You are one of us, so of course we're on your side. Change is always terrifying. Then you get through it and realize it wasn't as bad as you were worried about. You're already past the absolute worst of it, realizing that there was no path forward together if he wasn't willing to start making some necessary changes. The rest of it is just money and things, both of which are replaceable with hard work and time.
5 years means you don't have much equity in the house yet, so basically half of whatever you put down and half of any appreciation would be what you are looking at there. Or half the down payment minus half any depreciation if the market has gone down since you bought.
Do a thorough inventory of what you both own, including whatever he wasted his retirement money on. Not sure if he will get half of your retirement funds altogether, or just half of what you put in during the past 5 years. Stuff for your divorce lawyer to dig into. Do what
said if you want to start hiding money. Honesty is usually the best policy, but protecting yourself is always going to be top priority.
If you don't have a good exercise and/or meditation regimen, now is a great time to start. The discipline and distraction will help keep you from drowning in the minutiae and misery of the process, and the primary benefits are always worth the effort, at all ages.