Marriage and the Power of Divorce


A Mod Real Quick
Not to get into your personal bullshit, but between this and the other stuff you have been relating lately, I think you might really have a serious problem on your hands. Are any of her sisters or mother like this?
It ain't just her man, I ain't alone. Her mom is like this too, but her father don't give a fuck and just sleeps through it.

The money thing is bullshit, but she's generally really good with it. She just didn't comprehend how mch our bills would go up after moving into a house.


A Mod Real Quick
My wife pulls the "come talk to me while I <do some random household activity>". Then I walk in there and sit down and stare at her. She'll be working along and not saying anything, and I go "so what do you want to talk about?" And she'll be like "I don't know, just talk to me." So I go "so in actuality, you just wanted me in here to entertain you?"

Next time I'm going to do some work around the house or run an errand, I'm going to ask her to go with me to keep me company. Wonder how that will go?
"Hey babe, come talk to me while I raid for 7 hours"


2 Minutes Hate
Yeah. I get that shit too. The only problem is that men can't do that back to women because we feel stupid for doing dumbshit. Also, the time we aren't doing that is time we finally have to ourselves where they aren't bothering us.

I have an hour commute home. My favorite part is when my wife calls me at 3pm to "chat". She's getting out of work and I'm at the office. I end the convo quick. Then she calls me 10 minutes after I leave the office on the way home and she calls me and asks "what I am doing". Then when I get home for dinner she asks why we don't have anything to talk about. It's because we fucking had two conversations already that day and nothing new has happened to me between 5:10pm and 6:30pm. Then when she goes to bed later around 10pm (she wakes up 3-4 hours earlier than me), she wants to have a 30 min convo as she tries to fall asleep even though we just spent the last 3 hours sitting on the couch chilling together.

Women talk too much.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
The entitled princess thing is most assuredly a part of it. A lot of women just feel like they are entitled to all the money for their personal horse shit because daddy covered their dumb asses all through college and they are not used to covering their bills. They do not realize it, but the idea in their heads of marriage just amounts to high maintenance prostitution. I will occasionally let you fuck me and you have to pay for all my stupid shopping and dine out expenses. Not all women are like that (thankfully), but in my personal experience most of them are on some level. And if you ever point it out to them, you get your dick chopped off in your sleep. You can usually identify these kinds of women at the college age, but its harder to pick out after that time period because the signs are not as obvious. We used to all them "Going for an MRS degree" back in the day, basically dumb cunts that their families are bankrolling through college in the hopes that some stupid bastard will get hitched to them and take them off their hands, at least financial burden wise.

If a woman visits her parents a lot to do shit like laundry or get daddy to fix her car, or similar shit, that is a major red flag indicating this sort of situation, at least in my experience. These woman are not looking for a partner. They are looking to trade occasional access to their vagina (and maybe a kid or two) for the ability to use you as a revolving ATM card. And in some fucked up way, if you even spend a buck on a soda outside of the budget they dictated to you, you are (in their fucked up perception) stealing money that they earned by blowing you. And again, even though this is obviously the case, if you ever explain it in even remotely those terms you are setting off a nuclear bomb. Its shit like this that scares guys like Wombat into being unmarried their whole lives.

Onoes, out of curiosity, did the ex wife start cutting off access to the pussy around the same time you started cutting back her access to money?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Find a girl from a foreign country who didn't grow up an entitled princess. I don't even take out the trash anymore - I just pay for everything and she cooks, cleans, and keeps her body in check. The problem with marriage is the settling down with one person forever. One. It's a strange thing to only fuck one person forever.
So instead you're an entitled princess

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Find a girl from a foreign country who didn't grow up an entitled princess. I don't even take out the trash anymore - I just pay for everything and she cooks, cleans, and keeps her body in check. The problem with marriage is the settling down with one person forever. One. It's a strange thing to only fuck one person forever.
Well, after my dad got taken to the cleaners for a 2nd time after his second divorce, he ended up settling down with a Philipino chick and has never looked back. He pretty much has the arrangement you have. I personally like a little more "testyness" in my woman, but it's nice to see someone being truly appreciative of the fact that he puts food on the table. His wives (including my mom at the time) would always bitch about how he needed to somehow work less to spend more time with the family, yet make more money so we could go on a fancy vacation "like her friends do". Even as a 15 year old boy, that reasoning would boggle my mind. He takes care of the bills and repairs around the house, she takes care of cooking/cleaning and lets him do his own thing instead of forcing him to sit next to her on the couch. Has worked well for 15 years so far.

The Ancient_sl

Find a girl from a foreign country who didn't grow up an entitled princess. I don't even take out the trash anymore - I just pay for everything and she cooks, cleans, and keeps her body in check. The problem with marriage is the settling down with one person forever. One. It's a strange thing to only fuck one person forever.
So how hard was it to get a mail-order-bride?

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
And again, even though this is obviously the case, if you ever explain it in even remotely those terms you are setting off a nuclear bomb. Its shit like this that scares guys like Wombat into being unmarried their whole lives.

Onoes, out of curiosity, did the ex wife start cutting off access to the pussy around the same time you started cutting back her access to money?
Yup. +1. My current GF can't manage to do a lot of things because she just asked daddy and her ex-boyfriends for "help". The more attractive they are, generally the more likely they are to have these characteristics because men are even more inclined to help because of their looks. I had to explain to my current GF how to renew registration on her car, because her previous boyfriends had always handled it for her. This is REALLY bad in Texas (or at least Dallas) for some reason.


A Mod Real Quick
If a woman visits her parents a lot to do shit like laundry or get daddy to fix her car, or similar shit, that is a major red flag indicating this sort of situation, at least in my experience. These woman are not looking for a partner. They are looking to trade occasional access to their vagina (and maybe a kid or two) for the ability to use you as a revolving ATM card. And in some fucked up way, if you even spend a buck on a soda outside of the budget they dictated to you, you are (in their fucked up perception) stealing money that they earned by blowing you. And again, even though this is obviously the case, if you ever explain it in even remotely those terms you are setting off a nuclear bomb. Its shit like this that scares guys like Wombat into being unmarried their whole lives.

The soda thing hits too close to home.

"Did you ask me if you could buy a soda?"

That shit really irks me. I don't eat a lot of junk food. I'll usually grab a diet soda at work around 3.. it helps me wake up a little. On the weekends I might hit a burger place. She gets so pissed (but it's ok if she spends money freely). The solution here was taking $20-40 out of the ATM per week and keeping it as my spending money. This way she can't look at the online banking and see what I'm spending money on. She don't cut off the pussy though.. not yet.

Let's keep in mind that I make 2.5x as much money as she does...


<Gold Donor>
So instead you're an entitled princess
Who pays for everything, sure.

Ya Frenzied, its definitely a choice you make. A woman like your old mans current wife, and my South African gal are certainly going to be more passive in ways (for better and for worse) - but they are more appreciative in general. At the end of the day you have to ask yourself what you want really. I've gotten relatively serious with both types, but prefer what I have now. In fact, I'm so appreciative of the gal I bought her a new BMW last year and take her on expensive trips 2-3 times a year. It's still give and take, but I'd rather give money than time/stress. Works well so far.

Ancient - as simple as looking through an old Spiegel cataloge. Finding one that speaks Engrish was tough though....


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
I hope it works out for you Noodle, but my gut feeling hearing this shit is that you are pretty much fucked, sorry to say.

She is seriously looking at your online back account for activity to complain about a soda purchase? Even with all the money she had you blow through? If you have to embezzle your own fucking money just to have a few bucks for snacks and shit, holy fuck are you in for it later on. You know why her dad just sleeps through it when her mom does it right? Its because he is surrendered and just does not give a fuck and is waiting to die at this point. What exactly does she intend to sacrifice, monetarily, when you finally do manage to knock her up? I really hope you have that discussion ironed out. Between this shit and the whole her ordering you around like a manservant to get Ikea furniture built thing, I don't see how adding a kid into the mix is going to improve things. Her behavior, with the nest fluffing and the mission to squirt out a kid while treating you like her personal minion, suggests to me that she is more or less following this bullshit storybook plan in her head for how she wants her life to unfold, as opposed to taking a more realistic approach to things. The fact that she appears to be emulating her mother is a major fucking red flag down the road.

If I were in your shoes, I would get this shit straightened out with her before you manage to get her pregnant, because it won't be possible to talk to her rationally at all while she is preggers and once the fuck trophy is out of the chute, you are more or less stuck with the situation as it stands. I know this sounds crazy, but you might want to tap her father for advice on how he deals with it with her mother, because if they have been together this long without a murder happening then some sort of solution must have been reached. Either way, you NEED to sort this out before having a kid, because if she pushes you to the edge just over a new home try and picture what she will be like hopped on hormones and you stressed out over having a child. Sort this out now or hell awaits you down the road.


<Gold Donor>
My wife is pretty cheap as well. Thank god for that. I see my buddies putting up with high maintenance bitches and it is painful. One of my close buddies is about $70K in debt because of his wife which has a shopping problem.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
I'm still trying to talk my wife into getting texting for our phones. And maybe some data?
You realize you are giving your wife the means to demand communication 24/7, right?

I love my wife and we have an awesome marriage, but fuck is it annoying when we communicate by cell phone. I could have a critical time sensitive question for her and she won't even respond to a fucking text marked urgent. And I know she has to be getting them because I have seen her drop everything she was doing just to reply to some stupid text from her sister. But if she calls me and I don't pick up, suddenly I am some asshole who does not care about her in a standard stock female emotional over reaction.

I guess, I will take that minor crazy over the shit I see in this thread day in and day out, though....


Lord Nagafen Raider
My wife has minor OCD I'm sure, but she gets major frazzled when things are dirty or a mess.
Count your blessings. My wife has turned into a wildebeast and won't get her fat ass out of the recliner to help clean shit. I guess that's why I'm in this thread and leaving my wife next month.


2 Minutes Hate
When my wife and I were engage and dating, she used to call me/text me/gchat me all day during work. I had to lay down the law with that one. I told her she was not allowed to call me ever before I get home from work unless it's an emergency or she needed to ask me to pick something up on the way home.

Got that shit cleaned up real quick!