Marriage and the Power of Divorce


Trakanon Raider
Onoes_sl said:
and fee's for doing races and obstacle courses
Wait, what? Did you marry a lab rat?

Noodleface_sl said:
Let's echo that, we are all fucked.
Fuck that. Ironically enough, this thread continues to reinforce how fucking awesome my special lady friend is. All this shit you guys talk about with your past/current girlfriends/wives? Basically none of it applies to mine.

Money? When we first started dating, she offered to pay for things fairly often, but a lot of our dating was going out to dinner, and that shit adds up for someone who was working several part time jobs for not much better than minimum wage, while trying to pay down student loans, and getting relevant work experience to go back to school for a master's degree. Once we were a few months in and I could tell we were going somewhere (I knew she wasn't a gold digger from the start, one of the things that the friend who hooked us up told me was to NOT even mention material wealth, let alone brag about it, because that shit was a turn off for her), I was like "listen, you're not paying for dinner any more, you can't afford it and I can." She argued about it a bit, but accepted that. She'll still pay when she's picking up some take-out to bring home or whatever, but 95% of our dining costs I pay for. And I'm fine with that, because generally it's me wanting to go out.

When she moved in, or I guess when we were discussing that, she wanted to know what to pay for rent. Again I was like "listen, my cost of living isn't changing with you moving in. My condo fees are as much as your entire rent was at your previous place. If you want to pay for something, then how about you take care of groceries?" She again argued it a bit, saying that she felt bad not contributing, but I gently explained to her that even if it wasn't "fair", I was fine with that arrangement and didn't want her trying to work 60 hours a week waitressing or whatever just to cover her half of our expenses while she was trying to apply for grad school. In return, she's taken over 98% of the household chores, which being in a condo amounts to cooking, cleaning and laundry. Shit's great! I put in a token effort to empty the dishwasher and help clean up after dinner, but if I just finish my dinner and fuck off to the TV or PC and leaver her with it, she doesn't bat an eye whatsoever. When I do something like empty the dishwasher first thing in the morning before she gets up, that evening she'll specifically say thanks for it. I haven't set foot in a grocery store in 8 months, yet my fridge is magically stocked at all times with my staples. She'll even pick up beer without being asked when I get low.

I dunno if it's because she's from a very small, isolated town and grew up with parents who somewhat struggled to get by, and then moved to a slightly larger, less isolated town on her own at 17 to go to college and more or less supported herself, but she's pretty fiercely independent when it comes to money and not particularly willing to accept my help unless she's backed up against a wall.

As far as getting me to "help" with shit, I can barely even think of anything other than opening the occasional jar or shit like that. When I come home from work, she makes me dinner, I eat it, then I go watch some TV/hockey, play video games, or read for a few hours. For the most part, I just do my own thing while she either does some cleaning around the house, or goes and does some studying, or watches some Grey's Anatomy (I think she's watched every episode 12 times) on her iPad. I mean yeah there's the occasional time when there's something she's upset or nervous or worried about with school or other personal stuff that she wants to talk about, but generally that involves me sitting there going "uh-huh" and "I can see why you'd be upset/nervous/worried" for 15 minutes or so, then I go back to my thing. Then around 9 she will either request that we watch an episode of whatever TV series we happen to be watching at the time "when you're ready", or if I'd like a massage (which means she'd like to have sex now, please).

It's domestic bliss, I tell you!


Musty Nester
I don't even want to talk to good friends for more than an hour at a sitting unless there's some activity involved. Some of you guys sure seem to talk a lot.


Trump's Staff
I think that after watching her parents fight for over a decade that my wife is just happy to have a husband that respects her and doesn't yell about shit. My day-to-day sounds similar to Eomer, she generally takes care of everything without saying a word. Sometimes if she works nights for an entire week she'll apologize to me for not having laundry done, but I wear shorts and sandals to work half the time, wtf do I care. As long as I let her take a nap after work (game time, lulz) everything is good. I generally will just clean up the kitchen or something similar to Eomer running the dishwasher. Right now she only makes about half of what I'm making (so I generally pay all of our real bills), but she hates that fact and has been busting ass at work to change it.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
All of the advice here I just boil down to one common theme... just buy the damn fucking yogurt. lol


Trakanon Raider
Oh shit, I forgot, when I went to make my standard breakfast this morning (three egg omelette), there was only two eggs. Naturally I choked a bitch.


Bronze Squire
No point in getting married then, is there? I mean that in the awesome way.

When my wife and I got serious, I said, 'I'm totally cool with the arrangement as is, let's just hang out for awhile and see where it takes us.'

For us, it did involve marriage (not because she asked for it), but it doesn'thaveto. We are still just hanging out, and I like to reminder of that during the good times. (Rookie mistake is saying something like that during a fight.)


Trakanon Raider
All of the advice here I just boil down to one common theme... just buy the damn fucking yogurt. lol
Seems to me like the only guys with no complaints are the ones that have a bang maid.

My duties include-
Pay X dollars a month to support my/her needs

Her duties-
Leave me alone generally
Offer sex when wanted

Thats what I seem to get out of the guys who have is "so good"s description as well. And I'm not faulting you guys, that is probably awesome. I'm sitting here telling myself thats not what I'm looking for, but at the same time wondering if thats exactly what I'm looking for, and I'm just jealous?

I'd like to think that I'm looking for something in between that and "insane person", but maybe thats just the white knight in me trying to get out.


Vyemm Raider
You need to set the tone for your expectations then stick to your guns (if the issue is important to you)

For example when my wife and I started dating I was raiding in WOW, she new she was not going to see me till after 11pm 3 days a week.

You also need to let her know that games (and other things I guess) are important to you and YOUR enjoyment needs to be respected. Its not like you are going out to the bar or doing things that lead to trouble, your at home doing nerd things on your nerd time.

I unexpectedly set up that fact that in certain games at certain times require me to not be bugged with useless shit, can I proof read her letter now? NOPE BUSY. Can I quiz her on an upcoming test, NOPE BUSY. House is on fire? OK OK here I come to save the day with the fire extinguisher. This all get set up with a really bad day in EQ (p99 eqmac I forget) where I was doing something neat and important and hard, I assume it was EQMac because I was probably 6boxing some dragons or some shit. She came downstairs to ask me something stupid and I Yelled (ya I was a jerk, but it happens) WHOLLY FUCK I AM BUSY. I ended up wipeing and just lost it (not at her mind you, at the situation) Slammed my fist into my keyboard (bye bye beloved Microsoft natural keyboard) and yelled some obscenities very loudly for 30 seconds. I CR?d for a bit then came up stairs to apologize for blowing my stack, I noticed the door was closed to the basement which is never the case. I found her and apologized for yelling at her the first time. And explained that Its hard to fight with 6 chars at once (with no 3rd parties) and because I died some other chump would take my target and I had a good 30-45 min of CR and setting up my box team. I told her I was wrong and was sorry but sometimes a nerd is gonna nerd and after all, she picked him. We hugged and I went to finish the CR.

The beauty of me behaving badly in this scenario is now when my wife walks down stairs to talk to me and I am In the thick of the shit (which is not too often anymore) I just say ?BUSY? and she with out hesitation turns around and pops back upstairs with out saying a word. Often she will ask ?are you busy? and now respects the Yes or the Kinda.

In retrospect, it was a brilliant move that has now set the understanding that sometimes I have serious business to attend to in my nerd fort.


Vyemm Raider
Seems to me like the only guys with no complaints are the ones that have a bang maid.

My duties include-
Pay X dollars a month to support my/her needs

Her duties-
Leave me alone generally
Offer sex when wanted

Thats what I seem to get out of the guys who have is "so good"s description as well. And I'm not faulting you guys, that is probably awesome. I'm sitting here telling myself thats not what I'm looking for, but at the same time wondering if thats exactly what I'm looking for, and I'm just jealous?

I'd like to think that I'm looking for something in between that and "insane person", but maybe thats just the white knight in me trying to get out.
I am not sure if that is a fair comment, mostly because of the type of comments you get on this board and the propensity of the commenters such as my self to only post parts relevant to the conversation at hand. Do you guys really want me to type about the times I gush over my wife and hand her my balls on a platter? I love her with all my heart and give it my all to make her happy. I don't post about times we go do stupid women shit (uhg the mall) and hold hands, go to horse shows that I could care less about etc..

I quasi resent the bang maid comment as it implies the lack of emotional bond that is simply not the truth, she is my best friend and in enjoy being with her, in fact she is the one person in the world I don't get sick of. I have suggested more than once we get a housekeeper to help out and her response was "you are not bringing another bitch into my house to do what I should be doing" I was really put back by this comment and got the same response when I brought it up a few times since (not when the house was dirty mind you and it was a ploy to get her to jump to action) she is very opinionated on many things, but the funny thing is we are 99% on the same side of the opinion so it works for us.


Trump's Staff
Seems to me like the only guys with no complaints are the ones that have a bang maid.

My duties include-
Pay X dollars a month to support my/her needs

Her duties-
Cook, Clean, Leave me alone generally, Offer sex when wanted
It's not really like that. We're both just very similar people while having completely different hobbies. My wife likes to read, I like to play video games. We both like our alone time to do those things, but we still spend at least a couple of hours lounging around with each other each day. If she gets off late, I'll stay up a bit to talk to her, but she never calls me just to chat unless she is asking if I want her to pick up anything on the way home. We both just understand and are happy with the fact that someone is going to be there when we get home, don't need to be joined at the hip all the damn time. We're in it for the long haul. I think that Nester is right and that you just need to set, agree and be happy with your expectations. Neither of us pretends to be what we're not. Nothing is perfect, she isn't as financially responsible as I am for example, but comparatively she makes peanuts and I expect that'll change when she has more money available to plan ahead with.

I quasi resent the bang maid comment as it implies the lack of emotional bond that is simply not the truth, she is my best friend and in enjoy being with her, in fact she is the one person in the world I don't get sick of.
Agree, well put. I get tired of everyone, best friends included, but if I don't see my wife for a day I can get kinda bummed out.


Trakanon Raider
Seems to me like the only guys with no complaints are the ones that have a bang maid.
Nah, there's a lot more to our relationship than what I posted there. I was just addressing what a lot of guys here have been bitching about with their relationships.

Gravy_sl said:
No point in getting married then, is there? I mean that in the awesome way.

When my wife and I got serious, I said, 'I'm totally cool with the arrangement as is, let's just hang out for awhile and see where it takes us.'

For us, it did involve marriage (not because she asked for it), but it doesn't have to. We are still just hanging out, and I like to reminder of that during the good times. (Rookie mistake is saying something like that during a fight.)
Not from my perspective is there any point in it. And she's never really brought it up at all either. Really the only people bringing it up are my friends, both male and female, who are all like "she's awesome, you better lock her up". We'll have that conversation at some point, but I see no reason to rush it.


Vyemm Raider
Not from my perspective is there any point in it. And she's never really brought it up at all either. Really the only people bringing it up are my friends, both male and female, who are all like "she's awesome, you better lock her up". We'll have that conversation at some point, but I see no reason to rush it.
My Wife and I dated for 4 years and lived together for 3, she purposely did not bring up marriage until I proposed. Later in reflection I asked her why she had never pushed for it, she smiled and said, "it was part of the strategy" I lol'd

I am so glad that I never once felt pressure from her to pop the question and did so because I new it was the right choice for me (us)


Trakanon Raider
My apologies for implying your wives were bang maids :p

I was mainly going off of Eomer's earlier post, where it seemed to me her purpose was to serve him, and then wait patiently for him to be ready for his massage and sex, while he did nothing but pay for things and then whatever HE wanted at all times. He has since posted that there is a lot more to their relationship, he just didn't post it. The information I had available at the time was "Here is the way it is", now I know there is more to it than that. I assume he spends his weekends popping zits on her back, and taking her 14 prizewinning little dogs on walks and to the groomer, he just doesn't complain about it.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Eomer has a odd history when it comes to relating to women, and he would be the first to admit as much.

Don't get me wrong. I love my wife and we have an awesome marriage. Most of my bitching here is over minor shit that matters very little in the scheme of things. Chaffing at the reigns, if you will. But I have been in or seen many destructive relationships and know the way those things play out. Very few men can consider their wives their best friends. I am one of those lucky few. But all women are crazy and live to push men's buttons, no matter how similarly aligned they are. I am sure even Lindz's hubby would have a ton of bitching if you cornered him and fed him a few beers. It all comes down to finding a livable level of crazy to ride off into the sunset with.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
Regarding the guys happy with their "bangmaid". I'm not married, but been dating this girl for a while now, things are peachy and she fits that category. With that said, bangmaid doesn't quite properly describe it as already explained by others.

An new angle I want to bring tho, is that what I see it's we're in relationships with more traditional gender roles. Someone outside taking a gander at the ongoing dynamic could easily conclude that either one of us is taking advantage of the other. The way it actually works out is that we're largely looking for the well being of the other before ourselves in most instances. She expects me to handle the brunt of the finances, be rock solid whenever a problem arise, entertain her, fix things, take most decisions and be a general source of status or whatever the fuck women brag about. If I so much as ask her what she'd like to do during a given evening she pretty much look at me like I like lost my mind and bounce the question back at me. If there's something in particular she'd really like to do, she's going to give me a clear hint, but otherwise she's just hitching her wagon for the ride.

After dating "strong" women who want to pretend to be like men yet are princesses, it's a pretty weird feeling but there's something oddly natural and satisfying in that kind of relationship.


what Suineg set it to
But why get married? You can literally do everything you do while married as two single people living together. I guess I just don't understand the drive to sign a contract that really has no benefits but can really fuck you over down the road.


Bronze Squire
But why get married? You can literally do everything you do while married as two single people living together. I guess I just don't understand the drive to sign a contract that really has no benefits but can really fuck you over down the road.
Can't speak for everyone, but the time came where I just knew that marriage was the right thing for me and this particular woman. And once the feeling came, I never questioned it, never worried about the grass is greener when you are getting more ass, or worried about how it would play out in 5 - 10 - 15 years.

We were quick friends and that just grew into something bigger, and for me, better.


what Suineg set it to
Can't speak for everyone, but the time came where I just knew that marriage was the right thing for me and this particular woman. And once the feeling came, I never questioned it, never worried about the grass is greener when you are getting more ass, or worried about how it would play out in 5 - 10 - 15 years.

We were quick friends and that just grew into something bigger, and for me, better.
OK, but again, what functionally changed? Would either of you have left each other if marriage wasn't something either wanted? What if you just had a $20K party that you invited friends to and dressed up? I mean, if you are raising kids with a partner and they die, are there less options for custody as a parent that isn't married?

I'm just trying to figure it out beyond 'cultural destiny' thing. Which is an argument, sure, but I would say that in modern times marriage is anything but permanent.