I'll throw in what could be perceived as a weird fact about me, but oh well. I was homeschooled through High School, though I believe it wasn't your typical homeschool experience.
My parents didn't homeschool me for them to be the ones to teach me, to shelter me from the evils of high school, or any of that, we really just saw it as an opportunity to take things at my own pace, and it would also give me the opportunity to not be constrained by a calendar. They always gave me the choice to go to a normal high school if I wanted to, but I started noticing some of the benefits of being homeschooled so I never did.
First of all, my parents hired tutors/teachers to teach me the tough stuff, the rest I studied on my own. If I found it too difficult, I'd get a tutor, if I could understand it enough on my own, then I studied it on my own. It gave me a lot of independence and discipline since the first year I slacked of a lot, after all it was the year that EQ came out. The great thing was that since I wan's chained to a calendar, I could travel, or do certain activities and at one point have a part time job that with a regular High school schedule I wouldn't have been able to do. That's how I learned English, I travelled to the US for a couple of months to really learn it.
I'm also someone that doesn't have a hard time meeting people. One of the possible downsides of being homeschooled is how socially inept or sheltered you can become. That was a non issue with me.
When I went to college I thought it was gonna be tough to go to be in a school environment, but it was actually much easier than I expected at the time.
Anyways, sometimes I look back and sure, I think that I would have liked to live through the typical high school experience, but I LOVED the way I did it and will likely give my kids the same choice.