at 20 years old guy in my friend group who always had hotter girlfriends than the rest of us. He wasn’t wealthy or anything else, just had a really outgoing personality and was fun to be around.
Likewise I’ve known some really good looking, tall, muscular guys who are awkward as shit and could barely get dates once a woman heard them talk and they totally lacked confidence despite what they had physically.
TLDR: Be presentable, friendly, act normal, and you’ll find someone. It really is that simple (if you’re somewhat normal.) I know that’s not necessarily simple for folks with mental or physical issues, and not making fun of them at all.